Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

USA is apparently threatening tu cut off starlink.
I mean there is abandoning ukraine, but this is stabbing in the back.

Surprising no one. Poland aren't happy about the threat as it is their contract.

From what I gather a lock on Starlink use would be location based, so it would also affect Russian use of it on the front lines. Ukraine has already been testing OneWeb as an alternative since Starlink 'mysteriously' began turning off at crucial moments. Hopefully its a feasible replacement.

Hungarians will decide whether Ukraine can join the European Union, Orbán says​

Any Hungarians or other people in the know about how likely it is this clown will retain power in the years to come? Some of the other bits in that article are about equally as concerning as whats happening here in the US. And im sure he s getting lots of help from certain American parties to stay in power.

I really think the time of peacetime niceties with the likes of Orban has passed. Time to get serious and get on a war footing. If the major European economies are in favour of Ukraine joining up, then make it so. Kick Hungary out while at it - again, it’s time to get serious and stop pandering.
How can Putin have any talks with Trump when he claims he hates Nazis yet Trump has surrounded himself with Cosplay Nazis and sympathetic followers
Well, this is the face of Russia's Z-culture:
Give us half your minerals and dont blame russia for invading. Does anyone want to still defend the US negotiations?

U.S. pressures Kyiv to replace U.N. resolution condemning Russia​

The Trump administration has asked Ukraine to withdraw an annual resolution condemning Russia’s war, and wants to replace it with a toned-down U.S. statement that was perceived as being close to pro-Russian in Kyiv, according to an official and three European diplomats familiar with the plan, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive political situation between nations that have typically acted as partners