Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Exactly, it's kind of pointing to an end game of sorts as Putin is backed further into a corner.

He will simply keep firing or killing his own people until one agrees to push that red button.

It's actually scary.

this is sensationalist nonsense.
Has he actually said that. Or has he said that he wants them to be put on alert.
Hope you don't think I am being pedantic. But I think he is only saying that to warn the West not to get involved and leave him to do whatever he wants.
In order words, posturing.

This is what he said the other day

“As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states,"

"Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.”
I would recommend people think about the worst, however remote. Where is the best place you can get to with a couple of minutes' notice? Stairwells tend to be some of the strongest bits of any building, any rooms not exterior facing, any basements etc.

I don't support panic buying, but make sure you have some water in case supplies go off. Just fill some bottles from the tap.

Jesus. We are not even remotely close to needing to think about this. Movies/video games have seriously warped a lot of people’s minds.
So the foreign minister or whoever says she'd support it citizens from here went off to fight in Ukraine.

Ukraine also say they'd welcome a brigade of international fighters.

Whats the difference between a citizen and the actual military being involved? In the field of war, wouldn't it be fair game for a russian who supports this to then attack citizens of our country here? Wouldn't it escalate further?
Optics and PR, if an American, British, Australian, Polish, etc. citizen actually volunteered and joined up with the Ukraine resistance and was killed in combat, the press back home would pick it up and run with it, influencing public opinion, and strengthening outrage against Russia.
From what can be gathered the resolutions was met with a lot of public support just as how the Bundestag reacted to it.

First of all the speech by Scholz was good, like career defining good. It touched on all the important points. It made a clear distinction between Putin and the Russian people, which was incredibly important given the large Russian community living in Germany (more than 3 million) and while it touched on the security aspect of increasing military spending and sending weapons in war areas it emphasised the sense of responsibility of it far more.

The widespread support for it does not really come from a place of fear and worry imo. The number of people who fear a direct attack on German soil is still really low and there are good arguments for that (situated in the heart of Europe, surrounded by allies, high economical importance etc.), but the sense of responsibilty to contribute to defending its values more has definitively grown the last days. The Ukraine war hits far closer to home than other recent wars because a lot of people know people who are directly involved here. The Syrian refugee crisis also played a part in a shift of perspective as it brought the consequenses of war at our door step.

If there is something to be said about Germans it is that if they feel the need to open their wallets for an important cause they are willing to share their wealth and do it by spending big. What I do not see is a run to enlist in the army and take up arms as the generally anti militaristic stance still remains. The Bundeswehr will rather transform into a far better run machine with a high technological standart, supported by a potent arms industry at home. I also do not see it shifting their focus away from a thouroughly defensive force, far better equipped to watch the European borders and the other nations back than to intervene directly elsewhere.
Thanks. It's a major step.
feck FIFA. Time for the other seven non-Ukrainian sides in the playoffs to refuse to play.

I would recommend people think about the worst, however remote. Where is the best place you can get to with a couple of minutes' notice? Stairwells tend to be some of the strongest bits of any building, any rooms not exterior facing, any basements etc.

I don't support panic buying, but make sure you have some water in case supplies go off. Just fill some bottles from the tap.

i should be fine in New Orleans, Hurricanes have effectively reduced this place to nothingness anyway, Nuclear Holocaust will be another walk in the park besides who wants to bomb Mardi Gras? Putin is a warmonger but not a party pooper.
Jesus. We are not even remotely close to needing to think about this. Movies/video games have seriously warped a lot of people’s minds.

These are basic things to think about that might save your life in the 1% event. Not from video games, from military training. Makes no difference to me.
this is sensationalist nonsense.

Not really, because dictators who fear nothing, will be unrational and as I already said, Putin is being backed into a corner by the west and his war on Ukraine is not going to plan.

I'm sure if Putin can kill a Russian crossing a bridge for speaking out against him. Putin can do a lot worse.
So the foreign minister or whoever says she'd support it citizens from here went off to fight in Ukraine.

Ukraine also say they'd welcome a brigade of international fighters.

Whats the difference between a citizen and the actual military being involved? In the field of war, wouldn't it be fair game for a russian who supports this to then attack citizens of our country here? Wouldn't it escalate further?
I wondered that myself. What would happen if a bunch of lads went AWOL from the army and went to fight?
This is what he said the other day

“As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states,"

"Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.”

Thank you for that. But no one is directly attacking Russia. That was my reading of it.
My take is that Putin’s nuclear sabre rattling is because he knows public opinion in Russia is not on his side…

He talked about their deterrant being on high alert because he’s trying to portray a situation where it’s Russia who are in danger of coming under attack from Western aggressors. It’s a pathetic attempt to fear monger and sway public opinion.