Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

In the fact that he clearly has some kind of mental problems associated with his advanced age. I don't think he'll physically be capable of campaigning. He looks worse every time he gives an interview. And yes, the midterms do often go the other way which makes me wonder about the pattern of a party coming to power by promising the swing voters everything they want and routinely fecking them over.

America is a funny country and one can't understand it without living in it. As to Biden running for a second term, we'll have to see what happens, two years is a long time.
Its crazy, I tend to be of the opinion Russia's disinformation network is far more extensive than most people realise or want to admit, we are all victims to it at some level, but some much more than others.

The 'troll farms' are real, the botnets extensive and only getting smarter. The most worrying part is there is barely any attempt to defend against it apart from some individuals on twitter or small groups like bellingcat.
I have another theory on this - the disinformation troll farms and botnets (not all, or even most, Russian mind you) are so extensive and so prolific that the US government is between a rock and a hard place because they underpin a serious portion of the traffic on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook’s stock dropped 25% when their user growth just stagnated. Now imagine what it would do if you wiped off 10, 20 or even 30% of the most active and engagement driving accounts on the platform.

It would cause a serious dip in tech stocks and a not insignificant dent in the economy Biden and Democrats are desperate to maintain if they have any hope of holding on to the reins of government.
Funnily enough in Russia people are discussing how in his meetings with Lavrov (head of the foreign office) & Shoigu (head of the defense ministry) Putin had confirmed that the negotiations are still very much active & accepted Shoigu’s statement that some of the military exercises near the border are about to finish. It was certainly scripted to send a message to the West & the likes. I don’t think that the invasion will happen in any of the upcoming days, although it’s important not to give too much attention to those words that can be taken back tomorrow.
I have another theory on this - the disinformation troll farms and botnets (not all, or even most, Russian mind you) are so extensive and so prolific that the US government is between a rock and a hard place because they underpin a serious portion of the traffic on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook’s stock dropped 25% when their user growth just stagnated. Now imagine what it would do if you wiped off 10, 20 or even 30% of the most active and engagement driving accounts on the platform.

It would cause a serious dip in tech stocks and a not insignificant dent in the economy Biden and Democrats are desperate to maintain if they have any hope of holding on to the reins of government.

There's some line of reasoning there I guess but the stock market is not the economy and I'd suggest the Russian war against democracy in the US is a far bigger threat to the democrats.

Could be a few dems that care more about their own personal stock holdings than anything else perhaps.
I have another theory on this - the disinformation troll farms and botnets (not all, or even most, Russian mind you) are so extensive and so prolific that the US government is between a rock and a hard place because they underpin a serious portion of the traffic on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook’s stock dropped 25% when their user growth just stagnated. Now imagine what it would do if you wiped off 10, 20 or even 30% of the most active and engagement driving accounts on the platform.

It would cause a serious dip in tech stocks and a not insignificant dent in the economy Biden and Democrats are desperate to maintain if they have any hope of holding on to the reins of government.
I think you overestimate their amount. They’re not bots — not technically, it’s just the name that got stuck to them, it’s real people who are paid to spread the required message. They are strategically positioned — in the comments of large Western media, on Reddit etc. their norm is about 120-150 comments per day per person. We obviously don’t know the exact amount of them but they’re most likely to be in thousands, tens of thousands would be a stretch. Even if we say that it’s 20k and every one of them has, say, 5 accounts, it’s like 100k. Facebook’s active monthly user base is closing up to 3 billion people.
I think you overestimate their amount. They’re not bots — not technically, it’s just the name that got stuck to them, it’s real people who are paid to spread the required message. They are strategically positioned — in the comments of large Western media, on Reddit etc. their norm is about 120-150 comments per day per person. We obviously don’t know the exact amount of them but they’re most likely to be in thousands, tens of thousands would be a stretch. Even if we say that it’s 20k and every one of them has, say, 5 accounts, it’s like 100k. Facebook’s active monthly user base is closing up to 3 billion people.

