Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I believe there will be some talks held at a neutral venue. So called LPR and DPR will get some sort of autonomy, while majority of sanctions remain in force. All anti aggression states are not backing down either, and they do rule the world.

For a sane leader maybe, but I think Putin has had a screw loose for a number of years and has become even more rash in recent times. I think at this point, anything less than complete control of Ukraine is deemed as failure and I can’t see him accepting embarrassment like that.

This afternoon I once again conveyed our support in a conversation with President @ZelenskyyUa and informed him that, in addition to the 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles on the way, NL will shortly be supplying additional military equipment for self-defense against Russian aggression.

Edit: automatic translation added.

Concrete help from Ten Hag’s countrymen.
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It’s hard to buy any cleaning products, antiseptics, bandages etc. here because people are buying it all to send to Ukraine. I have now been stuck for an hour in traffic trying to deliver goods to the stadium where they are collecting them before they ship them to Lviv during the night. People can be really good sometimes.
For a sane leader maybe, but I think Putin has had a screw loose for a number of years and has become even more rash in recent times. I think at this point, anything less than complete control of Ukraine is deemed as failure and I can’t see him accepting embarrassment like that.
Doubt it mate. He is one of the most corrupt leaders in the world who just loves money and power. If you want to have a better picture of Vlad in your mind, I'd recommend to watch Navalniy's documentary about him.
It’s hard to buy any cleaning products, antiseptics, bandages etc. here because people are buying it all to send to Ukraine. I have now been stuck for an hour in traffic trying to deliver goods to the stadium where they are collecting them before they ship them to Lviv during the night. People can be really good sometimes.
That’s pretty amazing. Well done Poland!
When you post a tweet, please make sure you include an English translation.
This afternoon I once again conveyed our support in a conversation with President @ZelenskyyUa and informed him that, in addition to the 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles on their way, NL will shortly be providing additional military equipment for self-defense against Russian aggression.
no offence, but some of you are carried away a bit and are obviously learning about war from video games and Hollywood. this war has barely started, it isn't really an open conflict and Ukraine aren't some small primitive tribe from jungle. you don't conquer such country in 2 days. it says nothing about Russian army or technology in general as neither are really being used and most likely won't be. vast majority of their army won't even cross the border neither they're going to use their most destructive weapons to burn the cities to the ground. it's obvious that Putin planned to end this quickly & without really decimating the rest of the country, which is not working. but anyone who thinks this is all they are capable of is just being silly at this point.
It is still going badly for them because with each passing day Ukraine will be getting stronger with new weapons delivered, and it has become very clear they will not just come in and take the country easily. They can kill 5 million people but they won’t turn people on their side.
When you post a tweet, please make sure you include an English translation.
Rutte said that he had a chat with the people mentioned and that they're sending more military help.

And that they stand with Ukraine.
Doubt it mate. He is one of the most corrupt leaders in the world who just loves money and power. If you want to have a better picture of Vlad in your mind, I'd recommend to watch Navalniy's documentary about him.

I’ll have to check it out. But isn’t he also an extreme ego-maniac who nurtures an absurd tough guy persona? Backing down from Ukraine who, let’s face it, were deemed as easy pickings for mighty Russia would be a massive blow for him surely. Politically and personally.
It creates more places for defending soldiers/fighters places to hide. Lots of rat runs can be found and utilised. It’s a nightmare for an attacking army. Amoured vehicles are pretty useless so it comes to hand to hand combat. And if you have a dogged defenders like there was in Stalingrad it becomes a brutal fight.
Came back recently from the Ukraine War protests at Downing St. Massive turn out.
I’ll have to check it out. But isn’t he also an extreme ego-maniac who nurtures an absurd tough guy persona? Backing down from Ukraine who, let’s face it, were deemed as easy pickings for mighty Russia would be a massive blow for him surely. Politically and personally.
He always talked about "liberating" Lugansk and Donetsk. He talked about special operation. Russian MoD have just changed their tune, by saying that they will attack from all fronts. If people who are hiding in metro start dying lots of things could change.
Wow, if they do this...

If they do this, it is a nuclear bomb on Russian economy. Imagine going from Russia into a Venezuela in a week. The allies will do this, if civilians will start dying en masse. I am flipping amazed at how many aces the allies have up their sleeves and all that without even firing a bullet.
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If they do this, it is a nuclear bomb on Russian economy. Imagine going from Russia into a Venezuela in a week. The allies will do this, if civilians will start dying en masse. I am flipping amazed at how many aces the allies have up in their sleeves and all that without even firing a bullet.

Modern warfare huh? It's crazy. You wonder what the benefit is to even chancing at conventional warfare these days like what Russia is doing here.