Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I'm guessing that they're not going to go into Ukraine, are they?
Like in the North Korea War, where China didn't wait for the US to make it to the border, the NATO troops could take the first set of hills in western Ukraine (if there are any), as a superior defensive position. Can't blame them for that, imho.

Obviously it's not a gamble anyone is willing to take, but why would Russia drop nukes? They could nuke Ukraine if they wanted to but they haven't. I personally don't think Putin would use nukes if an army came in to fight Russia, an army is already fighting Russia, Ukraine.
Whilst there were no goals at Old Trafford, I couldn’t help my mind wondering.

I see a lot of people talking about this going terribly for Russia etc., but we’re probably not far away from them achieving their minimum goals. If they can take Mariupol and get that land corridor between Crimea and Donbas, that’s enough ground gained to accept a situation of stalemate and occupation whilst they siege Kyiv as a distraction. A longer term period of Russia holding that area and cutting Ukraine’s coast off would be fecking killer, especially if the West gets fatigued and we’re not getting emotionally pulled in by an Aleppo type situation. I can well see opinion shift to accepting a new status quo, as the West did in 2014 when Crimea and Donbas fell, encouraging Ukraine to somehow settle.

Thoughts? Hope Putin has gone too far to make this a realistic outcome.
Honestly, is this the time to buy bitcoin or anything similar?
Whatever you do, do not buy rubles
:) Thinking of making money during war time, eh? Consider donating some gains to Ukranian people, when the time comes.
It creates more places for defending soldiers/fighters places to hide. Lots of rat runs can be found and utilised. It’s a nightmare for an attacking army. Amoured vehicles are pretty useless so it comes to hand to hand combat. And if you have a dogged defenders like there was in Stalingrad it becomes a brutal fight.

It's a bit of a weird take that bombing the hell out of Kiev is advantage Ukraine because they can defend the rubble. If they bomb the hell out of Kiev, there might not be many people left to defend any rubble, how many lost their lives in Grozny again? and you'll most likely have a lack of organizational control as well, they might easily lose the majority of the higher ups in such a situation. It would be a disaster, the only potential upside is that it might result in such an international reaction that it'll have dire consequences for Russia afterwards.
Whilst there were no goals at Old Trafford, I couldn’t help my mind wondering.

I see a lot of people talking about this going terribly for Russia etc., but we’re probably not far away from them achieving their minimum goals. If they can take Mariupol and get that land corridor between Crimea and Donbas, that’s enough ground gained to accept a situation of stalemate and occupation whilst they siege Kyiv as a distraction. A longer term period of Russia holding that area and cutting Ukraine’s coast off would be fecking killer, especially if the West gets fatigued and we’re not getting emotionally pulled in by an Aleppo type situation. I can well see opinion shift to accepting a new status quo, as the West did in 2014 when Crimea and Donbas fell, encouraging Ukraine to somehow settle.

Thoughts? Hope Putin has gone too far to make this a realistic outcome.
You are forgetting about sanctions. If CB of Russia are sanctioned, it is over.
Whatever you do, do not buy rubles
:) Thinking of making money during war time, eh? Consider donating some gains to Ukranian people, when the time comes.
Oh I will. It’s just it seems like one of those situations you could look back on and think why didn’t I jump on it? This Russian money has to go somewhere, they’re not just gonna let it rot under their mattresses
Yes, I hear you. I’m quite disillusioned with being British in recent years post-Brexit vote. The start of the pandemic gave me a real sense of civic duty again though, but that quickly became eroded by our government and Royal Family etc.

I don’t know how I would feel about dying to defend Britain now, but at the start of the pandemic, I very quickly felt compelled to do something and still haven’t gone back to my day job, still working on contract tracing and vaccine logistics. So maybe that call would be there should the ultimate happen? I don’t know.

Right now, I am just living with guilt about feeling powerless to help Ukraine here. I’m not sure what I can do.

Edit: typo
Ditto with the Brexit vote and the ugly divisions it laid bare in Britain. Good on you for your work during the pandemic, it's admirable that some like you do focus on the greater good of society.
I understand the feeling of powerlessness re Ukraine and other tragedies around the world. Red Cross is one of the charities I donate to, but realistically it's the absolute bare minimum giving a tenner a month or whatever in the great scheme of things.
Whatever you do, do not buy rubles
:) Thinking of making money during war time, eh? Consider donating some gains to Ukranian people, when the time comes.
Of course. It's on the back of the US and EU nationals that are getting panicked and are selling good deals on the cheap. Has nothing to do with the war effort but rather with the dumb people.
Some tv hosts were moaning that they wont be able to go on vacations in Europe, sensitivity is a rare art these days.

