Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

US and UK are guaranteed to intervene at some stage. I have no doubt that lots of preparation is going on behind the scenes right now. Russia's economy is dead, and it will be difficult to finance this war for a long period of time. Lukashenko is next. Belarussian economy will rest in peace very soon too.
EU application without referendum and Ukraine's democracy being weak to put it mildly? What could possibly go wrong? We'll have another Hungary or Poland in our hands, just great.
I could see the outline of a potential deal along the lines of:
  1. Donbass stays part of Ukraine but with Catalunya-style regional autonomy, including as to language
  2. Crimea stays with Russia subject to a confirmatory referendum and, in any event, a long-term lease of Sevastopol
  3. Ukraine moves towards EU accession
  4. Ukraine stays neutral for military alliance purposes but NATO (or US, UK, France, Germany, Poland) and Russia jointly guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine
That sounds roughly fair (not perfect) and allows Ukraine, the West and Russia each to spin it as relative success.

However, the problem is that Putin has destroyed any remaining vestige of credibility and it seems the West (even Germany) has finally moved past the point where they see any possibility of a working relationship with him. The West can continue to try squeeze Russia to encourage a palace coup in Moscow but, in the meantime, it’s Ukraine in the meat grinder as its citizens get killed or forced out and its infrastructure gets smashed up. There is no easy answer right now unfortunately.

I think it will be very hard for people to accept that after the international treaties which guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in the 1990s were violated by Russia. You will inevitably run into people who ask why they should trust Russia to comply with a new international treaty when they ignored the last one.

I just cannot see how any deal giving up Ukrainian territory is not spun as rewarding Putin for his violations of international law.
US and UK are guaranteed to intervene at some stage. I have no doubt that lots of preparation is going on behind the scenes right now. Russia's economy is dead, and it will be difficult to finance this war for a long period of time. Lukashenko is next. Belarussian economy will rest in peace very soon too.

The most we will do will be funnel endless supplies of intelligence and arms. It will be like the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
EU application without referendum and Ukraine's democracy being weak to put it mildly? What could possibly go wrong? We'll have another Hungary or Poland in our hands, just great.

They won't join the EU anytime soon, it's purely symbolic and doesn't mean anything substantial.
I think Putin has taken military neutrality for Ukraine off the table now tbh. Ukraine's argument will be Russia cannot be allowed to get what they want out of this and that they cannot trust Russia any longer to hold up their end. Handing back 1/3 regions and having their demands about neutrality agreed to is Russia winning.

I understand your point and do not want to reward the aggressor either but I don’t think an absolute victory is feasible here. In my scenario Ukraine has definitively swung to the West via EU accession and Russia has to face the full force of NATO if it tries any further encroachments. That’s really the key thing here - no one wants Ukraine as a NATO member launchpad from which to invade Russia. As for Crimea, I don’t think any Russian leader can concede and remain in power.
This is utterly disgusting behavior and should be addressed by the EU leaders talking to Ukrainian authorities right now.

This group is being asked to stay where they are at the time of the video, unless you have a translation of what's being said? Framing this as Ukraine refusing the key Africans leave the country is propaganda likely of Russian origin, don't you think?
I think it will be very hard for people to accept that after the international treaties which guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in the 1990s were violated by Russia. You will inevitably run into people who ask why they should trust Russia to comply with a new international treaty when they ignored the last one.

I just cannot see how any deal giving up Ukrainian territory is not spun as rewarding Putin for his violations of international law.

When you say rewarding Putin do you mean his ego because honestly who gives a feck what Putin thinks. The only concern should be would it bolster his support and/or encourage him to do this again but right now it doesn't seem like either would be true, he's embarrassed himself and NATO will now step in to ensure he cant' take any further action.
So Finland's PM announced they will send weapons too? Bold move considering they're not a NATO-member as of this moment.

Sweden is going to send/have sent weapons as well and we're in the same boat.

Some Russian minister warned us a couple of days ago that they would have to take action if we and/or Finland were to consider joining NATO.
I understand your point and do not want to reward the aggressor either but I don’t think an absolute victory is feasible here. In my scenario Ukraine has definitively swung to the West via EU accession and Russia has to face the full force of NATO if it tries any further encroachments. That’s really the key thing here - no one wants Ukraine as a NATO member launchpad from which to invade Russia. As for Crimea, I don’t think any Russian leader can concede and remain in power.

