Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Bit of a pointless tactic since the invention of sat navs don't you think ?

If sat nav signals can be jammed with the right countermeasures (and I think there are some), any army would run blind. Who says that there no efforts by other forces to jam or misdirect those signals?
There could be some electronic warfare involved.
If sat nav signals can be jammed with the right countermeasures (and I think there are some), any army would run blind. Who says that there no efforts by other forces to jam or misdirect those signals?

Yeahi suppose that would be the plan, never really thought that much in to it really.
Where’s he getting that info from?

He's a sitting U.S. Senator and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. They are deliberately releasing information to raise awareness on what may soon happen, in an effort to expose Russian actions and limit the element of surprise.
Very early a french source said that France was skeptical about the invasion due to the absence of the fundamental fuel movements. If true they didn't move large amount of fuel and weren't ready.
I think it's gross incompetence more than anything. Any military history buff out there would know that fuel shortage is by far the main reason why the Battle of the Bulge ended up in failure for the Germans. I really wonder what they even teach at the Russian military academy.
I think it's gross incompetence more than anything. Any military history buff out there would know that fuel shortage is by far the main reason why the Battle of the Bulge ended up in failure for the Germans. I really wonder what they even teach at the Russian military academy.
Foundation of Geopolitics by Dugin. :nervous:
He's a sitting U.S. Senator and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. They are deliberately releasing information to raise awareness on what may soon happen, in an effort to expose Russian actions and limit the element of surprise.
This is going to be hell. If one of those flies in, all hell breaks loose.
If that happens, US led coalition will intervene. This means wiping out everything including people inside metro tunnels.
I remember what our BLUs did in the mountains / caves of Afghanistan. Terrifying to think similar would be unleashed into a densely populated city.
I think it's gross incompetence more than anything. Any military history buff out there would know that fuel shortage is by far the main reason why the Battle of the Bulge ended up in failure for the Germans. I really wonder what they even teach at the Russian military academy.

Well, not moving fuel would be gross incompetence. It doesn't really go against the statements in my post.
The GOP rarely call each other out, and even if they squibble they all know their role. Wonder what Rubios opinion of the pro Russian members of the GOP is. And why is he so vocal? To seem like a moderate conservative?

He's quickly becoming an outcast in his own party (as evidenced by his paltry CPAC attendance), which is a bit odd given that he originally rose to power during the 2010 Tea Party wave. Politics aside, his tweets over the past week have been very good.
I think it's gross incompetence more than anything. Any military history buff out there would know that fuel shortage is by far the main reason why the Battle of the Bulge ended up in failure for the Germans. I really wonder what they even teach at the Russian military academy.

At the risk of getting into another history discussion and getting told off by modmins, I'd say it had more to do with the complete air-superiority of the Allies, and the general lack of everything for the Germans. They could have had all the fuel in the world, the Battle of the Bulge was never going to work anyway.

But as to the greater point, yeah, fuel is pretty damn vital. Modern tanks can go quite far, but Ukraine is big. At the end of the day logistics is the most important part of warfare.
A lot of families (women and children) are leaving the country. A country that will cease to exist if everyone fled and handed the keys to Vladimir Putin. You can't have a country if you're not willing to fight for it.

This is a strange argument since if you choose to flee the country you don't have it anymore anyway. People will make their own choices but I doubt it's down to bravery or lack of. No one wants to die and some will prioritise their life or their family's safety over their country when a conflict is localised like this one. Freedom and patriotism are not the same thing.

That's not clear. Even the Soviet leaders had to worry about public opinion to some degree.

It's not clear whether it's wise (well, it isn't) but it's clear that it's Putin's approach. Mass land invasion always comes with significant casualties.

I’ll bite my tongue.

Sorry but you and Raoul are talking some nonsense in this thread. Ukraine cannot win this war it's just a question of how much it loses before it's over and how many die in the process. Putin isn't going to back down unless there's a compromise or a surrender, and giving some teenagers or 60 year olds rifles and sending them to fight against their will I doubt will be what makes the difference.

Maybe it's a cliche to say dying in a war is pointless but this war in particular is nonsensical. It's hard to work out any outcome that benefits any side. That's ok Putin/Russia obviously but it doesn't necessarily mean it's worth every adult man in Ukraine potentially dying over.

For now at least he clearly DOES care about the human cost in this arena. What we have seen so far may be horrific, but it is nothing compared to what we've seen him do in Syria and Chechnya.

Not yet but again we are 3 days in. He's been willing to send troops in on the ground to areas where they would clearly suffer losses. He hasn't started shelling buildings or levelling city blocks yet but if it comes down to a battle for Kyiv that's what might well end up happening. Either that or Russia will lose a lot of lives getting ambushed and massacred at every street corner. Maybe they are hoping to keep it under siege rather than take full control. Either way once you commit as many numbers to a battle as Putin has its impossible there won't be significant casualties
This is a strange argument since if you choose to flee the country you don't have it anymore anyway. People will make their own choices but I doubt it's down to bravery or lack of. No one wants to die and some will prioritise their life or their family's safety over their country when a conflict is localised like this one. Freedom and patriotism are not the same thing.

Ultimately, these people obviously want to fight for their country because they know not doing so would mean they wouldn't have one anymore. This principle is applicable in most other situations as well.
Am I right in saying it's currently calmer than expected in Kyiv?
Depends what we mean by calm. There are clashes going on as well as shelling I think. Seems like the Russians might wanna throw in hard during the night.
I would like to thank the mods for shutting off posters that were pro putin and anti democracy. It's all fun and "opinions" until people are dying.
You know that many people aren't smart, Raoul. That's why we have the politicians that we have and why their messages convince a good chunk of society.
It’s pretty straightforward