Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Isn't it generally a policy to look after your own people before those of another nation?

Also, what have/are the countries of the others doing to help?

Then why are we bothering to do anything at all to help then?

If we're alright in the UK/ Western Europe, why aren't we looking after our own before those of another nation?
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.

Well considering the past week it appears well justified to me.
I totally understand that I'm forgetting that factor but if u make a proposition to Ukraine to be:
- be blown into oblivion in hope of to be part of Nato and EU someday
- get funds to rebuild from catastrophy that already happened and to develop rapidly into prospective state with clear directions that Nato and EU is not a possibility but on the other hand Russian influence is also not a possibility

To be free democratic sovereign nations sounds very nice until u look into reality that this means that they want into EU and Nato which Russia is never gonna allow and contrary to my belief earlier in this crisis, reading and looking more into it, I think a-bomb is not out of question if things go very south for Russia.
The biggest problem is that any promise from Russia isn't worth the paper it's printed on. They signed the Budapest Agreement in the 90s and that was pretty much torn up when they invaded Crimea.
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.
They're already part of NATO
The biggest problem is that any promise from Russia isn't worth the paper it's printed on. They signed the Budapest Agreement in the 90s and that was pretty much torn up when they invaded Crimea.
It’s their second invasion within the last 8 years! I’m not surprised Ukraine aren’t bending to Russias demands simply because they’re fecking up this invasion and are maybe looking to save face.
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.
They have been in NATO since 2004.
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.
This is bullshit though. NATO is the pretext not the reason. He wanted Ukraine and there is every reason to believe he'd have taken it regardless of whether NATO was on the table or not.

The only reason these countries wish to join NATOs defence league is because they know that they are not safe from Russian invasion.
Which would potentially override the will of a free and democratic country. I fail to see how that's a desirable outcome.
Tbf only 44% of countries in the world is free and democratic. Arguably even less true democratic countries.
When the world peace is at stake I don't think we should push free and democratic narrative no matter what.
It's not letting him to get Ukraine but to create buffer state. By that I mean to prevent Ukraine to be under either influence.
I don't think this has to do much with Ukraine wanting to join NATO, and everything with Putin trying to recreate the Russian empire.

He has already put many other requests, including removing NATO members that entered after 1997 (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, N. Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania), in addition to removing the sanctions and the US removing the nuclear weapons from Europe.

Give these to him, and he'll start asking for East Germany soon.
Youre missing the point somewhat.
You have two groups of people:

A) Ukrainian/EU nationals, 5 mins to process each person (for both the Ukrainian and Polish border combined) given routine visa-free access to the Schengen Zone
B) Nationals of 3rd countries, 15 mins to process each person (for both the Ukrainian and Polish border combined) given no routine visa-free access to the Schengen Zone

Which group do both sides of the border prioritise processing, both first the Ukrainian border agency and then secondly the Polish border agency, when your only goal is to maximise the throughput of people through the border? The answer to that question is obvious. There's tens of thousands of people at these borders waiting to cross. If you want to keep the maximum number of people moving, you focus on the low hanging fruit, group A, otherwise you are just going to have an ever-greater group of people having ever-greater wait times.

Now when you consider the demographics of the two groups and one will be slanted to men of student and working age, it's not just that group A is quicker to process and can have a greater flow rate, the demographics of group A will mean much of that group will be given ever greater priority, considering Ukrainian men of student and working age cannot cross and group A will therefore be mostly made up of women, children, elderly and people with disabilities.

I can't add any more on this issue, so I won't continue this conversation other than to say the following:

Racism is awful. Racism should be condemned. If border staff are discriminating based on skin colour or race, rather than the passport/visa status, of people trying to cross the border, whether on foot, by car or by train, then that too should be condemned. I'm sure border staff have made mistakes and will have revised policies in what will have been an unprecedented humanitarian situation that you simply cannot prepare for. But if you are expecting Ukraine and Poland to inefficiently manage their borders and operate a strict system of first-come-first-serve for all people, regardless of their passport/visa status and their immediate need to cross the border, then you are being a bit naïve. No borders operate like that anywhere in the world. That's not racism.
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.

Latvia and Estonia are already in, and Finland have an infinitely more capable military than Ukraine. Russia would not try that one again.
Their fans would get abused outside their borders right now though, unfortunately. Athletes would be massively unpopular, and for one, I'm eager to see how their news agencies explain this to their population.
Imagine trying to play the Russian anthem for the football team in, for example, Warsaw. Good luck with that.
This is bullshit though. NATO is the pretext not the reason. He wanted Ukraine and there is every reason to believe he'd have taken it regardless of whether NATO was on the table or not.

The only reason these countries wish to join NATOs defence league is because they know that they are not safe from Russian invasion.
Yeah, Russia at this point have apparently invaded Ukraine because they want to be in NATO, they're all Nazis, they want to kill Russians, they want nukes to bomb Russia, they want to ban the colours red white and blue, they want to turn Sundays into a mandatory working day and ban people from wearing hats, turn Russian cats into American goldfish, etc.