Same thing happened during the pandemic. Thousands of people were dying every day and some angry westerners were spouting about how "this ruined my ski holiday plans in Italy :mad:"
It's a bit of a weird take that bombing the hell out of Kiev is advantage Ukraine because they can defend the rubble. If they bomb the hell out of Kiev, there might not be many people left to defend any rubble, how many lost their lives in Grozny again? and you'll most likely have a lack of organizational control as well, they might easily lose the majority of the higher ups in such a situation. It would be a disaster, the only potential upside is that it might result in such an international reaction that it'll have dire consequences for Russia afterwards.
Bombing the hell out of Kiev would mean a massacre. Still too many people are there, inside of a capital city. The moment people inside metro start to die, Russian CB will be sanctioned, Russia will be disconnected from SWIFT. If Putin wants that, he will get it. Imagine the panic inside Russia. It will be game over for him.
Of course. It's on the back of the US and EU nationals that are getting panicked and are selling good deals on the cheap. Has nothing to do with the war effort but rather with the dumb people.
Sure mate. I was just pulling his leg a bit. As long as Putin and his cronies are losing everything, I am all for it.
Russia definitely not advancing as planned. Saw some video (don't know how reliable they are) with plenty of civilians having Molotov cocktails coming from all around. Taking a city like Kiev or any other bigger town in that case is a nightmare. It's pretty much impossible to be more precise. You have potential threat in every street, corner and on every balcony.

Which might lead to only one and that's heavy bombing of Ukrainian cities including Kiev. If we have a sane person on the other side, that already would be a red flag, but unfortunately it's Putin.
It's a bit of a weird take that bombing the hell out of Kiev is advantage Ukraine because they can defend the rubble. If they bomb the hell out of Kiev, there might not be many people left to defend any rubble, how many lost their lives in Grozny again? and you'll most likely have a lack of organizational control as well, they might easily lose the majority of the higher ups in such a situation. It would be a disaster, the only potential upside is that it might result in such an international reaction that it'll have dire consequences for Russia afterwards.
It’s not a weird take as it’s not my opinion, it’s just that the evidence from past conflicts shows this.
Sure mate. I was just pulling his leg a bit. As long as Putin and his cronies are losing everything, I am all for it.
I know. The criminal is sending the brain washed chechens. I want NATO to be involved not, but, if those murderers are involved, I hope Delta Force are there to say hello.
Disappointed United didn’t do more to be honest, regardless of no Ukrainian players.

Disappointed United didn’t do more to be honest, regardless of no Ukrainian players.

Isn't this all a bit hollow. Especially on the part of City considering their owners and yesterday's UN vote.

Technically their shirts should say "I abstain from being either for or against war"
It’s not a competition? United have publicly ditched a big Russian sponsor and got the players and coach involved before the game.

What have other clubs done?
Everyone can say they want peace. It is a pretty empty gesture.
I know. The criminal is sending the brain washed chechens. I want NATO to be involved not, but, if those murderers are involved, I hope Delta Force are there to say hello.
Those people could be there for money and spoils. There are lots of Chechens from EU volunteering to fight against Putin for free. I know which side I would pick. Make no mistake, if those murderers are there, there will be some unidentified personnel to receive them properly.
Whilst there were no goals at Old Trafford, I couldn’t help my mind wondering.

I see a lot of people talking about this going terribly for Russia etc., but we’re probably not far away from them achieving their minimum goals. If they can take Mariupol and get that land corridor between Crimea and Donbas, that’s enough ground gained to accept a situation of stalemate and occupation whilst they siege Kyiv as a distraction. A longer term period of Russia holding that area and cutting Ukraine’s coast off would be fecking killer, especially if the West gets fatigued and we’re not getting emotionally pulled in by an Aleppo type situation. I can well see opinion shift to accepting a new status quo, as the West did in 2014 when Crimea and Donbas fell, encouraging Ukraine to somehow settle.

Thoughts? Hope Putin has gone too far to make this a realistic outcome.

Putin and Russia is fecked economically after this, if that's all they gained... i doubt a corridor to sell gas is worth it when all hell breaks lose economically

To be fair, I don't see any "rational" way out for Putin after this, even if they forced Zelinsky to sign a treaty I doubt it would mean much.