Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I've notice r/greenandpleasent popping up on my reddit feed the last few weeks for some reason, supposed to be a UK leftist disussion platform of some sort, has amassed 100k+ followers.

Turns out its a fully blown Russian propoganda outlet.

Apparently Hilary Clinton is to blame according to most posters on Twitter feeds.
I've notice r/greenandpleasent popping up on my reddit feed the last few weeks for some reason, supposed to be a UK leftist disussion platform of some sort, has amassed 100k+ followers.

Turns out its a fully blown Russian propoganda outlet.

I’ve seen official labour youth tweeter account lapping this up, it’s crazy how how good their army of bots are online in influencing people.
Here it is:
I’ve seen official labour youth tweeter account lapping this up, it’s crazy how how good their army of bots are online in influencing people.
Here it is:

A few of the comrades here might very well be running those accounts.
The US doesn’t remove all its combat units from one front to train in another.

South Korean based troops don’t just all pop over to New York for a few months for example.

What makes you think that all units moved? From the summary I have seen it's not even close, they mainly moved two to three brigades per divisions and a few battalion from 6 to 7 different armys. Out of a million active personnel in Russia, that's maybe about 20k-30k? Keeping in mind that a full division is around 10k active personnel and a brigade estimated at maximum 500 active personnel.

Out of curiosity I would actually like to see a convoy where they empty bases. If I'm not mistaken it represents several hundreds of thousands units just for the Far eastern military district.
I've notice r/greenandpleasent popping up on my reddit feed the last few weeks for some reason, supposed to be a UK leftist disussion platform of some sort, has amassed 100k+ followers.

Turns out its a fully blown Russian propoganda outlet.

That's pretty crazy.
Can you imagine being on that Ukrainian frontline right now..
Not even the front line. The reserves have been called up and non combatant soldiers are being put into combat roles. Women are filling the non combatant roles in Ukrainian military. Must be fecking terrifying for people whom didn’t expect to end up in the middle of this.
A few of the comrades here might very well be running those accounts.
A lot of you have been raised on a diet of Western exceptionalism so that when people provide you with facts to match these statements you accuse them of "whataboutery". That's doublethink in action.
I don't believe the other side either. Truth be told, both sides are cunniving and neither will promote actual peace long term because NATO nations made a business vilifying Russia while Russia made a business vilifying NATO. We may all focus our attention on China or Iran for a while but we will be back at it whether Ukraine joins NATO or not.
And it just moves from Russia to China to Iran and sometimes two or three at once. Each side no doubt being grateful, usually, for the brief distraction.
What makes you think that all units moved? From the summary I have seen it's not even close, they mainly moved two to three brigades per divisions and a few battalion from 6 to 7 different armys. Out of a million active personnel in Russia, that's maybe about 20k-30k? Keeping in mind that a full division is around 10k active personnel and a brigade estimated at maximum 500 active personnel.

Out of curiosity I would actually like to see a convoy where they empty bases. If I'm not mistaken it represents several hundreds of thousands units just for the Far eastern military district.
Isn't a division composed of about 3 maneuver regiments/brigades + auxiliary units?

Also divisions don't usually help to count vs total personnel. For example the US Army has 11 divisions, but ~450k active duty personnel. If you just did the divisions * 10k each you get 110k and are very short vs total numbers. Easier to do comparisons vs total number of units. So for example if the US Army moves 3+ divisions into a new theater, that is a very significant commitment already.

In summary I'd really like to know what percentage of its effective divisions, regiments, brigades or any other unit of measure, has Russia moved to the immediate area? I haven't seen that anywhere, but also haven't really looked that much.
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I’ve seen official labour youth tweeter account lapping this up, it’s crazy how how good their army of bots are online in influencing people.
Here it is:

Its crazy, I tend to be of the opinion Russia's disinformation network is far more extensive than most people realise or want to admit, we are all victims to it at some level, but some much more than others.

The 'troll farms' are real, the botnets extensive and only getting smarter. The most worrying part is there is barely any attempt to defend against it apart from some individuals on twitter or small groups like bellingcat.
Its crazy, I tend to be of the opinion Russia's disinformation network is far more extensive than most people realise or want to admit, we are all victims to it at some level, but some much more than others.

