Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Agreed. But if it's tanks mainly, they will be dealt with properly. Arms are coming to Ukraine too.

Tanks aren't fit for urban combat. They'll only have two options, close combat guerilla style or bombing the hell out of the city.
Of course India has violated human rights in kashmir, I'm not the one parroting that my country is squeaky clean and totally blameless.

I don't think many have been trying to claim the West is squeaky clean in fairness, I know there are some, but Russia, India, China, US, Europe.... Every area has nationalists who will pretend their country has never done anything wrong and everything is everyone else's fault.

I was trying to think of an analogy for India but I can't really think of a great one. But for example, should India have no right to respond if China just decided to invade the contested areas just because India hasn't always got it right? I personally don't think so, every situation has to be judged on its individual merits.
Tanks aren't fit for urban combat. They'll only have two options, close combat guerilla style or bombing the hell out of the city.

I'd fancy the Ukranians in guerilla urban warfare, it's the latter that worries me and Chechen and Belarusian involvement.
There could be no factual basis as nothing like this has happened in Europe and done by Russia. I have explained already, if crimes against humanity take place, it is not about NATO anymore. Moreover, NATO are already supplying arms openly. Most of the EU countries are closing their airspace for Russian aircrafts. Remember what Putin said? Whoever hinders his operation, will be punished. Well arms from NATO allies are killing his army right now. Russia will be disconnected from SWIFT sharply. He will not go nuclear. It is his certain death. Absolutely no chance he survives. He will chicken out.
You were talking about Nato intervening if the Russians start heavy bombing. I was asking what that was based on, if there's a source or it's just your view. Most people seem to be suggesting only a Russian incursion into a Nato state would spark a direct response.
I don't understand the bolded part. Who is it about then?
Swift expulsion and CB sanctions incoming.

Russian economy dead in the water, and revealed his hand that their “great” military is inept. Hoping he doesn’t go scorched earth later in the week.

Stay strong Ukraine.

The question now is how long their 'gold reserves' or whatever last. No materials coming in, no cash, civil disobedience will increase by the day. Putin's empire is going to start collapsing around him before he's got it off the ground.

He can't be fightly a costly war in Ukraine when this begins.
The question now is how long their 'gold reserves' or whatever last. No materials coming in, no cash, civil disobedience will increase by the day. Putin's empire is going to start collapsing around him before he's got it off the ground.

He can't be fightly a costly war in Ukraine when this begins.
That is the hope.
One more thing. Will not be surprised if their reserves are not as big the government been claiming they were. Russian economy has been struggling, now it's terminally ill. Putin hopefully has fecked it up. The longer this drags the costlier it will get.
If the Russian army is off invading Ukraine, maybe we should invade Russia while they are out of the way.
We joke, and obviously unthinkable because of nukes. But if the estimates that 2/3 to 3/4 of their ground forces have been deployed to the region (although mostly not engaged yet), then it would actually never have been easier.
Putin isn’t going to back down, he’ll decimate the country before he does that. He isn’t going to win. I don’t really think anyone is going to come out as victorious at the end of this on its current trajectory.
The myth of the great russian military is being killed. If instead of Ukraine it was a modern military like the UK or France the russian invasion force would have been killed from the first day.

Glory to Ukraine!
Putin isn’t going to back down, he’ll decimate the country before he does that. He isn’t going to win. I don’t really think anyone is going to come out as victorious at the end of this on its current trajectory.
I believe there will be some talks held at a neutral venue. So called LPR and DPR will get some sort of autonomy, while majority of sanctions remain in force. All anti aggression states are not backing down either, and they do rule the world.
I believe there will be some talks held at a neutral venue. So called LPR and DPR will get some sort of autonomy, while majority of sanctions remain in force. All anti aggression states are not backing down either, and they do rule the world.
But surely the aftermath of this will push further countries towards NATO
I believe there will be some talks held at a neutral venue. So called LPR and DPR will get some sort of autonomy, while majority of sanctions remain in force. All anti aggression states are not backing down either, and they do rule the world.

I think further escalation is more likely than this. Russia have lost the initiative.
Absolutely. Putin's problem has never veen NATO. It was all about a sovereign Ukraine under a democratic government.
Agreed, but even then this will make the surviving part of Ukraine lean even more towards the west. If sanctions now don't ruin Russia long term, similar tensions will arise due to the west shift of his neighbours he created himself

Mothers, wives, daughters of Russian soldiers! Take your men home. They came to a foreign land to kill innocent people, to destroy our homes. Your power is lying. The people of Ukraine meet them with weapons, not flowers. Demand from the authorities to stop the war of conquest, save your loved ones!
Yeh I thought Russia had a strong and organised military. So far they seem like a rag tag bunch of part timers.
All propaganda. They tried a blitzkrieg but it failed. And it is against a state that is not even part of NATO.

Bunch of drunk, corrupt retards that think they are a supper power but get shat uppon by a people that just want to live free.
I think further escalation is more likely than this. Russia have lost the initiative.
I agree, I do expect further escalation but I do not expect bombing the hell out of Ukranian cities. Sanctions are hurting already, they will hurt more as the days go by. Panic will kick in, people are already having difficulties with withdrawing their money, thus, there will be more protests.
We joke, and obviously unthinkable because of nukes. But if the estimates that 2/3 to 3/4 of their ground forces have been deployed to the region (although mostly not engaged yet), then it would actually never have been easier.

russia has an active military number of around 1 million. 200k ish was mobilised for this. What people are saying is half of that has actually pushed into Ukraine.
Tanks aren't fit for urban combat. They'll only have two options, close combat guerilla style or bombing the hell out of the city.
Bombing the hell out of the city only benefits the defenders. Stalingrad is a good example of this. Whatever happens I’m hoping, as I’m sure we all are, Ukraine hold out and bloody give it to em.
Ukraine is bringing their absolute A-game on social media.

I fully understand them and considering the situation inside Russia it is a effective way letting the Russian people know what is going on. But posting pictures of prisoners of war is considered a breach of the Geneva convention.

POWs must be treated humanely in all circumstances. They are protected against any act of violence, as well as against intimidation, insults, and public curiosity.
Bombing the hell out of the city only benefits the defenders. Stalingrad is a good example of this. Whatever happens I’m hoping, as I’m sure we all are, Ukraine hold out and bloody give it to em.

How so?
Most will be fecked in a full scale war.

With the level of technology, it's hardly a good time to be on foot...
Obviously, but as infantry you stand a good chance of seeing your enemy coming and get the opportunity to defend yourself or retreat. You might even be offered the chance to surrender.

Operating a comms relay, you're alone and isolated, and you'll be taken out with bombs or artillery. You won't see it coming, you won't be able to defend yourself and there's no one to surrender to.
russia has an active military number of around 1 million. 200k ish was mobilised for this. What people are saying is half of that has actually pushed into Ukraine.
Manpower counting is imperfect for this, because of the ratio of support troops in any army which is high relative to combat troops. It is better to count standardized formations if you can. Russian ground forces have 168 battalion tactical groups in total, of which 120 are estimated to be deployed in the region. They pulled units from as far as the Far East for this.
no offence, but some of you are carried away a bit and are obviously learning about war from video games and Hollywood. this war has barely started, it isn't really an open conflict and Ukraine aren't some small primitive tribe from jungle. you don't conquer such country in 2 days. it says nothing about Russian army or technology in general as neither are really being used and most likely won't be. vast majority of their army won't even cross the border neither they're going to use their most destructive weapons to burn the cities to the ground. it's obvious that Putin planned to end this quickly & without really decimating the rest of the country, which is not working. but anyone who thinks this is all they are capable of is just being silly at this point.