Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Scared to think of the scenes if these make it to Kiev.

Doesn't look anything other than light armour and supply trucks. That's not whats going to be pushing into Kiev.

I think everybody has to understand they will take the city at some point. Its what happens once they are there that counts, how strong the resistance is amongst the population.
Does it matter what we think? The West literally promised MG and Russia back then not to move an inch to the East, yet NATO have added several ex-Soviet states under its wings since then and for the past 15-20 years have been flirting with Russia's closest neighbour. For a nationalist like Putin that is a breach of trust and a threat.
Sigh. Promised in what sense? Show me the treaty where we agreed this. You can't because there isn't one.
Agree. We are one escalatory move from Putin away from something like this happening imo.
I've actually wondered if an internal attack on Putin is more likely now. As people have said in here, there must be people within his inner circle who are growing increasingly fed up of whats happening and are waiting for the right time to strike so to speak?
If he authorised any kind of nuclear attack, you have to think someone there would go against him, leading into him being overthrown or at the very worst an assassination from within. I know he's got his yes men, but how many of these guys would be agreeing out of fear for their own safety if they were to go against him? If he was to authorise something stupid, then in all essence, they've nothing left to lose?

This is just my opinion though, not sure anyone knows whats going on internally
Coincidentally Belarus had a referendum todayv on changing their constitution... It will allow nukes and give the president lifelong immunity from prosecution

Do you think Putin even has to bother interfering in those elections? Nukes against the Polish border would escalate things massively.

"There is no English tea"

Part of me wishes BJ has a savings account in Grozny.
Is there anything like a 25th. Amendment in Russia? Or is it just a Makarov to the back of the head?

It might go something like this...

Watched this film again today, actually. It was a simpler time...
I've actually wondered if an internal attack on Putin is more likely now. As people have said in here, there must be people within his inner circle who are growing increasingly fed up of whats happening and are waiting for the right time to strike so to speak?
If he authorised any kind of nuclear attack, you have to think someone there would go against him, leading into him being overthrown or at the very worst an assassination from within. I know he's got his yes men, but how many of these guys would be agreeing out of fear for their own safety if they were to go against him? If he was to authorise something stupid, then in all essence, they've nothing left to lose?

This is just my opinion though, not sure anyone knows whats going on internally

Imagine the paranoia and fear individual members of his inner circle must have of approaching one of their colleagues to organize something, with the hope that they are on their side and not on Putin's
Do you think Putin even has to bother interfering in those elections? Nukes against the Polish border would escalate things massively.

I'm sure lukashenko has it pre decided all ready

Protests in Belarus right now ... They will be crushed as before ... We should be sending arms there and helping them overthrow the regime
This all feels surreal. I have no idea how I will be able to work tomorrow when all I can think about is what is happening there, it consumed all of my last days. The guys who painted the walls in the room I am in right now a year ago are now holding machine guns somewhere in Kyiv if they are still alive. Less than a year ago we were laughing in our backyard eating pizza and I may never see them again, and they may lose their country because of one fecking lunatic, and I will do tomorrow is put their flag on my Zoom/Teams background so I can likely get slagged by my bosses for ‘making it political’ and buy some stuff for those lucky ones who have been able to make it here, or whatever, it’s still basically nothing.
Imagine the paranoia and fear individual members of his inner circle must have of approaching one of their colleagues to organize something, with the hope that they are on their side and not on Putin's
I wouldn't be surprised if the US has opened individual back-channels with inner circle members and gauge how willing they are to oppose Putin.
Is there anything he can't do? I'm sure if we put him up top he'd score a hat-trick against City next Sunday

The memeability of this guy adds a very 2022 layer of surrealism to some of the social media coverage. Not many world leaders have featured in clips like this either:

Imagine the paranoia and fear individual members of his inner circle must have of approaching one of their colleagues to organize something, with the hope that they are on their side and not on Putin's
Couldn't even begin to imagine, unless they were to go solo with the view of there is nothing left to lose?

I can imagine the whole of his inner circle is a very paranoid place at the moment, not really knowing what to expect or how Putin will react to things.
Do you think Putin even has to bother interfering in those elections? Nukes against the Polish border would escalate things massively.

Part of me wishes BJ has a savings account in Grozny.
We already have most of their nukes at our border to be fair.
Its an incredibly easy target is what it is. One of the TB2 strikes UA published looks like it may be against this column, hopefullly they have been hitting it for a good while. Dunno what their capability to do so is now though.

I think the TB2 can only carry 4 missiles at a time. it'd probably do enough damage to slow them down for a bit, but you'd need a swarm of them hitting that convoy to stop it. The USAF used cluster munitions against the retreating Iraqi army.
How does he have a fair and genuine security concern?
Does anyone really think that on this side of the 1990, there's actually any wishes whatsoever to invade or attack Russia?
The only security concern Putins ever had was to his own position. Having a flourishing democracy in Ukraine was a threat to his repressive autocracy. He wants Ukraine to be a puppet government under his control so they cannot choose the future they want, which happens to be a European one. This rubbish about "buffer states" And "security concerns" is just code for Ukraine being prevented from being a free and independent country.
Is there anything like a 25th. Amendment in Russia? Or is it just a Makarov to the back of the head?
It's very vague, but the only part in the Russian constitution that touches the subject is Article 92, 3rd paragraph:

In all cases where the President of the Russian Federation is unable to fulfil his (her) duties, they shall be temporarily delegated to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Acting President of the Russian Federation shall not have the right to dissolve the State Duma, call a referendum or to submit proposals for amendments to and the revision of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Source (Page 24).

It might go something like this...

Watched this film again today, actually. It was a simpler time...

I swear it would be far, far simpler for all.
The only security concern Putins ever had was to his own position. Having a flourishing democracy in Ukraine was a threat to his repressive autocracy. He wants Ukraine to be a puppet government under his control so they cannot choose the future they want, which happens to be a European one. This rubbish about "buffer states" And "security concerns" is just code for Ukraine being prevented from being a free and independent country.

I do hate how Putin's legitimate security concerns make it sound like he wants a number of democratic and free and neutral buffer states between him and NATO. He doesn't. He wants his own Warsaw Pact to control.