I could see Crimea potentially being used. But I just cannot see Ukraine agreeing to restrictions in what military organisations they do or don't join on the back of an invasion. I guess if they become a NATO member in all but name in regards to protection, that might satisfy them.

I'm of the same mind, I don't know what middle ground there is that ultimately is going to be acceptable to both sides.
US and UK are guaranteed to intervene at some stage. I have no doubt that lots of preparation is going on behind the scenes right now. Russia's economy is dead, and it will be difficult to finance this war for a long period of time. Lukashenko is next. Belarussian economy will rest in peace very soon too.
Not gonna happen.

Unless Ukraine surrenders or gives concessions, I fear this will be a meat grinder for months, and maybe years if an insurgency mounts. Russia is not backing down I'm afraid.

We desperately need Putin to be overthrown by his circle.
I think it will be very hard for people to accept that after the international treaties which guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in the 1990s were violated by Russia. You will inevitably run into people who ask why they should trust Russia to comply with a new international treaty when they ignored the last one.

I just cannot see how any deal giving up Ukrainian territory is not spun as rewarding Putin for his violations of international law.

I fully agree regarding the reliability of Putin’s word. The question is how do we get to deal with a less unpredictable leader (who will still be a bastard to some degree by the way - it’s Russia after all) without prolonging Ukraine’s current suffering beyond endurance. I don’t know the answer.
This group is being asked to stay where they are at the time of the video, unless you have a translation of what's being said? Framing this as Ukraine refusing the key Africans leave the country is propaganda likely of Russian origin, don't you think?

I saw this first on Aljazeera. If you scroll back ca 17/20 mn on this youtube feed you'll see the woman being interviewed after the incident. She is still stuck in Lviv.

When you say rewarding Putin do you mean his ego because honestly who gives a feck what Putin thinks. The only concern should be would it bolster his support and/or encourage him to do this again but right now it doesn't seem like either would be true, he's embarrassed himself and NATO will now step in to ensure he cant' take any further action.

Specifically I think that those concessions would be opposed by NATO, as they would set a precedent, as well as Ukraine. The US may be concerned at the message it sends to China too in relation to Taiwan. I don't see diplomacy working without both sides give ground, and I just am very sceptical that ground will be given.
I live in ‘Arabia’, as do millions of other people. You may have your own feelings about leaders here, which I really don’t care about, but calling for Russia to attack other countries that you simply don’t like, given what we’ve seen over the past few days, and given what myself and my family have been through when Saddam invaded us, is frankly disgusting. Think before you post. This thread isn’t a free for all.
What!? Unbelievable post, in so many ways.

Btw, what does the ‘88’ in your username refer to?

I was being sarcastic, because we all know no one will have much of a crap if they did invade in that area (they had Olympic games in Moscow while they were invading Afghanistan). Sorry if it didn't come across that way.

If you don't believe me, have a look at my previous posts in this thread where I have criticized the West for being hypocritical in their action towards Russia while invading and destroying countries in the middle east themselves (and still actively supporting Saudi destroying Yemen).

I'm from Pakistan so I would be the last person to encourage invading that region, given how it negatively effected my country as well. The 88 is my year of birth incase you were wondering it was some secret affiliation to USSR or right wing politics :D

Likely thinks the Middle East is east of everything because east is in the name. Let's be honest, based on the insanity of the post I'm impressed they know that East is a direction.

I meant east of Ukraine.
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I know he’s a bit of a weirdo but Bald and Bankrupt’s latest video showing him and other Ukrainians flee Ukraine is worth watching. I’ve only seen half of it so far but the Ukrainians seemed a hell of a lot calmer than I would be

“bit of a weirdo”

like Putins “a bit naughty”
Good read here, explain why Russia invade Ukraine, and helps understand the whole situation and motives behind the invasion.

