Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Will be somewhat fascinating to see how the Ukrainian population moves on from this war once it's over (and won). Will it strengthen their feeling of nationhood? Will it leave them traumatized? How do those who mainly speak Russian (Kharkiv region I think) reflect on this?

Where I come from, war stories tend to be passed down from elders to youngsters and it's a popular subject at dinner tables, especially when alcohol makes the men emotional. For Ukrainians, their heroic defence will surely be mythologized in their own folklore.
You can already see how it strengthened their national identity — I'm reading/listening to a lot of both personal and professional accounts on the matter and people of the Russian-speaking regions specifically (most notably Kharkiv and Odessa) talk about how the war gave them a previously almost non-existent feeling of unity with people from the Western regions like Lviv and Zakarpattia. Russian language also seems to be getting gradually displaced even in cities like Odessa where talking in Ukrainian pre-2014 was seen as a huge oddity (if not to signify a certain nationalistic intent — not my words). Now everyone who can (and most Russian-speaking Ukrainians can) speak Ukrainian, prefers to use it instead of Russian for obvious reasons.

Even going by some instagram accounts that I follow, it had been an interesting change — I think only 2 Ukrainian accounts out of all that I follow that posted in Russian before the war continue to post in Russian up until this day and one of those (Alexander Rodnyansky Sr.) does it because he specifically targets Russian audience, trying to give them an alternative version of events. The rest had switched to Ukrainian.

The tragic thing is that I don't see how Russian-Ukrainian relations can realistically improve/get back to normal (even if it's a relative normality) in decades to come. The entire mythos of modern Ukraine will be based on a (hopefully) victory over Russia in their war for independence — and rightly so.
The tragic thing is that I don't see how Russian-Ukrainian relations can realistically improve/get back to normal (even if it's a relative normality) in decades to come. The entire mythos of modern Ukraine will be based on a (hopefully) victory over Russia in their war for independence — and rightly so.

Yep. The Russian-Ukrainian relations will look like Irish-British relations between 1922 and 1985, at least until Russia undergoes a massive wave of democratic reforms to reject and condemn all remnants of Putin's reign.
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Yes, and potentially places like Lviv, hundreds of miles from Kiev and very close to borders with the EU could have held out far longer purely due to the geography. I'd dearly love to know what Russian the generals tasked with planning this campaign privately thought. I don't think we'll know until Putin is removed or dead.
I don't think that even in their insane plans they thought that they'd capture Lviv. Going by what information we have they had hoped to quickly topple Zelensky and his government in Kyiv after securing the city & to install their own pro-Russian ruler in an almost internal coup.

FT did a great piece on it and it's probably the closest to truth we'd get until Russian FSB & army archives are going to be available for researchers.
I don't think that even in their insane plans they thought that they'd capture Lviv. Going by what information we have they had hoped to quickly topple Zelensky and his government in Kyiv after securing the city & to install their own pro-Russian ruler in an almost internal coup.

FT did a great piece on it and it's probably the closest to truth we'd get until Russian FSB & army archives are going to be available for researchers.

Great info here, and very persuasive. Thanks!
From my understanding they have not actually captured the city yet but they have encircled it with Russian Rosgvardia troops trapped inside.
It seems like Balakliya is not the main goal of the operation and Ukrainian armor have already pushed further forward towards Shevschenkove.

My guess is that they have found a weak spot in the Russian defences and are now making a push for Kupiansk which would cut off all the major supply routs to Izyum.

Rumors now that Shevchenkovoe direction is falling apart for Russians, if confirmed that would be huge from strategic point of view as the main supply route to Izium would now be under the artillery range.
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Genuinely incredible to hear something like like. I guess it has been released to back up some of the images and actions of Macron since this started. Fair play, he has literally been calling Putin at Zelensky's request to attempt diplomacy.

Genuinely incredible to hear something like like. I guess it has been released to back up some of the images and actions of Macron since this started. Fair play, he has literally been calling Putin at Zelensky's request to attempt diplomacy.

Wow, I'm surprised that footage got released. Interesting to hear them talk to each other directly in English.
Some intense fighting caught up close here; imagine being in the middle of this (no gore unless I missed something):

Wow, I'm surprised that footage got released. Interesting to hear them talk to each other directly in English.
Found that interesting too. I'm guessing a desire to communicate directly, without any changes in tone that can be caused by translation if they were to speak in their native languages.
Wow, I wasn't quite aware that the Russians had infiltrated the Hostomel airport with this many vehicles? I thought they had paratroopers there only?

