Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

That wouldn't really work in the present context given that Putin planned on invading either way, irrespective of whether random individuals were anti-war. This is an existential struggle to save a country.
Yes, but Putin is a militant nationalist. The point being that "militant" and "nationalism" are not great things to revere because it inevitably leads us here. The present moment is what it is, no one is arguing over the means Ukrainians use to extricate themselves from Russia, but the overall idea that we should praise these qualities seems wrong footed to me. But then Western Europe in general, the UK aside, perhaps, is much less militant in its nationalism than most other places. Just an observation based on cultural differences.
How are allies sending in stuff without getting blown up by the Russians?

Through Poland in the west, so western Ukraine is very safe, Lviv etc. I don't see Russians getting anywhere near there now after what we've seen of them.

Getting stuff into Kyiv is the tricky bit, there are still non-occupied roads leading there though.
I am not Chechen, and I took no offence, as you meant none, I know. We all know that all nations are equal. It is all about good and bad persons. I have just come across a video about volunteers from all over the Europe ready to join Ukranian army. There were Chechens amoung those as well. We are all united regardless of our nationality, race and religion. It is good vs evil, and this time around, it is all clear for all of us, no grey areas. Feck aggressors, feck war, feck instigators and traitors. Glory to people who are defending their land and to those who are helping them.
Yeah I know. My country takes in refuges by the tens of 1000 but also people that want to fight and go the other way.

It is clear that it's a good vs evil but still, there are still many trash bags that want to pretend that the scum dictator is right, that there are reasons, etc. In this very thread there was a scum that was defending Putin just a few days ago. Blaming NATO and the UK and US and now people are killed. I have very little tolerance for cretinism when it comes to death. Sounds silly maybe but there was a lot of this in this thread. Until now of course. Now is real.
I have bought so much craft beer from this brewery over the years. People thought Brewdog making hand gel was an eye-raising moment two years ago.


Germany is to send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 "Stinger" surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine, the government in Berlin confirms.

The move marks a major change from its long-standing policy of banning weapon exports to conflict zones.

"In this situation, it is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability in its defence against Vladimir Putin's invading army," says Chancellor Olof Scholz.
Through Poland in the west, so western Ukraine is very safe, Lviv etc. I don't see Russians getting anywhere near there now after what we've seen of them.

Getting stuff into Kyiv is the tricky bit, there are still non-occupied roads leading there though.

Bloody hell.. so risky. but I suppose NATO involvement only needs to be at or near the borders. Getting supplies into Kyiv itself can be a Ukrainian task.

Drag your feet until the rest of the world calls you out for it and you've made a mockery of your supposedy (soft) leadership role and then do what everyone wanted in the first place anyway. My kind of humour.
This just highlights how a lot of people view statehood and the responsibility of being a citizen of a given country in the present. People are more than happy to moan about politicians from the comfort of their homes, but less interested putting their lives on the line to protect their country, family, and way of life.

To be fair, we don’t know that the Ukrainian men who don’t want to fight have been ‘moaning about politicians from the comfort of their own homes’ - we know nothing about them and we aren’t, currently, in the same position as them so shouldn’t presume anything.

They might be caring for vulnerable family members.

They might be highly intelligent and abhor military conflict on a philosophical level.

They might have spent years in the military when younger and suffered abuse and ptsd and be repulsed at having to face it again.

Some might even dislike the Ukraine government and want Russia to win…

and on that last point, by forcing unwilling civilians to fight you’re playing a dangerous game regarding people who will surely gladly surrender and possibly even turn against their own if they’re completely against being there.
By the way, how on earth are Russian vehicles out of fuel on the middle of a road?

I Don't you plan for that shit?
By the way, how on earth are Russian vehicles out of fuel on the middle of a road?

I Don't you plan for that shit?

The suspicion is they planned for this to be over by now.

But also Ukraine has had success taking out supply convoys as well as destroying all railway routes in from Russia.
Video footage of heavy gunfire in Kievs left flank I think it said. In the middle of what looked s largely residential areas between tower blocks of flats with lights on.

Look like recent or last night?

They got quite far in on the western road last night, up to the zoo before being wiped out.
By the way, how on earth are Russian vehicles out of fuel on the middle of a road?

I Don't you plan for that shit?

Very early a french source said that France was skeptical about the invasion due to the absence of the fundamental fuel movements. If true they didn't move large amount of fuel and weren't ready.
Even if Kyiv falls, wouldn't Lviv serve as a base for the resistance?

For sure. And even if Kyiv were to fall in the technical sense, there would still be a massive insurgency there because its a city of 3m people and the Russians would be severely outnumbered. Ditto in other cities like Kharkiv, Odessa, and beyond.
Ok, this guy is obviously an idiot who is inventing nonsense to remain relevant on twitter.

But it is day 3 of the war. Ukraine is a huge country with a 40+ million population. Even if Putin horribly miscalculated the level of resistance it is nonsense to think he or any advisor didn't expect this to be a bit of a drawn out slog.

The Ukrainian forces have no means to do anything other than defend. Putin clearly doesn't care about the human cost of his or the opposition forces so the casualty numbers won't be a game changer. It's just a case of hoping international attention forces him to care about the cost of civilian lives, but unfortunately if they are serious about taking Kyiv, which they will have to be, it's going to get a lot more ugly

You'd think it's longer term it will harm him because occupation or control of a hostile country that size after you murder potentially thousands of people is going to be a no win game.

Don't particularly see the sense in your other comment either regarding people fleeing. This isn't ww2. People have families and are able to leave the area of conflict. It's questionable whether leaving your kids alone and potentially stranded in a warzone in order to die throwing a bottle at a tank in the name of patriotism is brave. Unless something changes significantly over the next few days lots and lots of people are going to die for little reason.
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For sure. And even if Kyiv were to fall in the technical sense, there would still be a massive insurgency there because its a city of 3m people and the Russians would be severely outnumbered. Ditto in other cities like Kharkiv, Odessa, and beyond.
My point being as long as Lviv (or any other city) stays free and accessible, those weapons can be put to good use