Redcafes Most Rested
I don’t think it is, if you were a good living Christian there would be no need for war.
A good discussion point, but or another thread I think
Desperately hoping this concludes peacefully and soon.
I don’t think it is, if you were a good living Christian there would be no need for war.
Or Numbers, or Samuel, or Deuteronomy, or….I guess you’ve never read the Book of Joshua.
Maybe it's worth having a discussion about NATO because beyond Putin's theater of the absurd, there are lots of misguided people focused on the boogieman NATO.
Here's the history of NATO aggression, Kosovo in 1999, Afghanistan in 2001, and Libya in 2011. These were actions mostly justified due to major terror situations that had to be addressed. Am I missing anything? Now, I'm not trying to counter the Putin rhetoric which is complete nonsense. The west never even considered invading Russia, ever. I feel it's important to figure out how to respond to the kooky anti-war folks that lack a substantive argument against NATO. - Maybe it's best to set aside the nuclear weapons aspect in this exchange of ideas
I just don't see the mainstream media dealing with this issue.
Yeah, NATO members who participated in Afghanistan and Iraq committed blatant war crimes as were exposed by the 100,000's of Wikileaks files, but NATO's conduct in Europe and in particular Ukraine seems to be poised to simply prevent conflict.
It's worth repeating, for most of us it's common sense, but not for everyone.
Example: More than 50% of US Republicans polled favor Putin over Biden, which is incredibly insane.
It's sad knowing most Western leaders would have been out 2 days ago without hesitation. Look at the Afghan muppet we backed who left days before they arrived in Kabul
Desperately hoping this concludes peacefully and soon.
Yeah, it’s terrible I hope some peace talks can resume tomorrow. We’ll have to see the extent of the devastation over night.A good discussion point, but or another thread I think.
Desperately hoping this concludes peacefully and soon.
Might be mistaken but seem to remember at the time that the attack on Iraq was done in 2003, it was condemned unanimously by India in one of the parliament sessions.We've managed to not support or condemn Russia in Ukraine, US in Iraq, and the USSR in Afghanistan
But *true colours* - every country has the same "true colours" - self-interest and cowardice. Which country had the guts to do sanctions on the US in 2003? The concept itself is so absurd.
What?NATO should have been dissolved when the soviet union collapsed
Well it really relates to this Ukraine situationShould make a separate thread on NATO
If anything, it's showing that there absolutely is a need for NATO.
Putin/Russia are the only ones to blame for what is happen ing, no one else.
I’m a really good cook, so that’ll do.
NATO should have been dissolved when the soviet union collapsed
Chechenya is much smaller isn’t it?But Chechnya ... oh wait
Yeah there were massive queues all day at the stadium where it was collected. In my neighborhood alone we managed to fill 3 cars with stuff, people are stepping up massively to help.50 tons? Wow. That’s great! Kudos.
Chechenya is much smaller isn’t it?
Yeah then Putin would’ve had a free hand to go for Latvia, Estonia, maybe even Poland. Great idea!NATO should have been dissolved when the soviet union collapsed
NATO should have been dissolved when the soviet union collapsed
I don’t think it is, if you were a good living Christian there would be no need for war.
Hard to celebrate, but I hope these losses play on Putin's mind.
If its possible, its likely already happening. For diplomacy reasons, we will never know. There's also a very good chance that there are "special forces" of certain NATO nations assisting with the resistance, but again, it wont be public.I really hope we're able to resupply them. They can't hold out forever in Kyiv without SAMs and anti-tank weapons.
According to the page behind the tweet, 2,800 Russian troops have lost their lives in three days of fighting. Pretty staggering given that they still don't have control of any major city.
Hard to celebrate, but I hope these losses play on Putin's mind.
I feel you. Keep mini celebrating these Ukranian victories in my head before releasing for the umpth time that it's someone's son that has been killed due to 1 man's wishes rather than them actually wanting to be there.
I want to feel good about this but I can only imagine how many men were killed inside it, since it was a transport plane. Such a waste of life.
This is exactly why I think it's a worthy topic here. These nutters that scream about NATO have zero rational argument apart from Fox News and people like Alex Jones and Thom Hartmann telling them that NATO is at fault.Why?
Saw some pics of mobile crematoriums being towed along with the Russian ground forces. Presumably to dispose off the dead without a trace. Grim stuffEvery death in this conflict is needless and tragic. Most Russian soldiers, I would imagine, are young and generally uninterested in fighting people that many of them probably have historical or family ties with. Their unfortunate parents may never learn what happened to their kids given Putin’s obsession with not publicizing his war deaths.
This will constitute an enormous deviation if we go too far, but the first war was fought over inches on a trench-stained battlefield which came about as the result of alliance entanglment. It was the most pointless series of conflicts probably ever recorded. The second is more complex. Your average soldier is working class, is the point I'm making. All classes definitely suffered more in the second than the first because that was much closer to absolute war with cities destroyed all over the continent.
The upload video button isn't available for me, here's a link to what look like regular citizens fighting tanks with maltov cocktails.
The upload video button isn't available for me, here's a link to what look like regular citizens fighting tanks with maltov cocktails.