Great video. Basically putler is the military leader of the oligarchs. You have to feel for the Ukrainian people. They are losing everything while caught between superpowers.
Finally watched it — it's a brilliantly researched video although not without a few misconceptions. The biggest one, I believe, is the overaccentuation on the economy as the main motivation for Putin's actions which lead to the comments like this. It's certainly a big part of any decision-making but prioritising economy is more of a capitalistic concept while Putin had shown that he's certainly willing to sacrifice it in order of reaching his main goals. This is why Putin's actions are so hard to predict by any Western analytic (or even western-oriented Russian experts).

And I can't say it enough, the word "oligarchs" shouldn't be used in discussions about current Russia. Oligarchy is a term that is related to a political hierarchy of power. It was widely and appropriately used in discussions about Russia of mid-90's to early 00's but the beginning of Putin's rule was defined by 2 major wars — the war on terror & the war on oligarchy. Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, Berezovsky was exiled (eventually either committing suicide or getting killed if don't believe the former), signalling the change of the system. Very few original oligarchs remain from that time and none have any say on Russian politics whatsoever — not Abramovich, not Mikhelson, not Usmanov, not Potanin... And most are immensely reliant on Putin to keep their wealth & status — the only one who had earned a decent chunk of autonomy is Abramovich.
This is utterly disgusting behavior and should be addressed by the EU leaders talking to Ukrainian authorities right now.

I saw on a news site that our indian army general has said this type of behavior is expected when the whole country is in a war. Considering the state of the situation, you also need to feel the stress this guards are going through.
I know he’s a bit of a weirdo but Bald and Bankrupt’s latest video showing him and other Ukrainians flee Ukraine is worth watching. I’ve only seen half of it so far but the Ukrainians seemed a hell of a lot calmer than I would be

Did he specifically go to Ukraine because it was kicking off, or did he happen to be there anywhere? I haven't been keeping track of his videos but last time I watched him he wasn't in eastern Europe at all.
Specifically I think that those concessions would be opposed by NATO, as they would set a precedent, as well as Ukraine. The US may be concerned at the message it sends to China too in relation to Taiwan. I don't see diplomacy working without both sides give ground, and I just am very sceptical that ground will be given.

We're long past setting that kind of precedent, deals or just a blind eye make up much of international politics unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view).

I agree with you that the Ukraine leadership appear unlikely to give that much concession but it's hard to judge as their public views right now are typical propaganda to keep fighting spirits up. Even if they weren't i'm not sure others wouldn't lean on them to accept the terms, it really depends how much the world wants to push Russia towards regime change and how likely they think it actually occurs.
We have international laws since 1648. Just because there is a treaty X that states that territory Y should be owned by entity A, for me this is not an eternal commitment.

So, in Latvia I m sure there was a treaty somewhere assigning the territory to the German empire. Does it mean that Latvian people should have stayed forever under German rule? Or for example: Crimea was transferred under soviet rule in 1954? Was that legal? In 1991, when Crimeans were asked, they stated they wanted to be part of Russia. Now, let's go to Latvia. If I m not mistaken, you demanded independence during the 80s. How would you feel, if instead of having the independence you wanted, the Russians would say: nope sorry, we have a constitution that says you are part of soviet union, you can't leave.

You on about nazi occupation of WWII? Im sure if there was a treaty, it was in a similar manner to the one crimea signed. We did want the independence, and they did say no, you think we had it gifted and acknowledged, not even by russians, but freakin soviets?
How is a transfer not legal, if it's soviet state, they are transferring it under no threat or pressure, to another soviet state? Also, most of the actual crimeans aren't there anymore, thanks to Stalin, but that's irrelevant for our discussion.
Bottom line is, yet again, the Budapest agreement, where Russia is putting pen to the paper saying to Ukraine that crimea is theirs.
This is utterly disgusting behavior and should be addressed by the EU leaders talking to Ukrainian authorities right now.

I don't know if there is a translation. Is it any non-Ukrainian national? As there is more than just African ethnicity there.
I keep seeing this but Russia aren’t asking for Ukrainian territories so why are people so quick to give them away?

So recognising Ukrainian territories in the East as independent isn’t?