The 'troll farms' are real, the botnets extensive and only getting smarter. The most worrying part is there is barely any attempt to defend against it apart from some individuals on twitter or small groups like bellingcat.
It's the western disinformation network that would worry me. You're repeating its best played tune word for word.

The majority of people criticizing NATO are well aware that Russia is an autocracy. The people criticizing Russia are nearly all incapable of self-criticism. Provide them with facts, one by one, historical or current, and it is whataboutery. Very Orwellian.
What kind of president jokes about the start date of an attack by an invader? Very Trumpian

I cant believe anyone buys this view point:
Remain hostile - with chunks taken away from its territory by its non hostile neighbour?
Increasing capabilities, and inaction costlier than action - therefore Russia fears eventual attack by Ukraine ? Or it actually fears it cannot defeat it as easily down the line...
Its crazy, I tend to be of the opinion Russia's disinformation network is far more extensive than most people realise or want to admit, we are all victims to it at some level, but some much more than others.

The 'troll farms' are real, the botnets extensive and only getting smarter. The most worrying part is there is barely any attempt to defend against it apart from some individuals on twitter or small groups like bellingcat.
Exactly. While bots are theoretically much easier to identify and block, the troll farms are going to be much more challenging to tackle as these are genuine people behind the keyboards. Security services should definitely have farms of their own to try and reduce their influence via counterbalancing.
What kind of president jokes about the start date of an attack by an invader? Very Trumpian
Biden has joked about it?

Remember when Trump was trying to go to war with China and many of these same people (in media circles) were calling him all kinds of names. It's funny how you can be a sociopathic warhawk so long as it's your war and under a liberal facade just strong enough to prevent self-criticism.
I cant believe anyone buys this view point:
Remain hostile - with chunks taken away from its territory by its non hostile neighbour?
Increasing capabilities, and inaction costlier than action - therefore Russia fears eventual attack by Ukraine ? Or it actually fears it cannot defeat it as easily down the line...
This has been a cause for aggression in the past. Iirc it was a main factor in German military thinking before WWI, except that time it was Russia that they feared would get too strong for them to handle over time, so they preferred what they thought was a favorable war sooner rather than the prospect of unfavorable war/balance of power later.
I cant believe anyone buys this view point:
Remain hostile - with chunks taken away from its territory by its non hostile neighbour?
Increasing capabilities, and inaction costlier than action - therefore Russia fears eventual attack by Ukraine ? Or it actually fears it cannot defeat it as easily down the line...
It’s genuinely beyond my level of comprehension how can people be stupid like that.

Anyway, hopefully, Kiev is as joyful and upbeat as always when I’m coming back to visit it again in few weeks time.
Isn't a division composed of about 3 maneuver regiments/brigades + auxiliary units?

Also divisions don't usually help to count vs total personnel. For example the US Army has 9 divisions, but ~450k active duty personnel. If you just did the divisions * 10k each you get 90k and are very short vs total numbers. Easier to do comparisons vs total number of units. So for example if the US Army moves 3+ divisions into a new theater, that is a very significant commitment already.

The structure of the Russian army is a bit weird but the groupings are seemingly smaller than the ones used by the US, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway they didn't move full divisions from the Far eastern district, I'm pretty sure that I have seen it mentioned for an other district, I think southern military district but I'm not sure and it's not the ones moved recently those went to Belarus.

One would have to look at all articles around but the initial build in Russia at the border are mix of several districts and divisions, the recent exercise to Belarus is apparently exclusively from the Far eastern district but that's a massive district.
I cant believe anyone buys this view point:
Remain hostile - with chunks taken away from its territory by its non hostile neighbour?
Increasing capabilities, and inaction costlier than action - therefore Russia fears eventual attack by Ukraine ? Or it actually fears it cannot defeat it as easily down the line...
Did you read his article or just the tweet?

