Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Massive missile barrage all over Ukraine right now, looks like all the major cities have been targeted. One Ukrainian commander said that it's the largest attack of the war so far and that they have't seen this many incoming targets on their monitors before.

This is what Russia does, for every military target Ukraine destroys they retaliate with attacks on civilians.
feck Biden and Republicans and the rest of the European decision makers for allowing this to continue for so long.
Clearly not enough Patriots, it’s embarrassing that Ukraine has been given just 3 systems in 2 years, there should have been dozens of them already in a country as big as Ukraine. There should be so many of these systems that Russia deems it worthless to waste any missiles.
Just fecking confiscate those frozen $300Billion worth of russian assets right now and give Ukraine the means to purchase any desired weapons for that amount and have this finished in a few months.

Just fecking confiscate those frozen $300Billion worth of russian assets right now and give Ukraine the means to purchase any desired weapons for that amount and have this finished in a few months.

That being said that kind of brutal attack is on every media front page and "a good thing is" that it's on there to remind the West the brutality.
I know Russia has been attacking civilian targets since the very beginning, but is there a chance they will step those attacks up due to the fact Israel are doing it all over Gaza and the West Bank with impunity?
The Russians are certainly loving the hypocricy exposed by the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, as noted by a European diplomat if I recall correctly from a WSJ or WaPo article. But I doubt they're making decisions based on what happens in Gaza.
Just fecking confiscate those frozen $300Billion worth of russian assets right now and give Ukraine the means to purchase any desired weapons for that amount and have this finished in a few months.

Agreed 1000%. Cameron mentioned doing it once and then nothing. Get on with it you absolute ballbags, I don't give a shit what precedent it sets for rich people, can only be a good thing if they're scared in my book.
Shows the scale of today's attack, but also how much Russia's air campaign has collapsed this year.

I know Russia has been attacking civilian targets since the very beginning, but is there a chance they will step those attacks up due to the fact Israel are doing it all over Gaza and the West Bank with impunity?
I'm pretty sure that they were saving for the winter (and, especially, the New Year, which is the biggest holiday of the year in most post-Soviet countries) regardless of what happened in Gaza. For a bigger demoralizing effect and in a sick hope that by targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure they'll leave Ukrainian people freezing.
Clearly not enough Patriots, it’s embarrassing that Ukraine has been given just 3 systems in 2 years, there should have been dozens of them already in a country as big as Ukraine. There should be so many of these systems that Russia deems it worthless to waste any missiles.

I agree and the reason is that most if not all NATO countries did not invest in air defense. You can not give what you don't have plus most countries in NATO understand this now, so there are huge orders for systems from NATO. This makes a silly situation where we understand Ukraine needs it, so we need that, so the industry can only do so much. Just to say about Patriot, Romania alone has an order for 3 new systems and the US for 4 systems every year, Poland 8 I think. The reason the West can not give massive amounts of Patriot or similar is because we did not buy them in the first place.
I know Russia has been attacking civilian targets since the very beginning, but is there a chance they will step those attacks up due to the fact Israel are doing it all over Gaza and the West Bank with impunity?
It's more the fact that with supplies running low for Ukraine and the West dragging their feet, Russia wants to take the opportunity to ramp up their operations and force the decision on the battlefield. These missile waves are saturating the Ukrainian air defense systems and they won't be able to defend themselves for very long at this rythm. It is also known that the Russians favors strikes on civilian infrastructures and power plants in the winter to let the Ukrainians freeze.
Obviously this won't be escalated but interesting detail: a presumably Russian missile entered Polish airspace.

"Contrary to President Biden’s and the Washington establishment’s expectations, and tragically for Ukrainians, Kyiv's victory remains mathematically impossible. Here’s the basis for my analysis..."


"Nobody believes in our victory like I do," Zelenskyy recently told Time magazine. Zelenskyy is correct. No one with common sense believes that Ukraine can win against Russia, whose population is three times higher than Ukraine’s, allowing the Kremlin to throw flesh in the meat grinder long after the last Ukrainian perishes. Even the U.S. media – which was blindly cheerleading Ukraine for the past two years, rather than delivering objective analysis – have all but acknowledged that Putin’s war machine will likely outlast Zelenskyy’s arsenal, as well as Western support.

Mathematics doesn’t lie, no matter how hard the Washington establishment tries to rig the numbers"

It's worth noting that unlike the endless gaggle of "retired 4-star generals" (who now serve as board members for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) who provide "expert analysis" for the likes of CNN and MSNBC, Rebekah Koffler has been consistently and provably right about the course of this conflict since it began. Unfortunately she will continue to be ignored by "once in a generation intellect" (Hillary Clinton's description of him) Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken.