Tell me the truth, how many are you managing? :D
In the fact that he clearly has some kind of mental problems associated with his advanced age. I don't think he'll physically be capable of campaigning. He looks worse every time he gives an interview. And yes, the midterms do often go the other way which makes me wonder about the pattern of a party coming to power by promising the swing voters everything they want and routinely fecking them over.
Meh. The tin foil hats will point to the “deep state” or the “military industrial complex” really running our countries, and people can boil on about Biden or Johnson or whomever and pure political terms, and re-elections, etc. However, the truth underlying all this is this there will be a robust and very strong response from the west, special forces training camps in Romania, Hungary and Poland with arms smuggling into Ukraine to fuel an insurrection. MI6 and CIA operational support in counter-hybrid warfare to fuel an insurrection. That will happen regardless of Johnson, Biden, Trump or whomever. There are powers far greater than a personality at play. The Russians had a part in sending numerous body bags of American, UK and NATO soldiers casualties through sustained indirect and discreet support of Taliban fighters, etc. This is geopolitical realpolitik and if you think we won’t repay the favour in kind, 10 fold, you’re mad. In fact, we’ll probably even profit off it to add insult to injury. Putin should be shitting his pants about the number of dead Russians we’ll be sending back, as well as the economic havoc we’ll unleash on his economy, as well as we remember he tampered in the US elections and whatever else the devious little bastard has been up to. We’ll serve up some cold ass revenge and break his back.
Stupid bastards think because maybe Biden or Johnson aren’t up to snuff means the backbone of British and American resolve aren’t resilient enough to stand up. I contend - they are wrong. We’ll not only show resolve, but we’ll make money sending Russian soldiers home in body bags.
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Meh. The tin foil hats will point to the “deep state” or the “military industrial complex” really running our countries, and people can boil on about Biden or Johnson or whomever and pure political terms, and re-elections, etc. However, the truth underlying all this is this there will be a robust and very strong response from the west, special forces training camps in Romania, Hungary and Poland with arms smuggling into Ukraine to fuel an insurrection. MI6 and CIA operational support in counter-hybrid warfare to fuel an insurrection. That will happen regardless of Johnson, Biden, Trump or whomever. There are powers far greater than a personality at play. The Russians had a part in sending numerous body bags of American, UK and NATO soldiers casualties through sustained indirect and discreet support of Taliban fighters, etc. This is geopolitical realpolitik and if you think we won’t repay the favour in kind, 10 fold, you’re mad. In fact, we’ll probably even profit off it to add insult to injury. Putin should be shitting his pants about the number of dead Russians we’ll be sending back, as well as the economic havoc we’ll unleash on his economy, as well as we remember he tampered in the US elections and whatever else the devious little bastard has been up to. We’ll serve up some cold ass revenge and break his back.
Stupid bastards think because maybe Biden or Johnson aren’t up to snuff means the backbone of British and American resolve aren’t resilient enough to stand up. I contend they are wrong. We’ll not only show resolve, but we’ll make money sending Russian soldiers home in body bags.
The problem with the "deep state" is that there is nothing "deep" about it. It is just the "state" and yes that involves the military industrial complex.

As for the rest of your post, do you plan to enlist in the army? How many state planners will die? I find this "we" funny when the people who make war view those who play the drone/pawn role very much as expendable "theys". That aside, the thought of retaliation for Afghanistan had crossed my mind more than once.
The problem with the "deep state" is that there is nothing "deep" about it. It is just the "state" and yes that involves the military industrial complex.

As for the rest of your post, do you plan to enlist in the army? How many state planners will die? I find this "we" funny when the people who make war view those who play the drone/pawn role very much as expendable "theys". That aside, the thought of retaliation for Afghanistan had crossed my mind more than once.
We learned, just like Russians did, about “keeping your hands clean” to conduct insurgencies. The Russians via the Chinese began with direct support in Korea, the Russians in Vietnam, we countered in the 80’s in Afghanistan, we countered in Angola, Nicaragua and in the 90s in Yugoslavia. They countered again in the 2000s in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. It’s a circle of violence and it will continue.
We learned, just like Russians did, about “keeping your hands clean” to conduct insurgencies. The Russians via the Chinese began with direct support in Korea, the Russians in Vietnam, we countered in the 80’s in Afghanistan, we countered in Angola, Nicaragua and in the 90s in Yugoslavia. They countered again in the 2000s in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. It’s a circle of violence and it will continue.
Yes, I would say that's pretty accurate and why I can't take sides when I know each side is continuously counteracting the other without any real regard for morality. It's largely about business.
What matters isn’t the truth, but the perception of the truth. Putin knows that all too well. The perception is they paid for US and UK bounties on soldiers. If you dabble in post- truth politics, you pay the price. That’s the perception in the US and UK - he paid bounties. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The roosters come home to roost eventually, he’s going to reap what he sowed.
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Yes, I would say that's pretty accurate and why I can't take sides when I know each side is continuously counteracting the other without any real regard for morality. It's largely about business.
The real players in the field are cold blooded and ultimately ruthless. Putin, Biden, Trump, Johnson are caricatures. People lose their focus on the skewing of facts and veer toward emotion. The reality is Russia has the GDP comparable to South Korea (but with a stronger military and nukes) and we’re going to batter them again. Too many people buy into this “strong man” persona and bullshit narratives and perceptions.

