Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Having missiles lined up all along your border put there by an organisation created literally against you is not a concern? Not today, but what about in some years? No one can guarantee future peace and security.

Having enough nuclear bombs to destroy the world is as close to a guarantee there is that you won’t ever be invaded.
After seeing this, I'm more convinced its a Thermobaric Bomb. Trump dropped one on ISIS positions in Afghanistan in 2017. Note the similarities between what appear to be multiple explosions - the first, not particularly big; the 2nd far more massive and destructive.

The "two explosions" from Wiki: A fuel–air explosive (FAE) device consists of a container of fuel and two separate explosive charges. After the munition is dropped or fired, the first explosive charge bursts open the container at a predetermined height and disperses the fuel (and possibly ionizes it, depending on whether a fused quartz dispersal charge container was employed) in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen (the size of the cloud varies with the size of the munition). The cloud of fuel flows around objects and into structures. The second charge then detonates the cloud and creates a massive blast wave. The blast wave can destroy reinforced buildings, equipment and kill or injure people.

Also looks similar to a fertalizer explosion, comparing to the lebannon one, but I see what you mean with the 'pre'-explosion.
Still pales in comparison to the heartlessness of the Animal world. I also never understood why people get obsessed with Animals being some peaceful creatures. If anything there is way more empathy and humanity among us humans
Part of that reason might be because we are humans. :lol:
There's just no way of knowing. The 1st explosion could be a bomb/rocket exploding and the 2nd an ammunition warehouse.

Unless there's some logical target to drop a massive thermowhatever bomb on, I'd assume a munitions explosion.

Not that it makes much difference either way as you hardly blow up a munitions base by accident
air raid sirens just began Kyiv, forgot I had livecam open, scared me :o
I promised myself I wouldn't spend another day sitting on my ass following the war online. And here I am, AGAIN.
Unless there's some logical target to drop a massive thermowhatever bomb on, I'd assume a munitions explosion.

Not that it makes much difference either way as you hardly blow up a munitions base by accident

Of course not but thermobaric bombs would show an escalation. At one point Putin will get bored and could decide to bring the big boys weapons.
Obviously the troops he sent were so far not prepared properly but he could destroy Ukraine without setting a foot on their soil even without any nukes. I'm not saying he will but he might want to show a display of strength before starting any negociation.
Three mile anything is something, weapons of war or not.

Its an incredibly easy target is what it is. One of the TB2 strikes UA published looks like it may be against this column, hopefullly they have been hitting it for a good while. Dunno what their capability to do so is now though.
Is there anything like a 25th. Amendment in Russia? Or is it just a Makarov to the back of the head?