If your son comes home from school, sobbing because Billy from 8th grade called him a cnut, stole his lunch and kicked him in the nuts, saying he hates Billy, you support your kid, try to make him feel better and then try to solve the issue. You don't start telling your kid that he should mature up with the hate-y rhetoric. You don't tell them, while they're still crying, that Billy's mom cheated on his dad with the plumber, which led to their breakup which, in turn, led to a pretty shite socio-economical situation for Billy to grow up in, so "don't say you hate Billy, he's a also a victim here".
All war comes with propaganda, it's a tool of war like any other. One type of propaganda is to gain support of the onlookers, the other type of propaganda is to motivate your own people, those who fight and those who suffer. You can't be serious moaning about Ukrainians going on about Ghost of Kyiv, Poltergeist of Mariupol and Goblin of Lviv if they want to. You also can't demand them to stay emotionally well and mature at all times. Their homes and cities are being destroyed, women and kids raped and murdered, and lies after lies. You have no idea what they are going through, they are surely allowed to vent a bit by drawing a picture of a knight slaying some orcs and make their kids feel safe by telling them about a dude shooting down a Russian plane every minute. I'm glad that we here are so intelligent that we can afford to type paragraphs about the war on a football forum, sometimes you need short and catchy slogans though. The siege mentality thing is not actually Jose's invention, it actually comes from situations like these in Ukraine.
Yes, we will see a surge of russophobia, hatred towards everything Russian, it's a shame, but it is understandable if you put yourself into some bloodied Ukrainian shoes. Let's deal with that after the war is done and Putin is gone. At the moment I have no time for the tragedy of Russians.