Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.

Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.

get help
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.

Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.
WTF :lol:
I get you. Appeasement immediately springs to mind though.

You're conflating entirely different things in my opinion. I entirely disagree.

For starters, an empire can be democratic. The Roman empire and British empires both were to a large degree. I'd likely agree that it's reasonable to consider the USA an empire to some degree too.

That said, a strong 'friend' pressuring a weaker 'friend' is pretty much exactly what IR is all about. Empire or not.

It's not really at all the same situation though.

Appeasement Involved countries being forced to give up actual territory, as opposed to a promise to not join a military alliance.

The British and Roman empires were not democratic in international relations, which is what that poster was saying. Indians and South Africans and Ghanians and Hauls had little to no say in being occupied by the British, nor much involvement in the running of their territories, certainly at the level of the common man. Same with the Romans Empire, which regardless spent longer as an empire with an emperor than it did as a Republic.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.
You seem to say this with glee. Get fecking help.
Within 25 minutes we'll neutralize the entire Russian strategic air defense command, turn the bulk of Russia into radioactive glass, burn the children into shadows on the wall and obliterate Pakistan and N. Korea and China and absolutely wipe the floor with everyone. And that's before we go in for second dishes. Don't forget who you think you might be able to feck with. That's before, or in conjunction, with simultaneous coordination with the British, French, Indian and Israeli response. There will be grand tour of pre-designated targets across Russia with our stealth technology and SAC bases, as well as strategic subs in the Atlantic, north pole, the Pacific as well as the Mediterranean and Diego Garcia. That implies you could hit any stations on ready status within 10-15 minutes with tactical nukes before launch codes and signet status and bombers were airborne.
Conor McGregor enters chat…
I'm pretty sure it's an altered version of the 'I'm a navy seal' meme haha.
What is Putins plan here? If he really wanted Ukraine, why the 20th century strategy? Why brodcast your invasion months and months in advance?

Honestly i think he tried to bluff and overplayed his hand here. A conflict with NATO is going to end badly for him and backing down will really ruin his image back home among his supporters
They are now claiming the troops on the border were part of a training programme and they are now returning to their bases having completed training, good way of saving face and it points to Ukraine stepping down and giving a reason that makes it look like they weren't preparing to invade Ukraine.
They are now claiming the troops on the border were part of a training programme and they are now returning to their bases having completed training, good way of saving face and it points to Ukraine stepping down and giving a reason that makes it look like they weren't preparing to invade Ukraine.
Stepping down from what?
Ukraine border? Perhaps I'm mistaken but it looked as though they were preparing to invade and now they've called it a training exercise and dispersed... I'm no expert on diplomatic matters but MSM have made it look like this for me...
You meant Russia is stepping down, right?
They are now claiming the troops on the border were part of a training programme and they are now returning to their bases having completed training, good way of saving face and it points to Ukraine stepping down and giving a reason that makes it look like they weren't preparing to invade Ukraine.

Yes they are claiming this while moving more forces in by the trainload every single day, showing no sign of slowing down.

There is quite an extensive network of random people on twitter that are monitoring russian movements round the clock through real-time satalite imagary and piecing together tik-tok/media posts from locals on the ground. They seem to be on top of things as well as US intelligence or anyone else.

Russia can't bluff this, but then there are a large chunk of people who don't see that and actually take words at face value. They are also mainly talking to the Russian people when they release any statement, that's who they mainly need to convince should this ever result in bodybags coming home.
Ukraine border? Perhaps I'm mistaken but it looked as though they were preparing to invade and now they've called it a training exercise and dispersed... I'm no expert on diplomatic matters but MSM have made it look like this for me...

No it was a planned and announced large scale exercise and not the first one either. (That one is from september)
So can we breathe now?
No more and no less than you should be with the knowledge that Russia and Ukraine have essentially been in various states of war and cease fire since the Crimean annexation. Most Ukrainians I know have been far less involved in this recent news cycle than us in the West.
So can we breathe now?

Keep holding a couple more days ;) See if there is actually any signs of significant withdrawal. Very public statements about de-escalation alongside actions that suggest the opposite just make more worried something is imminent.

So can we breathe now?
Not if you're in the vicinity of the tank convoy- did you see the amount of crap they pump out? If you could invent a catalytic convertor that can be retrofitted to tanks you could be quids in.
Not if you're in the vicinity of the tank convoy- did you see the amount of crap they pump out? If you could invent a catalytic convertor that can be retrofitted to tanks you could be quids in.
Especially if they want to invade the EU long term. Wouldn't be allowed in any city center with that!
If Russia is massing it's forces on the border with Ukraine, should the rest of the world now sneak in round the back? Command and conquer style.....
Surely those posts on the previous page were a meme/parody? I refuse to believe those were serious posts :lol:
Remind me which side is meant to be lying and which one is telling the truth in all this please?!
If Russia do withdraw its probably a winners all round situation. The politicians got to talk tough for their domestic audiences and Ukraine got new weapons and support. Plenty will have made big money in the markets throughout.

I'd rather the world didn't get into the habit of brinkmanship though. The next villain will be Iran and then concerns that China are daring to build foreign bases.
Was kinda hoping it would kick off later to take away from our losing to Brighton.