Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Stalingrad in particular.

Of course, being a second Stalingrad isn't exactly something for Kyiv to aspire for.

Wouldn't Grozny be a better example, given it's more recent and also involved Russia?
Those people could be there for money and spoils. There are lots of Chechens from EU volunteering to fight against Putin for free. I know which side I would pick. Make no mistake, if those murderers are there, there will be some unidentified personnel to receive them properly.
I apologize mate. Should no have used a peoples name like that. I meant only about the nut jobs that swered loyalty to the dictator.

Apology again as I meant no disrespect to you or any peace loving people.
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So what else do you want United to do?
I’m not really wanting to derail this thread, but there’s an important distinction to be made with gestures that support a particular people and cause – and criticises their oppressors – and making an empty gesture that absolutely no-one would disagree with.

You could play what United did on Russian TV and nobody would really care.

Not saying United disgraced themselves, just disappointed they weren’t more pointed with their gesture, but again this probably reflects the make-up of our squad, which has no players from Eastern Europe, bar Matic.
Putin and Russia is fecked economically after this, if that's all they gained... i doubt a corridor to sell gas is worth it when all hell breaks lose economically

To be fair, I don't see any "rational" way out for Putin after this, even if they forced Zelinsky to sign a treaty I doubt it would mean much.
It made no sense whatsoever to start this. Putin miscalculated everything and people are already dying. Feb 24 was Doomsday for Russian economy. The day their CB is sanctioned, it is welcome to hell.
If they do this, it is a nuclear bomb on Russian economy. Imagine going from Russia into a Venezuela in a week. The allies will do this, if civilians will start dying en masse. I am flipping amazed at how many aces the allies have up their sleeves and all that without even firing a bullet.
This is probably the future warfare along with Cyber security hacks.
Troops mean little when you can crush a country with sanctions.
I’m not really wanting to derail this thread, but there’s an important distinction to be made with gestures that support a particular people and cause – and criticises their oppressors – and making an empty gesture that absolutely no-one would disagree with.

You could play what United did on Russian TV and nobody would really care.

Not saying United disgraced themselves, just disappointed they weren’t more pointed with their gesture, but again this probably reflects the make-up of our squad, which has no players from Eastern Europe, bar Matic.
Could United fans not bring Ukraine flags in to display.
Isn't this all a bit hollow. Especially on the part of City considering their owners and yesterday's UN vote.

Technically their shirts should say "I abstain from being either for or against war"
City's owners meanwhile bombing the shit out of starving Yemeni kids.
A lot of people move around the world acquiring citizenship as they do, but then are affronted by the notion that they may be bound to perform a service for that country one day. It’s bad enough in the UK how many people act like it is a complete affront to perform jury service. We have already seen cases this week of Brazilian footballers who acquired Ukrainian citizenship to play for the national team now shocked that they aren’t allowed to leave the country when there is a full-scale invasion. What were they expecting? This is what acquiring citizenship ultimately means.

This just highlights how a lot of people view statehood and the responsibility of being a citizen of a given country in the present. People are more than happy to moan about politicians from the comfort of their homes, but less interested putting their lives on the line to protect their country, family, and way of life.
I’m not really wanting to derail this thread, but there’s an important distinction to be made with gestures that support a particular people and cause – and criticises their oppressors – and making an empty gesture that absolutely no-one would disagree with.

You could play what United did on Russian TV and nobody would really care.

Not saying United disgraced themselves, just disappointed they weren’t more pointed with their gesture, but again this probably reflects the make-up of our squad, which has no players from Eastern Europe, bar Matic.

You’re just picking for no reason in my opinion. United have led the way and others have now done similar things.

T-shirts or a sign, who cares, it’s about unity
I apologize mate. Should note have used a peoples name like that. I meant only about the nut jobs that swered loyalty to the dictator.

Apology again as I meant no disrespect to you or any peace loving people.
I am not Chechen, and I took no offence, as you meant none, I know. We all know that all nations are equal. It is all about good and bad persons. I have just come across a video about volunteers from all over the Europe ready to join Ukranian army. There were Chechens amoung those as well. We are all united regardless of our nationality, race and religion. It is good vs evil, and this time around, it is all clear for all of us, no grey areas. Feck aggressors, feck war, feck instigators and traitors. Glory to people who are defending their land and to those who are helping them.
This just highlights how a lot of people view statehood and the responsibility of being a citizen of a given country in the present. People are more than happy to moan about politicians from the comfort of their homes, but less interested putting their lives on the line to protect their country, family, and way of life.
A lot of people view militarism and nationalism as a kind of disease, too, which is accurate in my opinion. The US and certain other countries (Russia) are definitely more militant than most.
A lot of people view militarism and nationalism as a kind of disease, too, which is accurate in my opinion. The US and certain other countries (Russia) are definitely more militant than most.

Yes, these are likely the same folks who would run away when invaded, while the brave ones fight to save the country.
Yes, these are likely the same folks who would run away when invaded, while the brave ones fight to save the country.
Maybe, but they are also the same who would try to avoid war to begin with while the brave ones revel in it (too simplistic either way, isn't it?).
No matter how many times I say it, I feel it's not good enough. feck Putin
Maybe, but they are also the same who would try to avoid war to begin with while the brave ones revel in it (too simplistic either way, isn't it?).

That wouldn't really work in the present context given that Putin planned on invading either way, irrespective of whether random individuals were anti-war. This is an existential struggle to save a country.
Insanity on MSNBC now - Hotels in Moscow are apparently contacting their guests to try to get them to pay now before the SWIFT removal kicks in.
Ok, this guy is obviously an idiot who is inventing nonsense to remain relevant on twitter.
He seems to be one of those that is most desperate to break any negative news regardless of accuracy. Unfollowed him on Twitter yesterday.
He seems to be one of those that is most desperate to break any negative news regardless of accuracy. Unfollowed him on Twitter yesterday.

I checked his profile and he's a cybersecurity guy in the US attempting to cosplay an international politics expert.
I know. The criminal is sending the brain washed chechens. I want NATO to be involved not, but, if those murderers are involved, I hope Delta Force are there to say hello.
Would love to see those dumb fecks fight against a properly trained and equipped elite unit. They’d run like little girls, ‘tough boys’.