Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It was all getting a bit too much for me so i've avoided the news for a couple of days (I know this pales in comparison to what Ukrainians are going through!). Is there any hope of a ceasefire from the discussions between the 2 countries or are we likely to see Russia take over Kyiv soon?
It was all getting a bit too much for me so i've avoided the news for a couple of days (I know this pales in comparison to what Ukrainians are going through!). Is there any hope of a ceasefire from the discussions between the 2 countries or are we likely to see Russia take over Kyiv soon?
Every now and then someone gets a sniff of possibility, as talks have been ongoing (Foreign Ministers met yesterday I think), and people look for hints in what Zelensky and Putin say. So it's not impossible but also doesn't look likely so soon. I get the impression that the issue right now is that both sides think they can improve their own situations. Russia still thinks it can take Kyiv in the near-term and continue to inflict damage to Ukraine, and Ukraine still thinks it can hold Kyiv and continue to inflict damage to Russian forces. Not the ideal situation for a deal to be struck.
We'd all be very confused if Canada or Mexico had any interest in Chinese missiles being stationed in their land. Why would Canada or Mexico want to enter a defensive pact against the US that meant stationing Chinese missiles in their territory?

Ukraine joining NATO or the EU anytime in the future had been a complete non-starter until Russia decided to invade.
Similar to Finland and Sweden, who're considering their stance as a consequence of Russia's war

Death toll in Mariupol is likely even higher given that they've been without water for about a week now. Probably lots of bodies they haven't found. Read that the residents were talking about not having the snow to melt to get water from. Absolutely grim.
I just don't understand it man. It doesn't seem to be having the slightest impact on the military situation so it feels like we've gutted ourselves for the sake of doing nothing

The west has jumped off a high garden wall. Russia has jumped off a five story building.

At first both feel similar and the pain of doing the first may hit sooner but that is where the disadvantage of doing the first ends compared with doing the second.

If the sanctions are in place for six months Russia may not ever recover from its mistake even if Ukraine is conquered.
As I commented here after the last two matches, I was a bit vexxed at United and others for making gestures towards "no war" and "peace" without any solidarity towards Ukraine and those affected by Russia's invasion. Here's someone else explaining why:


We've been delivering anti tank weapons 10 to 1 over anti air weapons. Maybe its time to change that. Ukrainian forces are properly dug in now around the cities and with vast quantities of Western anti tank missiles already delivered it will be extremely hard for Russian ground forces. The air needs more focus now.
Is Vlad really trying to sell this Bio-Weapon theory? He’s obviously creating a back story before he drops something dirty on Kyiv.
Feels a bit like the Russian forces are slowly getting their shit together and things are getting more ominous for Ukraine. Is that a fair assessment or are we just seeing fewer reported victories from the Ukrainians because they're busy and people are less excited by the reports now?
Feels a bit like the Russian forces are slowly getting their shit together and things are getting more ominous for Ukraine. Is that a fair assessment or are we just seeing fewer reported victories from the Ukrainians because they're busy and people are less excited by the reports now?
Surely Russia winning this was always inevitable? Ukraine's just big so it takes a while. And the operation wasnt exactly a masterstroke planningwise it seems, but there is no way Ukraine would really hold them off I think.
Does anyone know how many troops Ukraine had before the war?

We always hear the Russian numbers, but they're hard to put into context if you don't know what they're up against
As I commented here after the last two matches, I was a bit vexxed at United and others for making gestures towards "no war" and "peace" without any solidarity towards Ukraine and those affected by Russia's invasion. Here's someone else explaining why:

Ultimately it's up to the Ukranian people or at least those in power if they want to refuse to surrender or compromise (hard to say if that's the same meaning in those quotes). However, how long can anyone expect others to champion resistance under grim circumstances like Mariupol?

Blame will only be attributed towards Putin but people aren't going to champion non-surrender whilst civilians including children start to starve in huge numbers. I certainly won't, because sadly many of them get no such say.

Obviously the situation is different throughout Ukraine and surrendering a city doesn't mean the country.
Surely Russia winning this was always inevitable? Ukraine's just big so it takes a while. And the operation wasnt exactly a masterstroke planningwise it seems, but there is no way Ukraine would really hold them off I think.

Not sure it's inevitable at all. There are the thick end of 1m Ukrainian Territorial Defence Force volunteers, a pretty handy professional army, lots of US and European supplied weapons, they're on their own turf and it's a massive country with only around 200,000 Russians or so sent in to occupy it. Depends what you mean by "win" I suppose. Conquer parts of Kyiv and a bunch of other cities, sure. Conquer all of Ukraine, not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Plus if they don't do it quickly they may well run out of money...
And right on time from Bennett is an example of how easy it is to show support for “peace” to prevail and say “no war” when you are not the ones morally in the right fighting for everything you’ve got, being expected to surrender it all.
And right on time from Bennett is an example of how easy it is to show support for “peace” to prevail and say “no war” when you are not the ones morally in the right fighting for everything you’ve got, being expected to surrender it all.
I wouldn't be surprised if more world leaders will give that 'advice' to Zelenskiy as the war goes on and more civilians die.
BBC: "Ukraine's state Centre for Strategic Communications has warned that it cannot rule out the possibility that Belarus could join the Russian invasion in the coming hours.

The warning comes after a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko"

Lushenko should be quietly taken aside for a one-to-one chat by a Russian-speaking "someone" from foreign embassy and told that if his military joins the war then his remaining time alive on this Earth will be numbered in days. I doubt he's anywhere near as well-protected as Putin. And the threat may deter him.

I highly recommend a listen to this. One of the best parts is the discussion about the miscalculation by Putin will have consequences for all potential future conflicts and tensions. Ukraine putting up such a resistance has opened up the possibility of smaller but technologically adapted states to potentially feel confident pushing back on aggressors and push diplomatic boundaries against superpowers/regional powers.

Thanks for sharing

I highly recommend a listen to this. One of the best parts is the discussion about the miscalculation by Putin will have consequences for all potential future conflicts and tensions. Ukraine putting up such a resistance has opened up the possibility of smaller but technologically adapted states to potentially feel confident pushing back on aggressors and push diplomatic boundaries against superpowers/regional powers.

I'm listening to it. Really good stuff.
I just don't understand it man. It doesn't seem to be having the slightest impact on the military situation so it feels like we've gutted ourselves for the sake of doing nothing
Not yet. Russia is still operating with forces and resources set aside for invasion. Once those are spent, where do they get the new ones? How do they buy more materials and components for producing weapons and tanks? Ukrainians need to drah those sieges out. Hit the supply lines and logistics and eventually Russia will starve. How long it takes for that, I don't know, few months at best to few years. But the price we have to pay is much less than the price Ukrainians are paying.