Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It is a show of strength to the west. He shows us he can tell the most obvious lie and his people gonna suck it up, so we don't have any hopes he'll lose support. He could also tell them a feckin star destroyer shot him down, built in american-ukrainian underground labs and they would simply nod. Irradiated and frightened people ruled by a bloodthirsty neo tsar.
Noone is sucking it up. They know what happened. Just as they all knew they were fed lies in the USSR and couldn't do anything about it.
“The ‘big package’ idea is firmly supported by many throughout the administration,” said a source familiar with discussions. “Supporters of Ukraine want this to be a one-and-done big bill, and then not have to deal with it until after the next election.”


It's tragicomic how often the police, while investigating someone for a murder, discovers that their search history includes stuff like "how to kill someone". It's never just the one hit either, they always try different search terms. I'm pretty sure most of the time the police didn't even need to use any special powers to access search logs (which has been very difficult to get in Norway), they just went into the browser history and there it was.
It's tragicomic how often the police, while investigating someone for a murder, discovers that their search history includes stuff like "how to kill someone". It's never just the one hit either, they always try different search terms. I'm pretty sure most of the time the police didn't even need to use any special powers to access search logs (which has been very difficult to get in Norway), they just went into the browser history and there it was.
Please don't unexpectedly die in the coming days. I would be high on the police list.

Of course it is. I already wrote it once I think. Iran and Russia are working more closely together than at any time since the Ukraine war. The military coups in Africa, the refugee waves through Belarus, Iran backed terror organizations provoking a war are in my opinion all orchestrated between Iran and Russia in the last 12 months and we haven't seen the end of it. Both united by the hatred of the western world.
Did not expect that. Did it hit a mine?

I think an armor piercing projectile that hit the ammo storage. Could also be a mine of course that detonated the ammo storage. In any case, even the newer T-90 Russian tanks are death traps. We didn't see one western tank exploding like a bomb in this war yet. On the contrary, so far reports all mention that the crews of western made tanks managed to get out unharmed.
I think an armor piercing projectile that hit the ammo storage. Could also be a mine of course that detonated the ammo storage. In any case, even the newer T-90 Russian tanks are death traps. We didn't see one western tank exploding like a bomb in this war yet. On the contrary, so far reports all mention that the crews of western made tanks managed to get out unharmed.
It does indeed explode in a way that'd be rare in an 80s made-for-video action movie.
I think an armor piercing projectile that hit the ammo storage. Could also be a mine of course that detonated the ammo storage. In any case, even the newer T-90 Russian tanks are death traps. We didn't see one western tank exploding like a bomb in this war yet. On the contrary, so far reports all mention that the crews of western made tanks managed to get out unharmed.

Different designs. Russian tanks store the ammo in a ring around the turret feeding into an autoloader for a higher rate of fire and one less crewmember, but it means any hit sets off the lot. Western tanks store ammo deeper in the turret and isolate it from the crew compartment.
Different designs. Russian tanks store the ammo in a ring around the turret feeding into an autoloader for a higher rate of fire and one less crewmember, but it means any hit sets off the lot. Western tanks store ammo deeper in the turret and isolate it from the crew compartment.
The autoloader is not the reason for this. Designs like the French Leclerc or the new German KF51 also use an autoloader and still have the same level of safety as the other Western tanks.

And Western tanks don't store it deeper, but instead so far outside that the ammo is stored effectively outside the main armour. It's Russian tanks that store them deep and that's what makes them explode once they are hit.

The Russian design makes tanks lighter, smaller and cheaper, but it puts the crew at a higher risk.
The autoloader is not the reason for this. Designs like the French Leclerc or the new German KF51 also use an autoloader and still have the same level of safety as the other Western tanks.

And Western tanks don't store it deeper, but instead so far outside that the ammo is stored effectively outside the main armour. It's Russian tanks that store them deep and that's what makes them explode once they are hit.

The Russian design makes tanks lighter, smaller and cheaper, but it puts the crew at a higher risk.

The autoloader is the original reason for that design. At the time it was seen as the best way to fit the system without compromising the crew compartment as in older tanks, but it places ammo next to the thinner side armour.

Western tanks store it well behind where its likely to get hit and they have isolation compartments. It's not kept outside the armour.
The autoloader is the original reason for that design. At the time it was seen as the best way to fit the system without compromising the crew compartment as in older tanks, but it places ammo next to the thinner side armour.

Western tanks store it well behind where its likely to get hit and they have isolation compartments. It's not kept outside the armour.
As I said, they could have built the tanks bigger than they could have it done like in western tanks.

But yes, calling it as being outside the main armour wasn't exactly correct, I was referring to the fact that the thin blowout panels to the outside are weaker than the internal doors, preventing an ammo explosion to go inside the tank.
It's tragicomic how often the police, while investigating someone for a murder, discovers that their search history includes stuff like "how to kill someone". It's never just the one hit either, they always try different search terms. I'm pretty sure most of the time the police didn't even need to use any special powers to access search logs (which has been very difficult to get in Norway), they just went into the browser history and there it was.

That's why you use a container, proxy, tor network when looking up Holly Willoughby.
Different designs. Russian tanks store the ammo in a ring around the turret feeding into an autoloader for a higher rate of fire and one less crewmember, but it means any hit sets off the lot. Western tanks store ammo deeper in the turret and isolate it from the crew compartment.

:lol: Idiots

Its cheaper, lighter, more compact and means it requires one less crewmember. Different design philosophies more than bad design. Russia has always seen its soldiers as expendable.

Our favorite russian doomsday crier Girkin has been passing his insight from inside the can. This is dated from 29th of September.

Says Russia is basically trying to freeze the conflict until US elections, putting any offensive plans on backburner until then and just trying to prevent any ukrainian breakthroughs.
Thinks there won't be any major changes in strategic gains over winter, just some positional changes for propaganda purposes and both sides clamouring that they've progressed and victory is near.
US wants low intesity conflict to continue to exhaust russian potential, ukrainian victory is not neccessary for them, maybe even dangerous, as it could cause Putin to escalate.
Thinks US will just feed Ukraine slowly, give Putin confidence, that west is getting tired and close to surrendering, but when the time comes, ramp up supply accordingly.
Only a miracle might save Russia from collapse at this stage, once that happens, lots if not all of russian elite will lose wealth/lives.
There still might be some "black swan" events that could change picture drastically within days, maybe hours just like it was in June (Prigozhins coup).
Even a Ukrainian victory would present challenges for American foreign policy, since it would “threaten the integrity of the Russian state and the Russian regime and create instability throughout Eurasia,” as one of the former U.S. officials put it to me.

Ukraine’s desire to take back occupied Crimea has been a particular concern for Sullivan, who has privately noted the Administration’s assessment that this scenario carries the highest risk of Putin following through on his nuclear threats. In other words, there are few good options.