Putin may be able to cling onto power for the rest of his life, but he’ll only manage to do it with a wrecked economy that will set his country back decades and hundreds of body bags coming home per month.
We need only kick in the door…
We haven’t seen our response to his meddling to the US elections and Brexit yet. It’s a coming storm. People act like the the US, UK, France, Germany, the rest of the EU, S. Korea, Japan, Australia are powerless. We control the world economy and the strongest military alliances on the planet. It’s time to stop pretending we don’t have power in front of a two-bit dictator of a failed state.
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We haven’t seen our response to his meddling to the US elections and Brexit yet. It’s a coming storm.

The US literally helped rig a Russian presidential election in 1996. A Clinton no less. Openly bragged about it. Putin is entirely a monster of their own creation.
The US literally helped rig a Russian presidential election in 1996. A Clinton no less. Openly bragged about it. Putin is entirely a monster of their own creation.
Again, that’s a bit boring and uninventive. It’s not about Reagan, Thatcher, the Bush dynasty, the Clintons, Major, Blair, May, Obama, Trump or Biden. Look at the similarities, the balance of power, and the techniques. Power is simply Power.

People can cry about “what about” forever. What about Iraq? What about Chechnya? What about Panama? What about Georgia and Crimea and the Donbas? It doesn’t matter, what matters is power and the strength of that power and the willingness to use that power. We’ll see what happens next and how power gets used, economically, militarily, and in the media. My bet is on the US to win out.
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Stolen from a comment on reddit, but thought it was likely :

This is the plan, simplified:

  1. Regions in Ukraine have a "vote" to declare independence from Ukraine. Russia recognizes the declared independence of those regions.
  2. Ukraine refuses to recognize the declared independent regions, citing that the election results are not to be trusted, it is a Russian plot.
  3. The newly declared regions in Ukraine ask Russia for protection from the already present Ukrainian military forces.
  4. Russia says that they will peacefully establish troops in those regions to ensure the peace, this is not an "invasion".
  5. Ukraine must decide how to respond, by allowing Russian peace keepers or by refusing to allow them into Ukraine, which will require military force, thus starting the war.
As you see in this scenario, Russia is trying to protect the people from unqualified Ukrainian aggression, and if it is attacked, it will respond in kind. It is not an invasion in this scenario, it is a peace keeping mission.

Typing all this makes me sweaty
The real players in the field are cold blooded and ultimately ruthless. Putin, Biden, Trump, Johnson are caricatures. People lose their focus on the skewing of facts and veer toward emotion. The reality is Russia has the GDP comparable to South Korea (but with a stronger military and nukes) and we’re going to batter them again. Too many people buy into this “strong man” persona and bullshit narratives and perceptions.

Putin may be able to cling onto power for the rest of his life, but he’ll only manage to do it with a wrecked economy that will set his country back decades and hundreds of body bags coming home per month.

you cant even batter the goat herders back in Afghanistan

And talking bout economy. You aint got money for a big war, good luck bombing the very region that bought your bond. Once they stopped buying your bond you'd be broke in no time.
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you cant even batter the goat herders back in Afghanistan

And talking bout economy. You aint got money for a big war, good luck bombing the very region that bought your bond. Once they stopped buying your bond you'd be broke in no time.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia.

Could you keep your masturbatory experiences private in future?
Could you keep your masturbatory experiences private in future?
Nobody wants to see that, because places like Washington DC, Hereford, London, Baltimore, Seattle, would be probably be wiped out too. But I'd guarantee it. We'd hit them harder, faster, and more efficiently than anyone could imagine.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.

Calm down there, this is utterly bonkers. Yes I do think Putin is crazy enough down the line to threaten a nuclear conflict but NATO will not initiate a first strike in the way you describe, it's total madness.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.
Please tell me this is some sort of a parody post or an internet meme
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Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.

What the ... :lol:

Talk about cringe.
Calm down there, this is utterly bonkers. Yes I do think Putin is crazy enough down the line to threaten a nuclear conflict but NATO will not initiate a first strike in the way you describe, it's total madness.
But it's truth and we all know it, we just need to accept reality.
We just need to accept this reality and cherish the image of children being wiped out by a nuclear strike?
Nobody wants to see that, because places like Washington DC, Hereford, London, Baltimore, Seattle, would be probably be wiped out too. But I'd guarantee it. We'd hit them harder, faster, and more efficiently than anyone could imagine.