Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Ooh this is getting so exciting now.

I love a good old will they won't they.

It's like Kylie and Jason all over again.

Now, given the time difference, I'm wondering if Putin will take into account or 2nd half performances and press the button early around 70th minute of tomorrow's game.

Maybe will give us something more interesting to watch on TV then losing to Brighton.
@JPRouve maybe the americans shared the intel?

Not really. The previous sentence was that it was a situation that exist for several months and the following that nothing indicates that Putin decided to sanction an attack.

It was a weird answer basically he said that Russia had troops for months, that they are also currently in Belarus conducting exercises, that the navy comes and goes. So if the question is whether Russia could quickly attack Ukraine the answer is yes but he doesn't think so.
Is this the new code of war . You schedule a time with your opponent to invade.
Anybody wanna make last-minute predictions here? I still don't think there'll be a large-scale military conflict where for example Kyiv gets bombed. Just can't see it happening.

If anything, I'd say a definite grab of the Donbas.
Anybody wanna make last-minute predictions here? I still don't think there'll be a large-scale military conflict where for example Kyiv gets bombed. Just can't see it happening.

If anything, I'd say a definite grab of the Donbas.
Smash and grab by the Ukrainians, hopefully.

Soak up pressure for the first 70 minutes, get the winner on the counter.
Anybody wanna make last-minute predictions here? I still don't think there'll be a large-scale military conflict where for example Kyiv gets bombed. Just can't see it happening.

If anything, I'd say a definite grab of the Donbas.

They already control Donbas. He may try to create a landbridge between Donbas and Crimea, which will involve taking Mariupol.
Anybody wanna make last-minute predictions here? I still don't think there'll be a large-scale military conflict where for example Kyiv gets bombed. Just can't see it happening.

If anything, I'd say a definite grab of the Donbas.
I think it will happen. Ukraine, US and NATO will not cave regarding Ukraine potentially joining NATO at some point - Putin will not have it - I’m certain of it.

It’s hard to see anything other than a war breaking out in the next few weeks. I mean the build up of the military to surround Ukraine is giving me shudders and I’m thousands of miles away. It would seriously look a bit fecking dumb now, if the West called Putin’s bluff after all the build up of military forces and all the bluster. I know Putin saying that there won’t be an invasion but look at the video below, and tell me nothing significant is happening. I mean videos likes that been popping up for weeks now.

I think it will happen. Ukraine, US and NATO will not cave regarding Ukraine potentially joining NATO at some point - Putin will not have it - I’m certain of it.

It’s hard to see anything other than a war breaking out in the next few weeks. I mean the build up of the military to surround Ukraine is giving me shudders and I’m thousands of miles away. It would seriously look a bit fecking dumb now, if the West called Putin’s bluff after all the build up of military forces and all the bluster. I know Putin saying that there won’t be an invasion but look at the video below, and tell me nothing significant is happening. I mean videos likes that been popping up for weeks now.

Imagine if network rail was in charge.

Putin would be waiting for weeks.
I dunno. I still can't see there being open conflict. But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.

It wouldn't surprise me to see NATO forces steam into Ukraine from the west while Russian forces do the same from the east. Then when they meet in the middle, everyone stops and agrees to divide the country into two like Germany post-WW2. In a lot of ways, that situation might suit Putin because it would maintain a Russian majority in the areas that he controls, thereby making it easier to install a puppet.

I just don't think anyone on either side wants Russian/NATO soldiers engaging in firefights.
I dunno. I still can't see there being open conflict. But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.

It wouldn't surprise me to see NATO forces steam into Ukraine from the west while Russian forces do the same from the east. Then when they meet in the middle, everyone stops and agrees to divide the country into two like Germany post-WW2. In a lot of ways, that situation might suit Putin because it would maintain a Russian majority in the areas that he controls, thereby making it easier to install a puppet.

I just don't think anyone on either side wants Russian/NATO soldiers engaging in firefights.
NATO isnt entering Ukraine, something truly astounding needs to happen for that e.g machine gunning children on live stream type of gruesome activities
Mr Johnson is expected to hold a Cobra meeting on Tuesday to discuss the UK's response to the pressures

The only thing that man can hold is a fecking cock in his hand.
Moving shit from Vladivostok might just signal intent.

Does it? Because we know that Russia are currently in Belarus for exercises, we also know that they are supposed to have an other exercise on the western front. Units in Vladivostok aren't meant to be continuously isolated, in smaller countries it might be less impressive in terms of distances but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened within the US, I know that I have seen my share of convoy while living near a military base.

An example similar to this:

While it may be something else, I do think that some people on twitter are bit dubious, they use the fact that many people aren't used to see hundreds of military vehicles in convoy.
They already control Donbas. He may try to create a landbridge between Donbas and Crimea, which will involve taking Mariupol.


(maybe but hugely more risky than any other option)
Moving shit from Vladivostok might just signal intent.

They’ve been doing It for weeks/months. Eastern front is bare. Made the point several times in this thread. They have the assets in place now to push in extra btg by rail whenever they like.
Does it? Because we know that Russia are currently in Belarus for exercises, we also know that they are supposed to have an other exercise on the western front. Units in Vladivostok aren't meant to be continuously isolated, in smaller countries it might be less impressive in terms of distances but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened within the US, I know that I have seen my share of convoy while living near a military base.

An example similar to this:

While it may be something else, I do think that some people on twitter are bit dubious, they use the fact that many people aren't used to see hundreds of military vehicles in convoy.

The US doesn’t remove all its combat units from one front to train in another.

South Korean based troops don’t just all pop over to New York for a few months for example.