Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

But I accept your assumptions, you can assume what you want and I ask the questions. The two aren't mutually exclusive and if anything it would be a bit daft to not do both when we are conversing, we assume, ask questions and suppose. Now maybe I shouldn't ask questions.

Are we having two totally separate conversations here? This is the second time we've been having what I thought was a totally normal conversation which has randomly descended into sniping. Where have I suggested in any way that you shouldn't ask questions?

You asked a question about whats different and I provided 2 reasons why I thought it was, without pretending to be an expert on the Russian military and their deployments like others on here. Whether you think those reasons are valid or not is of course another matter entirely.
That's Russia's MO.

Flood social media and traditional media with claim, counter-claim, obfuscation and contradiction. Then the wider public get to the point where they just stop following events. While the affected public are left to pick and choose the news that confirms their biases.

It's the exact opposite of Propoganda but works just as well. Because these days you don't need to convince everybody. You only need to produce enough of a narrative that loyal citizens can feel comfortable parroting it online.

EDIT: It's the 2022 version of this:

Eh... i dont read russian. Everything i read comes from the west side.

All the narratives were made by them
What would he have liked the West to do in 2014?

He didn't say it explicitly, but the inference was that the sanctions were weak and ineffective and that you have to be much tougher to get Putin's attention, which is spot on given how weak and feckless Obama was on foreign policy and also affirms the naivety of European leaders presuming Putin was someone they could reign in through appeasement.

Tbf if anyone associates current Russia with anything leftist it’s on them
Probably a bit indirect in the sense that many leftists hate US, and consequently have sympathy for Russia (who ironically is far more right-wing than the US).
Are we having two totally separate conversations here? This is the second time we've been having what I thought was a totally normal conversation which has randomly descended into sniping. Where have I suggested in any way that you shouldn't ask questions?

You asked a question about whats different and I provided 2 reasons why I thought it was, without pretending to be an expert on the Russian military and their deployments like others on here. Whether you think those reasons are valid or not is of course another matter entirely.

I meant that I shouldn't ask questions, not that you suggested it. When it comes to political leaders and their actions I always start with questions and skepticism, sometimes I shouldn't share those questions and keep them to myself.
What do the Arabs have to do with this current situation?

Fostering a general distrust for the west, particularly the USA. For how they have been treated, perceived or in actuality. (I'm not arguing the point either way) - And the 'left' wing generally alligning themselves with those movements, creating an 'anti western sentiment.'

I likely didn't explain that well.
I meant that I shouldn't ask questions, not that you suggested it. When it comes to political leaders and their actions I always start with questions and skepticism, sometimes I shouldn't share those questions and keep them to myself.

Ah OK, I see what you mean. Fair enough!
Fostering a general distrust for the west, particularly the USA. For how they have been treated, perceived or in actuality. (I'm not arguing the point either way) - And the 'left' wing generally alligning themselves with those movements, creating an 'anti western sentiment.'

I likely didn't explain that well.

I don't disagree that the Arabs generally have a distrust of the West and its Governments (a very reasonable one considering the actions of the USA in the past 60+ years and the actions of the British and the French before them) but my point was that the Arabs have nothing to do with this situation.

They don't have any say or ability to impact public opinion in any party in this conflict.

A Palestinian or Iraqi feeling aggreived at the current and historical crimes of the West towards them has no impact on the Russia/Ukraine/Western situation and absolutely minimal impact on what public opinion is in any of those blocs.

I do agree with you that there is a group of Western leftists who are so blinded by anti-American/ Western hatred that they will automatically take the opposite position in any conflict, regardless of what it is.

The treatment of the Arabs is just one facet of this belief though and these groups make up a tiny subset of public opinion in Western countries.
Probably a bit indirect in the sense that many leftists hate US, and consequently have sympathy for Russia (who ironically is far more right-wing than the US).
People on the left hate US policy. So do many on the right from what I've read/heard. So that's a big difference from hating the country itself. Anyone who hates an actual country full of people is probably an idiot. 90% (maybe 99%) of the people living there will never have had a say in any of the things which you find to be disagreeable.
You might not read Russian, but many Russians know how to write in English. It's naive to think that just because you read it in the West it's from the West.

I very rarely even read russian man statement. All there is is twitter and the west narrative.