I think his health is not good and he’s afraid of Covid much, making him very paranoid. Macron was not able to provide a negative PCR test I think by the time of their meeting. Apparently, some of his staff has spent a total of 180 days in quarantine hotel last year as he would only interact with anyone having completed two weeks isolation from veterans to colleagues. He is one big coward in essence.
What I don't understand about people claiming that Biden and the US are wanting a conflict is that such a view is totally divorced from the reality of US domestic politics. A Russia-Ukraine war increases gas prices which then increases inflation that is already being experienced in the US, which further decreases Biden's approval rating which is already very low. Any war would hurt Biden politically at least in the short-term, if not longer.
Biden has joked about it?

Remember when Trump was trying to go to war with China and many of these same people (in media circles) were calling him all kinds of names. It's funny how you can be a sociopathic warhawk so long as it's your war and under a liberal facade just strong enough to prevent self-criticism.

Where has Biden joked about anything regarding this crisis? He seems grave every time he talks about this as any war likely hurts him politically. You will need to point me to an article.
What I don't understand about people claiming that Biden and the US are wanting a conflict is that such a view is totally divorced from the reality of US domestic politics. A Russia-Ukraine war increases gas prices which then increases inflation that is already being experienced in the US, which further decreases Biden's approval rating which is already very low. Any war would hurt Biden politically at least in the short-term, if not longer.
In fact, their strategy of releasing Russian plans is one of deterrence, trying to prevent a war, not create one.
What I don't understand about people claiming that Biden and the US are wanting a conflict is that such a view is totally divorced from the reality of US domestic politics. A Russia-Ukraine war increases gas prices which then increases inflation that is already being experienced in the US, which further decreases Biden's approval rating which is already very low. Any war would hurt Biden politically at least in the short-term, if not longer.
Biden is not being reelected regardless of whatever happens. The Democrats will lose the midterms as it is. The US is happy to feed Ukraine to Russia if Russia is dumb enough to take the bait. Also, the US is literally trying to convince to EU to buy its own oil exports (in tankers) as we speak. A replacement for Russian gas.
What I don't understand about people claiming that Biden and the US are wanting a conflict is that such a view is totally divorced from the reality of US domestic politics. A Russia-Ukraine war increases gas prices which then increases inflation that is already being experienced in the US, which further decreases Biden's approval rating which is already very low. Any war would hurt Biden politically at least in the short-term, if not longer.

To add onto this, any war would further reinforce right-wing neocon talking points that Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan is to blame for Putin becoming emboldened and invading Ukraine (which is nonsense of course as Putin genuinely is afraid of Ukraine joining EU/NATO but will be sucked up by the MAGA types). Definitely not the type of stuff he wants to deal with right now.
Where has Biden joked about anything regarding this crisis? He seems grave every time he talks about this as any war likely hurts him politically. You will need to point me to an article.
That was a question not a statement. So Putin has joked about it?
No I'm talking about Zelensky, an article was posted on this thread a few hours ago but I'll repost a similar one:
He has consistently been trying to defuse the situation so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he's joking because the situation is absurd and he's realised the Americans are using him and Russians have no regard for him which means he's between a rock and a hard place. He has literally told American media to stop meddling and ramping up war talk.

Distasteful in times like these for this jackass to pull off sarcastic jokes.
He probably doesn't think he's going to be invaded. I imagine the joke is at the expense of the US and NATO. Only problem is people took it literally and it caused a run on the market (which American media have been doing to Ukraine for a month now).
Biden is not being reelected regardless of whatever happens. The Democrats will lose the midterms as it is. The US is happy to feed Ukraine to Russia if Russia is dumb enough to take the bait. Also, the US is literally trying to convince to EU to buy its own oil exports (in tankers) as we speak. A replacement for Russian gas.

These are all opinions and not rooted in actual facts, which is fine as we all are entitled to our views. It's too early to say if any president will be re-elected or not, most presidents get crushed in the first midterms and yet most still win a second term.
These are all opinions and not rooted in actual facts, which is fine as we all are entitled to our views. It's too early to say if any president will be re-elected or not, most presidents get crushed in the first midterms and yet most still win a second term.
In the fact that he clearly has some kind of mental problems associated with his advanced age. I don't think he'll physically be capable of campaigning. He looks worse every time he gives an interview. And yes, the midterms do often go the other way which makes me wonder about the pattern of a party coming to power by promising the swing voters everything they want and routinely fecking them over.