At what point do we just accept that Russia were invading no matter what.
I totally understand that I'm forgetting that factor but if u make a proposition to Ukraine to be:
- be blown into oblivion in hope of to be part of Nato and EU someday
- get funds to rebuild from catastrophy that already happened and to develop rapidly into prospective state with clear directions that Nato and EU is not a possibility but on the other hand Russian influence is also not a possibility

To be free democratic sovereign nations sounds very nice until u look into reality that this means that they want into EU and Nato which Russia is never gonna allow and contrary to my belief earlier in this crisis, reading and looking more into it, I think a-bomb is not out of question if things go very south for Russia.

And what guarantees does Ukraine or the rest of Europe get that that doesn't happen? Not only is there no reason to trust Russia in that regard, there is boundless reason to actively distrust them. If they try to sway powerholders in "neutral" Ukraine towards Russia through their usual campaign of bribery, intimidation, murder and political corruption then what happens? This is a regime that was happy to murder enemies within the UK without fear of any real consequence, why wouldn't they do the same to enemies within Ukraine, a country with far less clout than the UK? And in this instance "enemies within Ukraine" include members of the current regime.

A neutral Ukraine would still be a target for Russia unless Russia has actual reason to fear targeting them.
Let's be clear that for all his bluster about NATO aggression etc (never mind that it is a mutual defence league) the real reason Putin wants to destroy NATO is because he wishes to retain the privilege of invading and/or vassalising nations he considers part of the Russian sphere of influence.

There is no sound reason to accede to such an ambition when we are looking at democratic states desiring mutual protection against non democratic aggressors. All this is in a very real sense about the future of the democratic world.
Yeah, Russia at this point have apparently invaded Ukraine because they want to be in NATO, they're all Nazis, they want to kill Russians, they want nukes to bomb Russia, they want to ban the colours red white and blue, they want to turn Sundays into a mandatory working day and ban people from wearing hats, turn Russian cats into American goldfish, etc.

At what point do we just accept that Russia were invading no matter what.
Personally, I think the real question is this: if the West knew that NATO membership talks would make Russia invade Ukraine, should we have advocated for Ukraine neutrality for Ukraine's own good will? We can talk about sovereignty all we want but the fact is Ukraine is now in a war with Russia and people are dying.

In other words, should we have disappointed Ukraine by saying "we're sorry but we won't be discussing NATO membership, not now and not in the future, period.".
I don't think this has to do much with Ukraine wanting to join NATO, and everything with Putin trying to recreate the Russian empire.

He has already put many other requests, including removing NATO members that entered after 1997 (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, N. Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania), in addition to removing the sanctions and the US removing the nuclear weapons from Europe.

Give these to him, and he'll start asking for East Germany soon.
No disrespect but I think that Russian empire narrative is made up one from the west and I don't think many people actually believed this.
About other requests I think they are more request for negotiations than actually wishlist.
We definitely need to do more on nuclear disarmament. We can't have despots wanting to blow up the world every 50 years.

In principle, yes of course.
But as with everything, putting it into practice has proven to be next to impossible.
Think about N Korea. Are they going to agree.
Russia will never ever agree. It is their primary leverage, as we have just seen.

It has been tried and tried over the years. And Russia for example still had them by the thousands.
CND was a massive movement a few decades ago, but got nowhere.
Latvia and Estonia are already in, and Finland have an infinitely more capable military than Ukraine. Russia would not try that one again.
Finland and Sweden are looking increasingly likely to join NATO in the near future as it stands right now.
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I'm conflicted on the Russian athlete thing. It's easy to say it's not their fault and politics should 'stay out of the sport' but on the other hand: Russia has to understand the gravity of their actions and this includes isolation from international sporting. I lean towards the latter.

Agree with this.
Personally, I think the real question is this: if the West knew that NATO membership talks would make Russia invade Ukraine, should we have advocated for Ukraine neutrality for Ukraine's own good will? We can talk about sovereignty all we want but the fact is Ukraine is now in a war with Russia and people are dying.

In other words, should we have disappointed Ukraine by saying "we're sorry but we won't be discussing NATO membership, not now and not in the future, period.".
He'd have taken Ukraine regardless. Why does he not want Ukraine to join NATO? Because he'd like to conquer it.

So what do you think he'd do if he got assurances they wouldn't join NATO?
Russia has said for years that it wont allow Ukraine to become a Nato country. Thats the whole reason for the war. If it remained a neutral state then this war would not have happened. On one hand its a democracy and they should damn well be able to choose if they want to be Nato or not. On the other hand if they just let it be and remained a neutral state they wouldn't have been flattened by Russia. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. They cant and will not back down now. The endgame is Russia neutralizes Ukraine. They make it impossible for it to become Nato and at the same time sets up president that any of the other countries cant as well - Latvia, Estonia, Finland and yes even Belarus (they could elect a West leaning politician in the future). They have already achieved this objective no matter what happens in Ukraine. I cannot see any of those countries joining Nato. If they do they risk the same treatment as Ukraine. Maybe Finland would get away with it.

