Will Putin formally declare war on Ukraine (perhaps on May 9th, the day of their annual Victory Parade) and thus call for a general mobilisation? The British Defence Sec. (for instance) thinks he will.
However, doing so would bring big problems for Putin:
* It'd be an admission that the "special military operation" has failed - or why else would a general mobilisation even be needed?
* It will make even harder to deny the reality of Russian personnel losses, both immediately and in the future (more conscripts equals more news leaks back to families)
* It won't be politically popular, because it effects almost everyone - the large bulk of Russians - who has a relative liable for conscription.
* It will be massively disrupting for business and companies, who suddenly stand to lose large numbers of their employees.
*It could be a political disaster if large number of potential conscripts seek to evade the draft.
* Where do they find (do they even have?) the equipment for all such a massive number of new conscripts?
* How will find Russia the resources needed to train hundreds of thousands of new conscripts?