I dont know what it's like in Russia. But from where i stand it's all the west that shaped my understanding of the situation mostly.
Some rumours that it could escalate tonight, as more dignitaries and their wives are seeing crossing boarder.
@2cents Found a couple on the front line, though they are now pulling out - @brycewilsonAU @StefanWeichert

Otherwise, for english speakers its just Kyiv Independant

Please, nothing Putin may/may not have on Trump would change anyone's opinions on Trump at this point :lol: :lol: :lol: That guy is literally immune to any embarrassing information with his cult behind him. Merrick Garland would take years to analyze the evidence anyways making the whole effort a waste of time.
Yeah imagine if they also find dirt on all the high level politicians who waged a media campaign against Trump, so actually taking him out would also bring them down. Could never happen with US politicians right?

On another note, we can’t discount the cult surrounding the Democrats who have now replaced the neocons as the cheerleaders for war. Democratic voters are now the majority supporters of the CIA and FBI for example. And look at how some in this thread who are getting blue balls (pun intended) over the “possibility” that big bad cartoon villain Putin will mastermind an invasion of Ukraine all by himself, and then superhero good guys USA will defend democracy, freedom, and human rights in response.
Yeah imagine if they also find dirt on all the high level politicians who waged a media campaign against Trump, so actually taking him out would also bring them down. Could never happen with US politicians right?

On another note, we can’t discount the cult surrounding the Democrats who have now replaced the neocons as the cheerleaders for war. Democratic voters are now the majority supporters of the CIA and FBI for example. And look at how some in this thread who are getting blue balls (pun intended) over the “possibility” that big bad cartoon villain Putin will mastermind an invasion of Ukraine all by himself, and then superhero good guys USA will defend democracy, freedom, and human rights in response.
Embarrasing post. What happenef to you...
I "spend way too much time on the internet", yet your response is linking to some random YT channel? I don't know who that is and why I should watch it.
That’s Hasan Piker. Rich af milquetoast “leftist” (see: liberal) who is a grifter on Youtube. In other words, don’t waste your time on him.
Yeah imagine if they also find dirt on all the high level politicians who waged a media campaign against Trump, so actually taking him out would also bring them down. Could never happen with US politicians right?

On another note, we can’t discount the cult surrounding the Democrats who have now replaced the neocons as the cheerleaders for war. Democratic voters are now the majority supporters of the CIA and FBI for example. And look at how some in this thread who are getting blue balls (pun intended) over the “possibility” that big bad cartoon villain Putin will mastermind an invasion of Ukraine all by himself, and then superhero good guys USA will defend democracy, freedom, and human rights in response.
Florida…Everything checks out.

Tbf if anyone associates current Russia with anything leftist it’s on them
I don’t know about this thread but on social media, I see a lot of them with seemingly uncritical support for Russian state because “anti imperialism”. It’s a very shallow analysis. But unlike the US, the Russian parliament has like 20% or so of seats held by the KPRF, and that’s from a rigged election. Meanwhile, the best the US has is the squad. So on that alone, there’s some argument to be made as far as Russia being “leftist”, but otherwise it’s kind of a pointless debate in my opinion.
Probably harsher sanctions, removal from swift and therefore ceasing any meaningful trade.


At the time, kicking Russia out of the then-G8 was simply not enough. The only thing that would have made Russia think twice was the prospect of a full-fledged embargo by the United States (or something close) like the ones imposed upon Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.
Embarrasing post. What happenef to you...
I noticed a long pattern of bullshit by the Democrats and how people who support them uncritically go along with their narrative just like how conservatives eat up the shit served by Fox News, Breitbart, and OAN. Or perhaps how I noticed that the US government has been desperately trying to manufacture consent for another war, yet again.
I noticed a long pattern of bullshit by the Democrats and how people who support them uncritically go along with their narrative just like how conservatives eat up the shit served by Fox News, Breitbart, and OAN. Or perhaps how I noticed that the US government has been desperately trying to manufacture consent for another war, yet again.
US is not going to war with Russia, nor is pushing for such. You are mistaking things severely here.
US is not going to war with Russia, nor is pushing for such. You are mistaking things severely here.
I know the US won’t go to war with Russia, at least not in the conventional sense. Economic warfare? Yes. Central Asia and the surrounding regions, Ukraine included, are quickly becoming a geopolitical battleground due to the vast amount of resources there, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and recently Russia’s “alliance” with China. That’s obviously a threat to US-NATO-EU interests, hence the narratives coming from the media. Proxy war? Definitely, and the US has been doing so for a long time thanks to folks like Brzezinksi.
Just shows how shallow your analysis is if that’s how you conflate my criticisms.