The Wests endgame is to demonize Russia. This will make it so all these countries dont lean towards Russia like Belarus has. Russia could even be influencing countries like Czech, Poland etc and trying to elect pro Russian governments. Its the game that has been played since the second world war. Also they have legitimate reasons to fk up the Russian economy and turn the world against them.

Latvia and Estonia are already part of NATO, and Finland are probably joining. I don't know how you expect your opinion on the "whole reason for the war" seriously when you don't even know that the Baltic countries are in NATO. It's pretty fundamental to the conflict.

Also, how could Belarus act a West leaning politician when they aren't a democracy? If they were a democracy they wouldn't be helping Russia invade Ukraine.
IF Russia had EVERY vassal state back, they would not stop there! Not as long as the current regime is controlling them. That has to be clear. I do not understand how people even can discuss this and blame Nato. Even russias own people do not think Nato would attack them!
Finland and Norway are looking increasingly likely to join NATO in the near future as it stands right now.

It seems like a complete no-brainer for Finland at this point. They are already fairly close to the 2% of GDP on military spending, so no massive increase is needed.
No disrespect but I think that Russian empire narrative is made up one from the west and I don't think many people actually believed this.
About other requests I think they are more request for negotiations than actually wishlist.
It is absolutely not. Putin has even written about all this himself ffs. It is his openly stated ambition. He doesn't even recognise Ukraine as a nation. They are Russians in his own written words.
We definitely need to do more on nuclear disarmament. We can't have despots wanting to blow up the world every 50 years.

unfortunately you can’t “uninvent” nuclear weapons. If wveryone disarmed and a conventiknal world war started, each side would build them again and more likely to use them as already at war.

Mutual destruction hopefully prevents war but yiu never know.
Personally, I think the real question is this: if the West knew that NATO membership talks would make Russia invade Ukraine, should we have advocated for Ukraine neutrality for Ukraine's own good will? We can talk about sovereignty all we want but the fact is Ukraine is now in a war with Russia and people are dying.

In other words, should we have disappointed Ukraine by saying "we're sorry but we won't be discussing NATO membership, not now and not in the future, period.".

Practical vs ideal.

In an ideal world you can, not accepting ukraine and still be on friendly terms, jobs creation, investment, bilateral partnership, etc.

One does not have to be in nato to prosper.

We dont accept new member for now but we welcome you nonetheless.

I'm paraphrasing that chicago lecturer btw
Can’t see it against Ukraine as nothing to gain and so much to lose as no country in the UN is going to stay nuetral affer that.

Only time tactical nuclear would ever be used if there really was a full blown conventional war against NATO and used

unfortunately you can’t “uninvent” nuclear weapons. If wveryone disarmed and a conventiknal world war started, each side would build them again and more likely to use them as already at war.

Mutual destruction hopefully prevents war but yiu never know.

Tbf nuclear has been responsible for alot of war not happening... until the day it doesnt... :nervous:

Without nuclear nato would have jumped on and bombed russia to stone age.
Unfair is unfair. I have Russian friends who live here in Prague and have had their bank accounts blocked, supervisors refusing to help with their thesis in university, seeing Russians = Killers posters on the rallies for peace that they themselves go to, having visa issues (some might be deported if things don’t subside). They’re not supportive of Putin - there’s a reason they don’t live in Russia. What else are they supposed to do in this situation?

It’s absolutely tragic what Ukrainian people are going through. The second most unfairly affected group in this situation are the Russians though.I don’t think it’s wrong to acknowledge this.
Yeah, one of the weirdest sanctions is Western universities kicking Russian students out/taking back their scholarships etc. Surely it works for Putin, not against him?

I get most of the sanctions even though they feck me over massively as a Russian citizen as they put a burden on Russian economy and instigate public unrest. How sanctioning poor students that got out of there to get a proper education, fleeing Putin’s regime, I have no idea.
No disrespect but I think that Russian empire narrative is made up one from the west and I don't think many people actually believed this.
About other requests I think they are more request for negotiations than actually wishlist.
He said that on live TV. Did you watch it?

Or did you read his essay about solving the Ukrainian question that he published last July (and then Medvedev published something similar a few months later).
Tbf nuclear has been responsible for alot of war not happening... until the day it doesnt... :nervous:

Without nuclear nato would have jumped on and bombed russia to stone age.

Yep. Without nukes it's far more tempting for conflicts to become boots on ground etc. Nukes give the ability for the leaders and generals sending those men and women to die to also be impacted. Deaths from war have dramatically reduced since their invention. The single biggest contributor to peace in the last 70 years in my opinion.

The issue has always been what if you get a leader for which MAD doesn't apply because they've had a breakdown, are suicidal or whatever.
Finland and Norway are looking increasingly likely to join NATO in the near future as it stands right now.

You mean Sweden? Norway were a founding member.

I think Putin has hugely miscalculated the after effects of this. He's likely to get another one or two Nato members on his doorstep, made China realise he's not a reliable partner, and created a fourth military superpower in a united EU.