He hasn’t asked for the territory of Ukraine he has invaded it and trying to take it by force to remove the elected government.
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This group is being asked to stay where they are at the time of the video, unless you have a translation of what's being said? Framing this as Ukraine refusing the key Africans leave the country is propaganda likely of Russian origin, don't you think?
Don't underestimate the commonality of racism in Eastern Europe & especially in Ukraine & Russia (in this particular case we really are very much alike). It doesn't make Ukraine a nazi state like Putin claims, but those traits do tend to show up quite often, sadly — especially in stressful situations like that where those armed men are choosing between them & their own women and children.
So, to those who entertain the idea of Putin having, at least in part, rightous motives against Nazis in Ukraine, He allegedly asked the Wagner group (most of you know whose favourite composer he was) to step in. A Neonazi group tracking a jewish president, that surely sounds like a denazificaiton operation...

I hope so, sometimes people get carried away in these stressful moments.

the EU is one of the most bureaucratic apparatusses in the world - no need to worry. This will take a minimum of 5 years.
So, to those who entertain the idea of Putin having, at least in part, rightous motives against Nazis in Ukraine, He allegedly asked the Wagner group (most of you know whose favourite composer he was) to step in. A Neonazi group tracking a jewish president, that surely sounds like a denazificaiton operation...
I'm not sure if they are a neonazi group — just like Ukraine having some neonazis in their army doesn't make them a nazi state (or nazi occupants as Putin now decided to call them). War criminals is what they* are — and one of the very worst out there.

*The Wagner Private Military group if it wasn't clear
I think recent unrests in Belarus and the way Putin and Lukashenko have dealt with them by totally oppressing almost any form of opposition have given Putin a belief that he can replicate that in Ukraine. Basically he feels that once you remove all the activists/leaders in communities the rest will get demoralized by the threats of concentration camps and no way out of the oppression machine.
This is utterly disgusting behavior and should be addressed by the EU leaders talking to Ukrainian authorities right now.

From what I've read, Ukraine told foreign students to leave Ukraine weeks ago. There are a lot of Indian students stuck there too. Now that they're having to escort people out of danger areas they're prioritizing Ukrainians which kind of makes sense. Unless they're prioritizing white Ukrainians over black Ukrainians, but I don't think that's happening here
Good read here, explain why Russia invade Ukraine, and helps understand the whole situation and motives behind the invasion.

biggest issue here is the potential oil and gas reserves in Donbas and Crimea. Nobody is going to try and march an army into Russia, nato isnt going to fire rockets after russia, and i honestly dont think he really cares about the fact that Ukraine used to be part of Russian federation(at least not enough to invade it) , to me its all about the benjamins and securing Russia as the dominant gas station for Europe so it can use that as its way to stay relevant.
So, to those who entertain the idea of Putin having, at least in part, rightous motives against Nazis in Ukraine, He allegedly asked the Wagner group (most of you know whose favourite composer he was) to step in. A Neonazi group tracking a jewish president, that surely sounds like a denazificaiton operation...

Yes, this was brought to light yesterday.

From what I've read, Ukraine told foreign students to leave Ukraine weeks ago. There are a lot of Indian students stuck there too. Now that they're having to escort people out of danger areas they're prioritizing Ukrainians which kind of makes sense. Unless they're prioritizing white Ukrainians over black Ukrainians, but I don't think that's happening here

I read somewhere that Americans/other non Ukrainians are getting out with less issues though. I dunno, it is something that needs to be addressed or clarified at least
Holy shit, you are Serbian and saying this. First one I heard who didn't say the usual 'Albanian terrorists, NATO/US bombed us cause they didn't like Serbia and wanted to make a base in Bondsteel'.

You would be surprised at how many Serbs felt the same even at that time. I was 11 in 1999 but clearly remember what my parents and their friends thought.

Unfortunately, the actions of Serbia were dictated by what would be called a vocal minority nowadays. But we all have to leave with the fallout.
Lots of clips about Ukrainians preparing molotovs. Whole rows and stacks of them.
I'm not sure if they are a neonazi group — just like Ukraine having some neonazis in their army doesn't make them a nazi state (or nazi occupants as Putin now decided to call them). War criminals is what they* are — and one of the very worst out there.

*The Wagner Private Military group if it wasn't clear

Well it's a military group led by a Nazi with members carrying copies of My Kampf on their tablets. So if it's not a neonazi group, it's at least a group with many nazis.