Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

This is apparently a video of Kherson airport (Russian occupied city) under attack tonight. It's a massive barrage:

This is apparently a video of Kherson airport (Russian occupied city) under attack tonight. It's a massive barrage:

If they retake Kherson that would be massive, it will cut a large portion of the Russian forces off. That was the first larger city to fall too.
You gotta love Russia talking about saving civilian lives while they bomb the shit out of them.

It's just a bit surreal.
They are lying sacks of shit. No-one will ever believe a word they say again.
This is apparently a video of Kherson airport (Russian occupied city) under attack tonight. It's a massive barrage:

The Russkies seem keen to keep filling that place with gear despite it being firmly in Ukrainian crosshairs, apparently 9th or 10th time it has been hit. All that AA fire shows there are still plenty targets.
I am assuming that there are massive clandestine transfers of money and weapons to Ukraine that haven't and won't be announced?
That'd be a good assumption. Even though Western nations have been quite open about their aid, of course not everything will be announced.
Just want to query this point, its "cultural genocide" right? Cos there's a big difference the other kind that some people seem to think is going on.
Its not mass killings like the Nazis but the efforts to prevent births has been defined as genocidal intent. i.e forced sterilizations, birth control etc. This has been verified by tribunals and French parliament etc. This is on top of crimes against humanity, torture, sexual violence against the Uyghur people
This is apparently a video of Kherson airport (Russian occupied city) under attack tonight. It's a massive barrage:

I saw earlier that the Ukrainians were going to start making a push at Kherson tonight. Retaking the city could be incredibly difficult if the Russians don't decide to cut their losses and try to consolidate along the Eastern side of the Dnieper or at Melitopol. With the demonstrations, they may feel it's not worth it, but I can't imagine command wants the humiliating loss. Hopefully the Ukrainians don't overextend themselves and take losses they can't stand.
If they retake Kherson that would be massive, it will cut a large portion of the Russian forces off. That was the first larger city to fall too.
It is the only larger city to really have fallen, and even then it was more conceded than lost.
The wider picture in the war feels somewhat dispiriting, despite the great Ukrainian fight. The war going cold with more of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces for the foreseeable future would be absolutely shite for the country and everyone living there.
The BBC reports:

"Ukrainian forces are striking "high value targets" in Russian-occupied areas of the country, Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD) says in one of its regular intelligence updates.

These targets include a landing ship and ammunition depots in the occupied port of Berdyansk, the MoD says.

The MoD predicts the Ukrainians will continue to target Russian logistics, depriving them of fresh supplies, reducing their ability to mount attacks and "further damage already dwindling morale".
The wider picture in the war feels somewhat dispiriting, despite the great Ukrainian fight. The war going cold with more of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces for the foreseeable future would be absolutely shite for the country and everyone living there.
Thought the Ukrainians are taking back land from the Russians, not losing it.
Tell that to Putin and Kim jung un and the rest of the mad fkrs. Now you'll say oh but China isnt like that. Well they are literally committing genocide against the Uyghurs so I would say that would qualify as mad fkrs. And thats just the start of what they have been up to. They have already publicly stated that they will take Taiwan and form it into China even though Taiwan wants to remain independent. Tibet and Hong Kong as well. What does that sound like? Russia/Ukraine? They have said they want to be the leading nation by 2049 or something. They have hacked numerous systems - Microsoft enterprise etc just like Russia was hacking multiple systems.. I can go on and on. Loads of people have been warning about China for years just like Russia. Yes they might stay out of Russia for now. Its probably not in their best interests - at the moment. But they they want to and will fk up the West anyway they can. Say what you want about the sht US and UK and the West have done. And they have done a lot of bad sht but if China/Russia etc is running things we are all fkd.

And thats the point Im making. We need to stop thinking that they think like Westerners. They dont. They have an authoritarian system. Its the same mistake we made with Hitler. Now Putin. Oh it makes no sense. Why would they do something like that. They wont do it. But history tells us otherwise. Why dont we learn.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. My point still stands. Your ask is virtually impossible and would require a very different world than the one we live in. But hey, maybe if you send this paragraph to 500 companies in the EU and US they will carefully consider your expertise when next making their decisions over the next 50 years.
I would have said probably not, but the fact there’s Americans and other nationalities in the mercenaries means it’s probably a lot easier to hide special ops forces from the relevant country armies.

quite interesting to see that

It'd be great to see a Ukrainian special ops team - whichever nationalities are actually in it - sneak over the border and destroy a couple of dozen parked warplanes on some unsuspecting Russian or Byelorussian airbase where the dozy guards think all the action is happening inside Ukraine.
It'd be great to see a Ukrainian special ops team - whichever nationalities are actually in it - sneak over the border and destroy a couple of dozen parked warplanes on some unsuspecting Russian or Byelorussian airbase where the dozy guards think all the action is happening inside Ukraine.
Their motto is “I come at you”, so it would track.
You’ve got to think there’s all sorts of special ops going on too.
I would have said probably not, but the fact there’s Americans and other nationalities in the mercenaries means it’s probably a lot easier to hide special ops forces from the relevant country armies.

quite interesting to see that
Ukraine has their own special operations forces, and they’re pretty damn good too. The first non-NATO nation to have its SOF certified to be part of NATO’s Rapid Response Force.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. My point still stands. Your ask is virtually impossible and would require a very different world than the one we live in. But hey, maybe if you send this paragraph to 500 companies in the EU and US they will carefully consider your expertise when next making their decisions over the next 50 years.

I think his point is that we may already have to contemplate the Cold War 2.0 for as long as the likes of Xi and Putin want to feck the current world order up. The next cold war may well be all about autocracy vs. democracy instead of capitalism vs. communism.

For whatever it's worth, Western companies will have to move production to India (a democratic nation with 1.38 billion people) and other nearby Asian democracies soon.
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The MoD predicts the Ukrainians will continue to target Russian logistics, depriving them of fresh supplies, reducing their ability to mount attacks and "further damage already dwindling morale".
This makes me so happy. Those Russian BTG’s can’t do shit without ammo, fuel, and food.

As Sun Tzu said, "The line between disorder and order lies in logistics."
Nightwatch spotted again this time around the English channel, mirroring potus movements. Nobody taking any chances, as it should be.