Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Further clarification from Hersh's source:

"The pineapple has tap-danced on its cosmic rubber ducky. If it persists, the intergalactic pancake will reveal the secret location of the invisible accordion, nestled inside a juggling flamingo's pocket dimension. This performance is executed while wearing a tutu made of spaghetti, and even a rainbow-colored ostrich gets it, but doesn't sprout a mustache made of marshmallow whiskers."
Russia plans a massive increase in defense spending next year as President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine continues to remake its economy and alter funding priorities.

Further clarification from Hersh's source:

"The pineapple has tap-danced on its cosmic rubber ducky. If it persists, the intergalactic pancake will reveal the secret location of the invisible accordion, nestled inside a juggling flamingo's pocket dimension. This performance is executed while wearing a tutu made of spaghetti, and even a rainbow-colored ostrich gets it, but doesn't sprout a mustache made of marshmallow whiskers."
Now that's a scoop!

It was clear from the start. Putin isn't someone who backs down, he will continue until he reaches his goals or until he gets killed. And he doesn't even have a choice at this point, because backing down would also mean a new mutiny probably. Russian intelligence follow only the strong leader. If Putin appears weak, they will stop supporting him and that will be the end of him.
It was clear from the start. Putin isn't someone who backs down, he will continue until he reaches his goals or until he gets killed. And he doesn't even have a choice at this point, because backing down would also mean a new mutiny probably. Russian intelligence follow only the strong leader. If Putin appears weak, they will stop supporting him and that will be the end of him.

I'm not sure about this. I think he's done a good job of presenting himself as someone who always escalates, never backs down. Because it's a very effective way of making your enemies think twice about engaging you. I think he's actually quite calculating, and if he's going to lose, he'll find a way to do so without actually appearing to lose.
I'm not sure about this. I think he's done a good job of presenting himself as someone who always escalates, never backs down. Because it's a very effective way of making your enemies think twice about engaging you. I think he's actually quite calculating, and if he's going to lose, he'll find a way to do so without actually appearing to lose.
Not sure that’s possible. He knows this is his final act as leader of Russia, he’s old, has nothing to lose and I believe will keep escalating until he eventually wins or loses. His only hope is NATO abandon Ukraine because of the armament and training continues, it’s hard to see how Russia would achieve its goals with losing.
Not sure that’s possible. He knows this is his final act as leader of Russia, he’s old, has nothing to lose and I believe will keep escalating until he eventually wins or loses. His only hope is NATO abandon Ukraine because of the armament and training continues, it’s hard to see how Russia would achieve its goals with losing.

Yeah maybe. I think he's been quite careful though to present his aims as simply defending the Russian diaspora in the east of the country. Although we can clearly see that his aims went way beyond that I think he is still able to plausibly argue to his own populace that the war was a success if Russia keeps more of the Donbas and perhaps the land corridor to Crimea. I haven't seen much in the way of escalation from him recently, i think we're at a point where there isn't much more he can do.
Never ‘insult Poles again,’ Poland’s prime minister tells Ukraine’s Zelensky

"The first and most important point, however, is that no European officials seriously believe that there is about to be a dramatic change in policy when it comes to supporting Ukraine – especially from Poland."

It looks like their election is fcking up things just like how the U.S's next year would.
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During moments of rest, he leafed through a diary, written longhand by a Russian soldier: “I’ve been at war for four weeks already and I miss my mom,” Courier read.