And you having no clue about left-leaning people at large, of whom I consider myself to be one. The majority of those people have stopped seeing Russia as a model for anything for decades now; Scandinavia and social democracies in Western/Central Europe are what people look at for references. Russia has become a cesspool for believers in the fascist dream under Putin.
I don’t know about this thread but on social media, I see a lot of them with seemingly uncritical support for Russian state because “anti imperialism”. It’s a very shallow analysis. But unlike the US, the Russian parliament has like 20% or so of seats held by the KPRF, and that’s from a rigged election. Meanwhile, the best the US has is the squad. So on that alone, there’s some argument to be made as far as Russia being “leftist”, but otherwise it’s kind of a pointless debate in my opinion.
Yeah. Even equating U.S.S.R. to general left politics would be questionable at best (despite its ideology being a homonym to communism), while Russia is as far right as a state can be in a modern world.
And you having no clue about left-leaning people at large, of whom I consider myself to be one. The majority of those people have stopped seeing Russia as a model for anything for decades now; Scandinavia and social democracies in Western/Central Europe are what people look at for references. Russia has become a cesspool for believers in the fascist dream under Putin.
I’m actually very familiar with how the “left” leaning folks are like, and their tendency to put Scandinavia on a pedestal. Been there myself. I also know that their analyses regarding geopolitics are weak because it’s centered around vague concepts like “pro democracy” and “human rights” where the narrative of such are dominated US thinktanks, some of which are literal creations of the intelligence community (National Endowment for Democracy, Radio Free Asia, etc) and by private billion dollar media industries. And before you try it, I’m not saying that democracy and human rights are inherently bad, but I am saying that it’s phrase used to justify economic warfare that ultimately hurts the people and proxy wars if not outright military intervention.

Come on just look at how the left resigned to conspiracy theories surrounding Trump’s election while not being able to cope with the fact that Hillary was just a bad candidate. And then on top of that the lack of material analysis that drives people to ditch the “center” and opt for left or right populism (Bernie and Trump respectively).

As far your other points, ain’t no serious communist looks at Putin in a good light. And I certainly don’t either. It’s an imperialist state too, but there’s no material reality in the notion that they are on the same level as the US when it comes to bullying countries and political interventions. Last I checked, it’s not Russia who’s purposely starving the Afghan people to death by freezing $7 billion just because of being salty over the Taliban taking power after 20 years of occupation.
I’m actually very familiar with how the “left” leaning folks are like, and their tendency to put Scandinavia on a pedestal. Been there myself. I also know that their analyses regarding geopolitics are weak because it’s centered around vague concepts like “pro democracy” and “human rights” where the narrative of such are dominated US thinktanks, some of which are literal creations of the intelligence community (National Endowment for Democracy, Radio Free Asia, etc) and by private billion dollar media industries. And before you try it, I’m not saying that democracy and human rights are inherently bad, but I am saying that it’s phrase used to justify economic warfare that ultimately hurts the people and proxy wars if not outright military intervention.

Come on just look at how the left resigned to conspiracy theories surrounding Trump’s election while not being able to cope with the fact that Hillary was just a bad candidate. And then on top of that the lack of material analysis that drives people to ditch the “center” and opt for left or right populism (Bernie and Trump respectively).

As far your other points, ain’t no serious communist looks at Putin in a good light. And I certainly don’t either. It’s an imperialist state too, but there’s no material reality in the notion that they are on the same level as the US when it comes to bullying countries and political interventions. Last I checked, it’s not Russia who’s purposely starving the Afghan people to death by freezing $7 billion just because of being salty over the Taliban taking power after 20 years of occupation.
Why don't you take your US bullshit to some other thread, there are many to choose from.
Zelinsky now cracking all kinds of jokes on stage. Amazing

Wait so Zelensky was getting mad before about the West stoking tensions and increasing the chance of war and now he's getting mad that the West didn't issue preemptive sanctions that would definitely have pissed off Russia? He truly is an imbecile and history won't look kindly on him as the last president of a free Ukraine.