"Contrary to President Biden’s and the Washington establishment’s expectations, and tragically for Ukrainians, Kyiv's victory remains mathematically impossible. Here’s the basis for my analysis..."


"Nobody believes in our victory like I do," Zelenskyy recently told Time magazine. Zelenskyy is correct. No one with common sense believes that Ukraine can win against Russia, whose population is three times higher than Ukraine’s, allowing the Kremlin to throw flesh in the meat grinder long after the last Ukrainian perishes. Even the U.S. media – which was blindly cheerleading Ukraine for the past two years, rather than delivering objective analysis – have all but acknowledged that Putin’s war machine will likely outlast Zelenskyy’s arsenal, as well as Western support.

Mathematics doesn’t lie, no matter how hard the Washington establishment tries to rig the numbers"

It's worth noting that unlike the endless gaggle of "retired 4-star generals" (who now serve as board members for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) who provide "expert analysis" for the likes of CNN and MSNBC, Rebekah Koffler has been consistently and provably right about the course of this conflict since it began. Unfortunately she will continue to be ignored by "once in a generation intellect" (Hillary Clinton's description of him) Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken.
Numbers might not lie. But they often get misinterpreted. Of course Russia has bigger numbers and more human capital. Everybody is well aware of this and it’s an obvious advantage for Russia. But to pretend the war therefor can’t be won is just not correct. And if that’s the whole basis of the analysis, it’s quite the useless analysis. Because it adds nothing we didn’t already know beforehand and changes absolutely nothing.

"Contrary to President Biden’s and the Washington establishment’s expectations, and tragically for Ukrainians, Kyiv's victory remains mathematically impossible. Here’s the basis for my analysis..."


"Nobody believes in our victory like I do," Zelenskyy recently told Time magazine. Zelenskyy is correct. No one with common sense believes that Ukraine can win against Russia, whose population is three times higher than Ukraine’s, allowing the Kremlin to throw flesh in the meat grinder long after the last Ukrainian perishes. Even the U.S. media – which was blindly cheerleading Ukraine for the past two years, rather than delivering objective analysis – have all but acknowledged that Putin’s war machine will likely outlast Zelenskyy’s arsenal, as well as Western support.

Mathematics doesn’t lie, no matter how hard the Washington establishment tries to rig the numbers"

It's worth noting that unlike the endless gaggle of "retired 4-star generals" (who now serve as board members for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) who provide "expert analysis" for the likes of CNN and MSNBC, Rebekah Koffler has been consistently and provably right about the course of this conflict since it began. Unfortunately she will continue to be ignored by "once in a generation intellect" (Hillary Clinton's description of him) Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken.
I agree with the assesment that Ukraine can't outright defeat Russia on the battlefield. But there are scenarios in which they don't have to. The Soviets left Afghanistan. The Americans left Vietnam. Waiting it out doesn't guarantee that Russia will leave eventually but historical precedents are there. What's clear though is that the West + Ukraine must be prepared for a very long war.
This is now going into direction against I am which strongly: Russians are starting to terrorize Ukrainians and I am afraid that is going to keep escalating as long as the war is going on. Time to put best diplomats to negotiate something. I don't know what as negotiating scale does not favor Ukraine's goals.

I said this already: USA doesn't have resources to manage two major conflicts at the same time by half assing. Neither militaristic nor diplomatic. Going all in - sure, but we know what that means.

I feel bad for Tony Blinken, guy does not look good lately.
This is now going into direction against I am which strongly: Russians are starting to terrorize Ukrainians and I am afraid that is going to keep escalating as long as the war is going on. Time to put best diplomats to negotiate something. I don't know what as negotiating scale does not favor Ukraine's goals.

I said this already: USA doesn't have resources to manage two major conflicts at the same time by half assing. Neither militaristic nor diplomatic. Going all in - sure, but we know what that means.

I feel bad for Tony Blinken, guy does not look good lately.

Ukraine needs F-16s in the air, should have happened months ago. But once that happens it'll be tricky for Russia.

Europe needs to step up with it's aid if America has decided to drag it's feet.
Ukraine needs F-16s in the air, should have happened months ago. But once that happens it'll be tricky for Russia.

Europe needs to step up with it's aid if America has decided to drag it's feet.

Yes, however F16s require supporting infrastructure and obviously trained pilots. Then when you have trained pilots, you need trained maneuvering (more than 1 airplane working in tandem). Logistics behind using F16s is not as simple as just delivering them.
This is now going into direction against I am which strongly: Russians are starting to terrorize Ukrainians and I am afraid that is going to keep escalating as long as the war is going on. Time to put best diplomats to negotiate something. I don't know what as negotiating scale does not favor Ukraine's goals.

