Okay, that's a complicated topic and I hope my English skills don't let this come across very wrong. But neither war was "literally pointless". This is only right from a rather narrow perspective, in my opinion. The conflicts between the involved countries and ideologies - for whatever reason - were real and they were real enough for many people to take up arms and literally kill each other. Unfortunately, that's my personal opinion, mankind needed this bloody lesson to understand how important peace is and that there must never be a european conflict ever again. Those two world wars should always remind of the horrors of the war, being a constant memorial. If Europe - which it mostly has - understood that lessons, those two wars were not pointless at all. It resulted in the european union, in a united Europe, which was completely unthinkable 80 years ago. One of Germany's closest allies being France nowadays, while literally stabbing each other to death only 104 years ago! It's incredible. Men needed these experiences to understand the necessity of keeping peace. Something that has been forgotten in the last decade, unfortunately, with many people from the war generations dying and not being able to keep preaching this important lesson. Which is very worrying indeed.
I'd also like to point out that saying that it's always the lower class people who fight these wars is not entirely true. It's true they suffered the most, but of course, in the two world wars, every class was involved and suffered. But again: yes, lower class people suffered the most, as they always do, also in peace times, so that's nothing surprising.