Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Ok. You seem very confident he will not test his might past the NATO wall.

I am not that confident. I think, if unchecked, he will try it one day and the West will be forced to push back with military might. That is essentially WW3.
The calculus when nuclear armed states are involved is different. I don't believe he would, but we absolutely should make sure that he would not, by rearming and redeploying. That NATO border needs to become a fortress. Nothing like an expensive high tech arms race to force Russia to see sense.
First signs of people not being satisfied with the sanctions.

It's silly though. If you sentence someone for a crime before they commit it, there is no longer anything to stop them from committing it anyway.
We’ll unless he wants a total fecking mutual annihilation only after getting his ass handed in a conventional warfare.

Winning the last few wars will give him misplaced confidence.

Also, let's face it, he's clearly not one for rational thought.
CNN caring about the important stuff and airing the 26th doctor interview about the Queen covid , who repeat exactly the same thing as 25th interview.
Winning the last few wars will give him misplaced confidence.

Also, let's face it, he's clearly not one for rational thought.
I don’t think he’s like that though. As much as I dislike him, (wasn’t always like that) I don’t see him doing rash shit. He’s very calculated.
I hope Russia get hit with a semiconductor sanction. Graphics cards for all the nerds in the West!
I don’t think he’s like that though. As much as I dislike him, (wasn’t always like that) I don’t see him doing rash shit. He’s very calculated.

Invading Ukraine and stealing Crimea turned NATO support in Ukraine from a small minority (15-20%) to part of their constitution with 60% support. Not exactly calculating from someone trying to maintain control over Ukraine.
Those wars were not at all that easy and without casualties one would think btw.

Putin's wars have gone quite well though. Objectives achieved in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine and Syria up to now, seemingly with minimal fuss or opposition at home.
I don’t think he’s like that though. As much as I dislike him, (wasn’t always like that) I don’t see him doing rash shit. He’s very calculated.
That speech was batshit , rash doesn't even begin to describe it. It's hard to walk back from this.
I don’t think he’s like that though. As much as I dislike him, (wasn’t always like that) I don’t see him doing rash shit. He’s very calculated.

You have a lot of faith for a man standing on the edge of madness...

I only hope you are right.
That speech was batshit , rash doesn't even begin to describe it. It's hard to walk back from this.
I don’t think he’s rash. The build up to this was years in the making. Russian troops were amassing near Ukrainian borders for the past year. Furthermore, I think he had envisioned different eventualities from this crisis which leads me to believe that he’s in fact a very calculated individual. Total psychopath but a calculated one.

This rambling that he did, that would have struck with a lot of people in Ukraine and Russia. That wasn’t a message to the west imo.
If he mentioned Lenin I must have missed it. He only refers to Lenin in passing in the article I posted earlier.

Thanks. After my post I saw this on twitter. Seems in line with the article (and my glib paraphrase)

Again no quotes or named sources. Even if what is claimed did happen due to the mixup with the other law coverages, who the feck cares when this ban is in effect today?

30 minutes ago you were aghast at the notion that the west knowingly armed neo-Nazis for years. Now you are dismissing very mainstream sources and asking who cares.
Patriotism is brain rot.
I’m open to correction. Is there some undercurrent of discontent in Russia with how those wars have gone?
A lot of conscripts were killed in the earlier adventures , that wasn't taken well let's say. But I am not over there, it's what I heard.
I don’t think he’s like that though. As much as I dislike him, (wasn’t always like that) I don’t see him doing rash shit. He’s very calculated.

Being calculated in the past doesn't mean he isn't capable of misinterpretation or overstepping in the future. He is clearly past the point of no return with this latest land grab and will never be accepted back as a statesman who can be negotiated with.
Invading Ukraine and stealing Crimea turned NATO support in Ukraine from a small minority (15-20%) to part of their constitution with 60% support. Not exactly calculating from someone trying to maintain control over Ukraine.
I guess that could be viewed from his perspective as a forgone conclusion, in terms of NATO agenda, in the long term. So he decided action now is better than inaction later. Anyway, I don’t see him as a Trump type, mad man whom wants to blow shit.
Thanks. After my post I saw this on twitter. Seems in line with the article (and my glib paraphrase)

30 minutes ago you were aghast at the notion that the west knowingly armed neo-Nazis for years. Now you are dismissing very mainstream sources and asking who cares.
Patriotism is brain rot.
They are not mainstream sources, and I am not dismissing them. I said even if this was removed , it was later reinstated. And I am not American ffs.
You're looking at it the wrong way. China supports Russia reclaiming land that "always" belonged to Russia. It doesn't matter how specious the claims are.

And protect monuments. Why is Unesco not involved?
It always has. Reestablish a new version of the Soviet empire then press against eastern Europe and beyond. Unless of course he's stopped here, which would be a massive blow to his ambitions.

I don’t see it as a restoration of a Soviet empire - he explicitly rejected the Soviet legacy tonight. It’s pre-Soviet imperial Russia he is invoking.
Being calculated in the past doesn't mean he isn't capable of misinterpretation or overstepping in the future. He is clearly past the point of no return with this latest land grab and will never be accepted back as a statesman who can be negotiated with.
Agreed. But really mate can you see him doing something as stupid as trying to attack a Baltic state? I just can’t see it. Annexing Belarus and whole of Ukraine east of Dnieper — I can see that happening before a picking a fight with a NATO member.
I don’t see it as a restoration of a Soviet empire - he explicitly rejected the Soviet legacy tonight. It’s pre-Soviet imperial Russia he is invoking.

Just listening to it now, he does appear to have a couple of sly digs at communism too.