Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Maybe I am being optimistic but it seems Russia is moving the goal posts after failing to make any progress. They are going to make it look like they have achieved their objective of denazifying and liberating people domestically.

There messages are mainly for the Russian people, not for us. Nothing out of them can be taken seriously.
Despite the tweet's claims, you can't see any real detail other than what happened:

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I've lost count how many generals they lost.
If I recall correctly, in the Russian system their Lt Gen is 2 star, Maj Gen is 1 star.
They have lost 6 out of total 20 generals assigned for the invasion in a single month. That’s a bleak death rate from Russian perspective.
Russia's confused propaganda messages:

They're fighting against Nazism. But they're also fighting against 'woke' culture, as if Nazis aren't the most 'anti-woke' possible.

And they're fighting against cancel culture .... by trying to cancel the Ukrainian culture and national existence.

And they're fighting to defend a nuclear-armed Russia, by attacking a non-nuclear, much smaller neighbouring country.

I mean really, who actually buys this guff?

To answer my own question, I guess the people who buy it are those - aka typical Trump supporters - of limited intelligence who lack all critical thinking ability and can only understand childishly simplistic slogans without seeing contradictions between them.
They have lost 6 out of total 20 generals assigned for the invasion in a single month. That’s a bleak death rate from Russian perspective.
I said around the first couple of generals killed, that killing generals isn't some sort of accelerated path to victory if the forces they command don't equally suffer losses. Mainly because there are deputies and average general isn't irreplaceable (in fact replacing generals is a regular occurrence during peacetime and war). But the rate Russia is losing them at represents something deeply wrong about their operations, and is getting to the level where they might be challenged in terms of having able replacements, in part because the colonels below them that would usually step-up are also taking significant losses.
Zhirinovsky is still alive apparently although in a bad way.

He used to be the crazy cartoon fascist in the Duma, advocating invading their neighbours. Now that is state policy. A man ahead of his time.
dont forget his drunken magnus opus

In a 2003 video,[75] a drunken Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in offensive language. He called the United States a "second-hand goods store" filled with "cocksuckers, handjobbers, and faggots", and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country.[76] In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: "a black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears ... until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees."[76]
Lots of rumours that Russia is going to use chemical weapons. Their officers are getting Pralidoxime shots. If this happens, I can see NATO intervening.

Russians may very well use chemical weapons. They used them in Syria and the West did nada. NATO will not get involved. The risk of escalation to nuclear is too big
hummm... suspicious


Funny. When I recently stumbled upon this picture of Putin:


I also thought of the HP franchise, but rather this guy:



The nose, eye brows, chin, lips..
perhaps one of the objectives was purging the military command structure?

Purging the military command, getting rid of military equipment, getting rid of oligarchs assets, getting rid of foreign investment, starving the russian population etc.
Zelensky was invited to speak with EU council today and he clashed with Orban.

So far EU hasn’t been able to route weapons via Hungarian borders. Which Zelensky seems unhappy with, it was discussed that UA needs smoother and quicker weapon supplies.
Zelensky was invited to speak with EU council today and he clashed with Orban.

So far EU hasn’t been able to route weapons via Hungarian borders. Which Zelensky seems unhappy with, it was discussed that UA needs smoother and quicker weapon supplies.

Orban is pissing on the memory of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, too.
Orban is pissing on the memory of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, too.

He fell in line on sanctions, and I think he will end up falling in line on weapon deliveries. But I hope the voters in Hungary are paying attention to this and will bring more NATO/EU-friendly parties to the next legislature. EU is their home no matter what they think of it, Russia as it is now is the only threat to their security, and Orban has been ignoring that threat for years.
Zelensky was invited to speak with EU council today and he clashed with Orban.

So far EU hasn’t been able to route weapons via Hungarian borders. Which Zelensky seems unhappy with, it was discussed that UA needs smoother and quicker weapon supplies.

Hungarians have choices to make during the upcoming elections in April. If they still have Orban in charge EU should seriously consider its membership as another term might mean Hungary slipping into full scale autocracy.
There are some rumours from credible journalists in Poland that Roman Abramovich has just arrived to Poland.

Biden has arrived to Poland, too.

Interesting if true, given what Zelensky said about Abramovich a few days ago.
He fell in line on sanctions, and I think he will end up falling in line on weapon deliveries. But I hope the voters in Hungary are paying attention to this and will bring more NATO/EU-friendly parties to the next legislature. EU is their home no matter what they think of it, Russia as it is now is the only threat to their security, and Orban has been ignoring that threat for years.
I hope you’re right, and I agree completely.
The Russians are apparently saying that they're going to focus on the Donbas. Looks likely that they'll take the entire region, then call it a victory and go home. It also seems like they want to stay in Mariupol, but whether annexed or part of Donbas or set up an even more puppet government than Donetsk and Luhansk, who knows. Maybe they'll just straight up annex Donbas and the area around Mariupol. The sanction cat is out of the bag already.