Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I read on BBC Ukrainians have fled to Russia to escape the war. Is that really correct? Huge number.

For some Ukrainians it is the obvious choice. It's not necessarily a declaration of support for Putin, but lots of people in Ukraine have familial ties in Russia, not to mention a good percentage of them speak Russian as a second language. There are also certain cultural aspects that the two countries share, so in spite of the war, it's definitely the best option for some.
Thought this was encouraging, showing the west realizes Putin isn't going to come back to the former status quo. Nice to see someone this smart is working in Washington.

This was a fascinating watch indeed.

Can Putin cross a line in Ukraine that would lead to military intervention by NATO? No. Not even if he nukes the country. NATO will not be pulled into direct conflict. As hard as it is to accept, Ukraine is not worth a World War. Sad. Terrible. Wise.
They have a lot of force out now in Kherson, but I don't think they can maintain that level of control for too long. Eventually someone will start lobbing molotovs at these clowns once some of the riot troops have moved on.
Certain towns have not been armed for an insurgency I don’t think. I can’t remember seeing weapons being handed out in Kherson or large defences being put in place, because Ukraine clearly had no intention of trying to hold this city.
I read on BBC Ukrainians have fled to Russia to escape the war. Is that really correct? Huge number.
When you look at the figures it is a relatively small amount compared to those going to the EU or Moldova. It may well be a good chunk of those are foreign people or also Russians who were living in Ukraine.

Another problem is that the forced migration of people in and out of Russian-controlled territories has been in their playbook for hundreds of years.
As hard as it is to accept, Ukraine is not worth a World War. Sad. Terrible. Wise.

Equally, Ukraine is not worth it for Russia to be involved in a protracted war that means large number casualties, becoming economically isolated and going broke.

But we’re dealing with an irrational operator in Putin atm.
Im seriously not being funny, I’m deadly serious, Russia carries on until
It gets to Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK.

Putin will push and push, NATO will roll back and back, they will test and test.
You are very honestly one of the dumbest people to have said anything in this thread, and there have been a lot of dumb people here. The whole point of NATO is defending a member nation against an attack, Russia wouldn't dare attack Norway or anyone else in NATO, and to think so means you are either a Russian troll or so naive that I could sell you the Golden Gate bridge.
Thought this was encouraging, showing the west realizes Putin isn't going to come back to the former status quo. Nice to see someone this smart is working in Washington.

This is the best information I've seen since the start of this. It's comforting that the west is doing everything it can to avoid conflict with Putin...but it seems inevitable unless Putins inner circle gets rid of him.
You are very honestly one of the dumbest people to have said anything in this thread, and there have been a lot of dumb people here. The whole point of NATO is defending a member nation against an attack, Russia wouldn't dare attack Norway or anyone else in NATO, and to think so means you are either a Russian troll or so naive that I could sell you the Golden Gate bridge.

It's not out of the question that Putin engineers a conflict with a NATO country. But yes...he isn't just marching across Europe. He can barely even manage to tackle Ukraine at this point.
You are very honestly one of the dumbest people to have said anything in this thread, and there have been a lot of dumb people here. The whole point of NATO is defending a member nation against an attack, Russia wouldn't dare attack Norway or anyone else in NATO, and to think so means you are either a Russian troll or so naive that I could sell you the Golden Gate bridge.
How much? Might be interested. PM me.
Incredibly, seeing that photo from Irpin, of the dead family that made the New York Times front cover, was how the husband found out that his wife and two kids had been killed. He recognised their luggage when he saw it posted on Twitter. The paper has now interviewed him.

Weird. Even his Wiki states that his maternal grandmother was a Ukrainian-born German.
Don't believe everything that someone writes in a wiki entry!
It's not out of the question that Putin engineers a conflict with a NATO country. But yes...he isn't just marching across Europe. He can barely even manage to tackle Ukraine at this point.

I think it is.

A conflict with a NATO country can only go two possible ways in my book. One, a humiliating defeat for the Russian army or two; escalation to nuclear weapons usage and MAD. NATO is not going to just back down and risk disintegration, the Americans alone won't sit back and watch what they've been building since the 50s go to ashes, just to appease madman Putin. Especially when appeasement is known not to work any way.

So they will fight and defend every inch of NATO territory like they've repeatedly said they'll do. They don't need to escalate to nuclear, that will be something that Putin will have to contemplate when he's losing face as his army is getting pummelled. Nuclear use from the West would be purely retaliatory.

There is nothing down that road for Putin and his allies bar destruction. The only question left is how many they take with them. So I think it's out of the question they will go that way.
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If accurate, these numbers simply aren’t sustainable…

The director of intelligence said somewhere between 2k to 4k just yesterday at a public hearing. They also shared they didn't have any confidence in the numbers as it wasn't possible to get that view.

There's a possibility new intelligence has come in since then but seems unlikely, especially with such a specific range.
I think it is.

A conflict with a NATO country can only go two possible ways in my book. One, a humiliating defeat for the Russian army or two; escalation to nuclear weapons usage and MAD. NATO is not going to just back down and risk disintegration, the Americans alone won't sit back and watch what they've been building since the 50s go to ashes, just to appease madman Putin. Especially when appeasement is known not to work any way.

So they will fight and defend every inch of NATO territory like they've repeatedly said they'll do. They don't need to escalate to nuclear, that will be something that Putin will have to contemplate when he's losing face as his army is getting pummelled. Nuclear use from the West will be purely retaliatory.

There is nothing down that road for Putin and his allies bar destruction. The only question is how many they take with them. So I think it's out of the question they will go that way.

I wouldn’t say it’s out the question because war is very unpredictable, things can happen which trigger cycles that cannot be reversed.

But I would agree in that it would be incredibly unlikely at this stage that Putin would dare flirt with prodding a defence force much much much much great than his own force, being NATO.

Those giving it the “NATO wouldn’t react” are talking utter crap.

Putin has been warned and it will be the end of the line for him if he ignores those warnings, pure and simple hence why “incredibly unlikely”…..depends how mad he is.
I think it is.

A conflict with a NATO country can only go two possible ways in my book. One, a humiliating defeat for the Russian army or two; escalation to nuclear weapons usage and MAD. NATO is not going to just back down and risk disintegration, the Americans alone won't sit back and watch what they've been building since the 50s go to ashes, just to appease madman Putin. Especially when appeasement is known not to work any way.

So they will fight and defend every inch of NATO territory like they've repeatedly said they'll do. They don't need to escalate to nuclear, that will be something that Putin will have to contemplate when he's losing face as his army is getting pummelled. Nuclear use from the West would be purely retaliatory.

There is nothing down that road for Putin and his allies bar destruction. The only question left is how many they take with them. So I think it's out of the question they will go that way.

I'm not certain if there was engagement between Russia and a NATO country that it would 100% escalate. Obviously it's as possibility though. The other question (touched on in that great interview posted before) is what is NATO's redline. So far it's resisted engagement...but what will opinion be if Putin for instance drops a tactical Nuke on Ukraine, or even just starts using non conventional weapons?
And he's only had a fortnight to move his cash around. Thanks Boris.
We’re are the first in the world to sanction him I think. He has many of the most litigious and powerful lawyers in the world working for him, attempting to silence the media and put a stranglehold on politicians. He also has Portugese citizenship.