Yeh, twitter kicking off today with positive news all round from all the usual sources. Mainly in Kharkiv Oblast, but Kherson and other areas also.

Illia, for one, is sounding pretty upbeat.
Wow, I wasn't quite aware that the Russians had infiltrated the Hostomel airport with this many vehicles? I thought they had paratroopers there only?

Two phases. You are thinking of the initial attack, but later Russia reached the airport with their ground troops (but weren't able to advance much further to Kiyv). I believe we are seeing the second phase here.
Yeh, twitter kicking off today with positive news all round from all the usual sources. Mainly in Kharkiv Oblast, but Kherson and other areas also.

Illia, for one, is sounding pretty upbeat.

He almost makes it sound like they've routed them.
I wonder how much info the US is getting about Russian military capabilities during this war, either through captured equipment, eaves dropping etc, or through demonstrations of tactics.
I wonder how much info the US is getting about Russian military capabilities during this war, either through captured equipment, eaves dropping etc, or through demonstrations of tactics.
We’re probably rewriting a bunch of white papers & battle plans.
Yeh, twitter kicking off today with positive news all round from all the usual sources. Mainly in Kharkiv Oblast, but Kherson and other areas also.

Illia, for one, is sounding pretty upbeat.

Yea, looks like Ukraine managed to get control over quite a few villages in Kharkiv Oblast and there are a lot of videos with Russian PoWs circulating around today, most I have seen to date. And then we have this tweet which basically confirms the advances of Ukrainian forces. Fight for Izium should be coming soon.

I wonder how much info the US is getting about Russian military capabilities during this war, either through captured equipment, eaves dropping etc, or through demonstrations of tactics.
I know we hotshotted an electronic warfare truck stateside though Poland as soon as it was captured early in the war. Russia’s military has been the subject of mockery, but they still do have some good pieces of kit (I believe?) and that was one of the Crown Jewels we’ve grabbed.

Also the US, China, and everyone else is watching and learning from this ‘modern’ war with a laser focus I’m sure.
Two phases. You are thinking of the initial attack, but later Russia reached the airport with their ground troops (but weren't able to advance much further to Kiyv). I believe we are seeing the second phase here.
I think that is correct. The initial attempt to land armour failed miserably because all transports were shot down.

Appears to be this, where a Russian was filming. Warning: Injured/traumatised Russian troops.
Reports now that Ukraine have surrounded Shevchenkove and significant numbers of armor are bypassing the city and pushing forward towards Kupiansk. This is a major breakthrough with the Ukrainian troops advancing 40km in a couple of days.

If they are able to cut off the supply lines going through Kupiansk all of the Russian troops further south in the Izyum area might be completly cut off from any resuplies.
Genuinely incredible to hear something like like. I guess it has been released to back up some of the images and actions of Macron since this started. Fair play, he has literally been calling Putin at Zelensky's request to attempt diplomacy.

Zelensky confirmed Russian shill?
Hes not wrong unfortunately

Ehhh, kinda. But it's a bit like saying the sky is full of demons because the sun sets at night, it's a mental statement you confirm with a unrelated fact.

It's the way all party leaders get elected, and was voted on by members then MPs (of the party that won the general election) by nature a democratic process, also there's an extreme likelihood there will be an early election to confirm the will of the people before 2025, if the public don't like her it'll be pretty clear and will make a difference. You don't take democracy advice or critique from a guy that runs unopposed or jails his opponents.
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That's not the point.
That's the whole point as this is how Russian propaganda in the West works. Take a little true point, blow it out of proportion and use that to justify whatever Russia is doing. They don't try to say that they are the good guys, they just focus on saying "you are as bad as we are, but on top you are hypocrites".
The point is to debunk the propaganda, obviously. So him saying that is as hypocritical as it gets. That's the point.

Edit - I'm talking about my point, not his.
Belarus are lining up on Ukraine border. Looks to me a pathetic way to stop Ukrainian offense, and a thing that could set Belarus back 500 years. I'm sure that would piss off neighbouring countries like Poland even more.
That detail may have escaped me, but I thought the Gulf War was a massive blitz that started from Saudi Arabia.

The only amphibious operation in that war was a capture of offshore oil rigs by the SEALs.

The amphibious assault was a deception and part of dessert storm. I just wondered if the Ukrainians were using the attack on Kherson at least in part as a deception to tie Russian forces there.
The amphibious assault was a deception and part of dessert storm. I just wondered if the Ukrainians were using the attack on Kherson at least in part as a deception to tie Russian forces there.
It looks a bit that way. They know it's quicker for them to move around on their side of the frontline than for the Russians to move around their side.