I said this already: USA doesn't have resources to manage two major conflicts at the same time by half assing. Neither militaristic nor diplomatic. Going all in - sure, but we know what that means.

I feel bad for Tony Blinken, guy does not look good lately.
I don't.
Yes, however F16s require supporting infrastructure and obviously trained pilots. Then when you have trained pilots, you need trained maneuvering (more than 1 airplane working in tandem). Logistics behind using F16s is not as simple as just delivering them.

That could and should have been done as soon as the war began. Instead they had to wait 12 months before discussions even began.
This is now going into direction against I am which strongly: Russians are starting to terrorize Ukrainians and I am afraid that is going to keep escalating as long as the war is going on. Time to put best diplomats to negotiate something. I don't know what as negotiating scale does not favor Ukraine's goals.

I said this already: USA doesn't have resources to manage two major conflicts at the same time by half assing. Neither militaristic nor diplomatic. Going all in - sure, but we know what that means.

I feel bad for Tony Blinken, guy does not look good lately.
And they have to keep Biden’s popularity high or Democracy may end in the US.

No pressure.
Ukraine needs F-16s in the air, should have happened months ago. But once that happens it'll be tricky for Russia.

Europe needs to step up with it's aid if America has decided to drag it's feet.

Not only Europe and the US, but I also hope new players in weapons sales like South Korea and Japan will say "feck old habits" and thus start sending deadly hardware to Ukraine. Those countries also need to test their own hardware as well.

Obviously this won't be escalated but interesting detail: a presumably Russian missile entered Polish airspace.

Whenever something like that happens, this is where it would be appropriate for Poland to make a few troop movements near the border with Kaliningrad as a warning message. If Poland (and thus NATO) wants to be very serious about what the red lines should be, this is a case where a serious response is necessary.
From reading the news lately, seems the west is preparing the ground to feck over ukraine once again.
From reading the news lately, seems the west is preparing the ground to feck over ukraine once again.
Think so too. I'm in the process of getting my in-laws safe in Portugal. They don't want to leave but the wife expects the worse and has been able to convince them to leave temporarily.
Think so too. I'm in the process of getting my in-laws safe in Portugal. They don't want to leave but the wife expects the worse and has been able to convince them to leave temporarily.
Seems the best for them, my ukranian friend managed to get her parents to the czech republic last month to stay with her sister. The mood must be grim in ukraine right now.
From reading the news lately, seems the west is preparing the ground to feck over ukraine once again.

Certainly easy to get that impression, but that's just the news for you and is mostly due to a few wankers in the US. Certainly not "the west" as a whole. If Russia had a free press, I'm sure the picture would be much much much more pessimistic from their side.

On a more positive note, Ukraine is now receiving F-16's. Something many would never have thought possible in the early stages of this war while everyone was trembling under the fear of provoking Putin and his threats of "escalation". Support is slow and never enough, but it has been consistent, and escalatory.

We're at an impass now where we're wondering if it will remain so, but the west/nato/free democracies around the world in general will not allow Ukraine to lose this war, it's just not ending anytime soon. It's a slow burn of Russian economy and capability that might take another 5 years and it'll cost a lot of good men. Anyone suggesting a ceasefire is braindead, corrupt or just a cnut.
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Certainly easy to get that impression, but that's just the news for you and is mostly due to a few wankers in the US. Certainly not "the west" as a whole. If Russia had a free press, I'm sure the picture would be much much much more pessimistic from their side.

On a more positive note, Ukraine is now receiving F-16's. Something many would never have though possible in the early stages of this war while everyone was trembling under the fear of provoking Putin and his threats of "escalation". Support is slow and never enough, but it has been consistent, and escalatory.

We're at an impass now where we're wondering if it will remain so, but the west/nato/free democracies around the world in general will not allow Ukraine to lose this war, it's just not ending anytime soon. It's a slow burn of Russian economy and capability that might take another 5 years and it'll cost a lot of good men. Anyone suggesting a ceasefire is braindead, corrupt or just a cnut.

I'm not saying they won't help, but with how strong anti aircraft has gotten in this conflict, how much will they accomplish? Even Russia, with all of its fighter jets, are barely using them for that reason.
I'm not saying they won't help, but with how strong anti aircraft has gotten in this conflict, how much will they accomplish? Even Russia, with all of its fighter jets, are barely using them for that reason.

They are certainly not going to be decisive but Ukraine will have a capable air force again, a modern one that can equip any NATO munition. They have been operating on bare bones till now, most of Ukraine's planes were destroyed in the opening weeks. I'm no expert but I imagine it opens up options, and while Ukraine's AA has improved, Russia's not so much.