Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

If we're learned anything about the past week, its that Putin's previous chest thumping about NATO was nonsense. He has wanted to invade and annex Ukraine all along to advance his neo-imperialist agenda, and NATO expansion was the perfect excuse for him to build a propaganda narrative around to justify that goal.
I think it's both. He needs Ukraine to be non Nato to keep any enemy military as far away from Moscow as possible and also wants to get hold of Ukraines petrol supplies and water supply to Cremia.
JFK actually bungled that as well, according to recent analysis of the matter.


Indeed. It really was an incredibly tense time and he was being given highly conflicting information by his senior advisers.
But never confuse facts from a good story and Kennedy was pretty happy to take the credit.
The last time the nuclear clock was that close to 12 o'clock....
Most likely it was an ammo depot or something like what happened in Beirut?
Indeed. It really was an incredibly tense time and he was being given highly conflicting information by his senior advisers.
But never confuse facts from a good story and Kennedy was pretty happy to take the credit.
The last time the nuclear clock was that close to 12 o'clock....
Doomsday Clock has been closer to midnight for some time.
Ukrainian farmer steals APC. Russians drive behind it slowly, laughing at the temerity of the tractor driver. I don't know if I want that to be true...

How can you say that was a russian? It is not a military vehicle driving behind the tractor as far as I can see.
His perspective? I'm still struggling to understand why he says Ukraine is run by Nazis and why he's threatening to end life on earth. Do you have a vid on that?

Regardless of whether invasion at this time was the right call or if he's taking advantage of for other motives, point remains, imo he clearly has a fair and genuine security concern. I think anyone dismissing that is being disingenuous or clearly has not watched his response in the video.
Feck dude, I'm just quoting the article, "The Russian arsenal includes a powerful non-nuclear 44 ton TNT bomb that has the capacity to cause widespread damage in a 300-kilometre radius."
Fair enough. Article is massively flawed.
Look at that bomb it's like scenes from a video game. Human race the most obnoxious thing on this planet where animals can live in peace for millions of years but humans can't for 6 months. Feels like this entire Ukraine situation is what will lead to WW3.
Holy shit thats a thermobaric bomb.

Please try to alarm people when we have no way of knowing what kind of explosion it is but a "big one". There's a lot of things that could explode on the ground and give this kind of blast, like nitrogen used to make fertilizer.
Same laugh...

You got skills if you can tell nationality by laughter... One person translated: "our boys are towing it all the way to the fecking scrap yard. it'll be worth good money as scrap metal. that's just how they do"
You are making no sense here..
Regardless of whether invasion at this time was the right call or if he's taking advantage of for other motives, point remains, imo he clearly has a fair and genuine security concern. I think anyone dismissing that is being disingenuous or clearly has not watched his response in the video.
I tried this a couple of days ago. It did not go down well at all. I've learnt that during war-time one shall not try to see the enemy's perspective.
Feck dude, I'm just quoting the article, "The Russian arsenal includes a powerful non-nuclear 44 ton TNT bomb that has the capacity to cause widespread damage in a 300-kilometre radius."

That is the most powerful one they have I assume.... They have numerous other thermobaric options with significantly smaller blast radius
Other sources show the foab at 300m
Feck dude, I'm just quoting the article, "The Russian arsenal includes a powerful non-nuclear 44 ton TNT bomb that has the capacity to cause widespread damage in a 300-kilometre radius."
Tsar bomba the biggest hydrogen bomb ever detonated had blast radius of 35km, no conventional weapon could be even close to that
That perspective would apply, if he already wouldn't have NATO states literally on their doorstep in Baltics. I think most have already accepted, that everything coming out of his mouth is horseshit. Whether he's invaded to keep Ukraine allied, divide NATO or keep his seat amid poor economical state of the country, it's widely accepted, that he's not going to stop here, just like he didn't stop in Georgia (even though he was VP at the time).

The perspective still equally applies. Ukraine is just the step too far from his point of view given the historical and geographical situation.
Look at that bomb it's like scenes from a video game. Human race the most obnoxious thing on this planet where animals can live in peace for millions of years but humans can't for 6 months. Feels like this entire Ukraine situation is what will lead to WW3.
I don't mean to be pedantic, and yeah I agree, us humans are terrible, yet I've never understood the idea of animals living peacefully when they eat each other.