Shit’s about to get real?
The unabashed and brazen lying by Russia to claim Ukraine is shelling Russians when Ukraine confirmed earlier this morning that Separatist shelling killed a Ukrainian solider is something else.
Shit’s about to get real?
That's such a disingenuous, insiduous and quite frankly stomach-turning slander of dissenting or even just sceptical voices. "Simping for Russia", seriously? Where does that talking point come from? What an expression is that, really, does it originate from the same spectrum that brought us "universally adored legend" and such unpleasantly sexualized internet incel trash talk?
Some of them were simping for Trump, so thats all you need to know really.Also massively disappointed with a lot of leftists simping for Russia. As if a Russian invasion is going to bring about a leftist utopia.
Talking point? You spend way too much time on the internet man. Not everything is a talking point some people form there own opinons as well.
Simping isn't a political word. It is used by both the left and the right.
Shit like this is embarassing.
That's Russia's MO.Its hard to keep track of what is happening right now. What a clusterfeck.
If the invasion happens today, prices may well spike. But the dust will also settle that much sooner. Depending on Germany's confirmation of the new Baltic pipeline (which they still want to push through in spite of the yanks), it could even mean a reduction in prices in the middle term.Very tempting to bite the bullet and go on a fixed rate energy contract. I’m definitely filling my car up with diesel today.
Can anyone point me to any good journalists worth following who are currently on the ground in eastern Ukraine or Kiev?
I "spend way too much time on the internet", yet your response is linking to some random YT channel? I don't know who that is and why I should watch it.
Its hard to keep track of what is happening right now. What a clusterfeck.
Better to react doubtful to a panorama of disinformation, than to soak it up with certainty, isn't it?That's the purpose of disinformation, to sow doubt in the minds of observers.
What do you mean?
Better to react doubtful to a panorama of disinformation, than to soak it up with certainty, isn't it?
There seems to be an odd assumption that all fighting must be a false flag right now which is a bit hysterical. There's countless ceasefire violations including explosions everyday and there has been far months. Over 100k recorded since July.
It's certainly worth looking at how Russia spin them but you'd expect any false flag will be of a larger scale then the odd mortar shelling at the contact line.
I've decided nothing of the sort.You've just decided that everything is disinformation, both sides are the same, and nothing is true. That's no decision at all.
I've decided nothing of the sort.
But are you actually denying that disinformation is a method employed by more than one 'side'? Must say I'm pretty shocked at the lack of self-awareness, and at the amnesia, going on.
There are apparently far more violations this week than at any time in the preceding months, so it would just take one particularly bad incident for Putin to spin it as a provocation that warrants "intervention".
About triple preceding weeks i think i read, which isn't surprising given the increased tensions.
I think the reporting just plays into Russian hands ultimately as their will be events shown to come from Ukraine activity which just plays into the claims of western media lying. The media ultimately rush to report any event and they need to be careful not to elevate 'regular' activity to something more than it is.
Also massively disappointed with a lot of leftists simping for Russia. As if a Russian invasion is going to bring about a leftist utopia.
That's such a disingenuous, insiduous and quite frankly stomach-turning slander of dissenting or even just sceptical voices. "Simping for Russia", seriously? Where does that talking point come from? What an expression is that, really, does it originate from the same spectrum that brought us "universally adored legend" and such unpleasantly sexualized internet incel trash talk?
It makes no sense to argue with such complete simplifications and straw man constructions. Already the simple distinction between information and disinformation, with disinformation labeled as a foreign, external influence or agency, will ultimately be leading down the very, horrible, path which Russia has already gone down. And no, that's not an invocation of equivalence or moral relativism, it is exactly the contrary.Of course I'm not denying it, but the "both sides employ the same tactic and both sides are equally bad" thing is quite literally the goal of Russian disinformation. Russians know their democracy is a sham, but they've also been convinced that the same applies to Western democracies.
In any case, you might claim you haven't decided it, but that's certainly how you appear in this thread. I wonder what you'd say if Russia actually ends up invading Ukraine, hopefully we won't have to find out.
Bizarre take. Sounds like something my grandma would say. Why would you not listen to some of the most highly regarded and well informed journalists in this sphere?what what? Surely that was clear enough? If you want to understand something, don't get your info on twitter, facebook or other social media. Particularly not for fast-developing crisis.
The same as the WMD in Iraq?
@2cents Found a couple on the front line, though they are now pulling out - @brycewilsonAU @StefanWeichert
Otherwise, for english speakers its just Kyiv Independant
Yeah, that’s about it. That has metadata that says that it was saved in a folder named 2021Only takes one choreographed false flag video on telegram of a fake Ukranian with a gun?![]()
It makes no sense to argue with such complete simplifications and straw man constructions.
Already the simple distinction between information and disinformation, with disinformation labeled as a foreign, external influence or agency, will ultimately be leading down the very, horrible, path which Russia has already gone down. And no, that's not an invocation of equivalence or moral relativism, it is exactly the contrary.
It's worth it's own thread, but I suspect it's arab distrust/dislike of the west and their allies who bring up the same arc of talking points.
There's been as much anti-Americanism in the thread as there has been American exceptionalism. Quite easy to see how extremists are made.
Where?Also massively disappointed with a lot of leftists simping for Russia. As if a Russian invasion is going to bring about a leftist utopia.
Zelinsky dropping truth bombs in Munich now...