Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Yeah, Putin "haven't discussed this with anyone before that" and now they have everyone doing speeches as to why Putin should recognise the republics. I doubt that Putin will do a M. Night Shyamalan-esque twist at the end.
Id kind of have more respect for him (respect is probably the wrong word) if Putin just said; we’re invading Ukraine as we see the current government as a potential threat to Russia further down the line. Draw the line under that and invade. All this propaganda is just stupid but I get that they’re doing for Russian people rather than the West.
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Highly unlikely. It doesn't do anything for Russia on its own, the only real use of this recognition is having an excuse to step in and help them "defend themselves".

It also limits Kiev options on the eastern part of the country. They will have to be even more careful while the separatists should be emboldened.
Is it likely then that the recognition of DNR & LNR by Russia as independent states will be as far as this goes? Is this what it was all building up to?

If only, however they are also saying Ukraine is preparing an imminent invasion of DNR/LNR regions and stageing all these obviously fake Ukrainian attacks etc, so...
It's a bit new for me to be in this situation. I've marched against wars and protested NATO summits before, but Syria changed it for me. The western left who decided to back Al Assad and his allies just to go for the "anti-imperialist" rhetoric made me sick. Now I see people who I usually side with, defending Putin while he is clearly being hostile towards other eastern European countries. My country joined both the EU and NATO in 2004. While joining EU met a decent amount of protests, joining NATO was never questioned as even during Yeltsin's reign there was enough shite spouted at the Baltics. We were occupied by Russia for over 50 yeats and now people in the West are confused why Eastern Europe want(ed) to join NATO. The indepence movement during late 80s and early 90s wasn't easy either. Failed coupe after we declared independece, the never ending propaganda, provocations, threats and accusations etc. No wonder Ukraine wants to join NATO. What happened to Crimea and Georgia are good enough reasons for me. No right for Russia nor the West tp dictate what our people want. Don't give a feck what was promised by the west to Russia in early 90s.
Ffs we need photos.
Is it likely then that the recognition of DNR & LNR by Russia as independent states will be as far as this goes? Is this what it was all building up to?
The so-called DNR and LNR don’t even control the entire oblasts they claim to, so Russia would in effect be recognising Ukraine as trespassing on lands they both control and are recognised as belonging to them by the (virtual) entire international community.
Surely annexing Donbas would be the pretext for a larger invasion, since the sanctions that would hit him immediately after would make gaining a bit of land in Donbas not worth it.
You would think so but even if they where only looking for the Donbas and Luhansk areas it would still mean a full blown war since there is no way Ukraine would give up Mariupol without a fight.
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

Is age catching up to his cognitive abilities?
Anyone know how much of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions do the separatists control and how much does Kiev control?
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

Is age catching up to his cognitive abilities?
Feels that way. You used to have recognise his Machiavellian qualities, whilst also treating his politics and policies with distain. Now he just seems like a batshit dictator. The images of him having a massive distance from nearly everyone he speaks to are bizarre.
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

Is age catching up to his cognitive abilities?
Looking at the pictures of his meetings with Macron and later Scholz I also thought he must have turned paranoid.
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

Is age catching up to his cognitive abilities?
Kasparov has been saying for some time now that Putin has gone insane.
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

When he threatened to destroy the world with nuclear bombs was a big hint. Hopefully some brave Russian soul will put a bullet in the back of his head if he keeps this up.
Anyone else getting the vibe that Putin has gone mental? Say what you want but he always gave the impression of a calculating, smooth talking, somewhat rational, dictator.

Is age catching up to his cognitive abilities?
I’m always wondering (especially given my own experience of communicating with different officials from Putin’s administration etc.) how much do they come to believe into their own propaganda. I’m obviously not talking about things like those false flag operations but more about general concepts. Considering that they live in this environment, 24/7, for years and years… having to say all those things themselves. It’s in the human psyche to adapt. And Putin is even more isolated from reality, I wonder when was the last time that he has met anyone (who wasn’t a foreign state leader) who would challenge him or his views in person. It’s likely have been years.
When he threatened to destroy the world with nuclear bombs was a big hint. Hopefully some brave Russian soul will put a bullet in the back of his head if he keeps this up.
You seriously underestimate his paranoia if you think that one brave Russian soul would be enough.
Is it likely then that the recognition of DNR & LNR by Russia as independent states will be as far as this goes? Is this what it was all building up to?
Their "independence" will be recognized in the next couple of hours. Then they will once again ask to join Russia and will be allowed to do so. The Russian stock market is in ruins already, and from now on it is only downwards for the Russian government. If the sanctions are applied properly, it is curtains for them economically. I always feel sorry for citizens, ordinary people who have to suffer from craziness of their politicians.
1:22:00. That's the head of the SVR. Has Putin publicly made him look so weak before?

Their "independence" will be recognized in the next couple of hours. Then they will once again ask to join Russia and will be allowed to do so. The Russian stock market is in ruins already, and from now on it is only downwards for the Russian government. If the sanctions are applied properly, it is curtains for them economically. I always feel sorry for citizens, ordinary people who have to suffer from craziness of their politicians.
Most of those ordinary people vote for Putin.

I never bought this ‘people are not to be blamed’ mentality, where it is those people who vote for the dictator. It is not like in North Korea which do not have elections. While the elections in Russia are not really free, still most people vote for Putin.
Most of those ordinary people vote for Putin.

I never bought this ‘people are not to be blamed’ mentality, where it is those people who vote for the dictator. It is not like in North Korea which do not have elections. While the elections in Russia are not really free, still most people vote for Putin.
This I agree with. However, if anything, elections in an absolute majority of CIS countries are a joke. Any true, large scale disagreement with government is punished severely.