Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

“evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times"

Okay then, I'm convinced!

edit: A very strong speech from Zelensky.
Bizarre post. The NYT rarely gets these things wrong and other prominent Twitter accounts such as CIT came to the same conclusion.
Exclusive: Ukraine’s special services ‘likely’ behind strikes on Wagner-backed forces in Sudan, a Ukrainian military source says

Ukrainian special services were likely behind a series of drone strikes and a ground operation directed against a Wagner-backed militia near Sudan’s capital, a CNN investigation has found, raising the prospect that the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spread far from the frontlines.

Speaking to CNN, a Ukrainian military source described the operation as the work of a “non-Sudanese military.” Pressed on whether Kyiv was behind the attacks, the source would only say that “Ukrainian special services were likely responsible.”

Bizarre post. The NYT rarely gets these things wrong and other prominent Twitter accounts such as CIT came to the same conclusion.

Oh I'm very sorry that I'm skeptical if a daily newspaper also works part-time as an investigator for missiles terror. That said even if it is true, it's completely Russia's fault that Ukraine needs to work with everything they've got, no matter how old and faulty it is. To make matters worse, who do you think this news is helping? Russian state TV already uses it in their daily propaganda that Ukraine is killing their own citizens. "Here look, even the Americans know it." And they will use this every time from now on when killing Ukrainian civilians.
It only helps Russia and their propaganda, no one else.
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Oh I'm very sorry that I'm skeptical if a daily newspaper also works part-time as an investigator for missiles terror. That said even if it is true, it's completely Russia's fault that Ukraine needs to work with everything they've got, no matter how old and faulty it is. To make matters worse, who do you think this news is helping? Russian state TV already uses it in their daily propaganda that Ukraine is killing their own citizens. "Here look, even the Americans know it." And they will use this every time from now on when killing Ukrainian civilians.
This article only helps Russia, no one else. So I'm very sorry for my bizzare post criticizing the rarely wrong NYT.
Reporting about Ukrainian mishaps is just journalismus. Not reporting about it would be propaganda.

I rather have proof of still living in a society where even hard truths are reported than one where everything is a lie to make the own side look better.

Such articles prove that we are still better than the Russians.
Oh I'm very sorry that I'm skeptical if a daily newspaper also works part-time as an investigator for missiles terror. That said even if it is true, it's completely Russia's fault that Ukraine needs to work with everything they've got, no matter how old and faulty it is. To make matters worse, who do you think this news is helping? Russian state TV already uses it in their daily propaganda that Ukraine is killing their own citizens. "Here look, even the Americans know it." And they will use this every time from now on when killing Ukrainian civilians.
It only helps Russia and their propaganda, no one else.
So western press should behave more like russia's press?
Whose fault is it that these civilians died?
In the grand scheme of things, Russia. In the specific incident, it seems Ukraine fecked up (I can't read the article, it's paywalled). Ukrainian people, especially the victim's families, have the right to know what happened and need to know the government/military is making sure it doesn't happen again.

So again, do you want our press to behave like russia's press and report only what's convenient?

I love that this serious journalist/analyst is quoting a "Se & Hør" article about the donation of tanks to the Ukraine. Every single Danish online news publication is writing about this, and he inadvertently chose the one best known for having topless models in the back.
So again, do you want our press to behave like russia's press and report only what's convenient?

It depends. Was it a human error, was it a technical error, is this news even true? If it's a human error on Ukrainian side, then yes they have the right to know. If it's a technical malfunction that is not in Ukrainian hands or the whole news even untrue to begin with, what's the point for such an article that only helps Russian propaganda? As you said, it's behind a paywall and we can only read the headline. But I'm very skeptical about it, if NYT doesn't release the information who investigated how in this matter.
It's on the same level for me as those "anonymous officials" if we don't get more info.
Whose fault is it that these civilians died?
It was a failed attempt to intercept a Russian missile, so of course Russia's. Nonetheless this means that Russia did not actively try to hit this market but some unknown target.
It depends. Was it a human error, was it a technical error, is this news even true? If it's a human error on Ukrainian side, then yes they have the right to know. If it's a technical malfunction that is not in Ukrainian hands or the whole news even untrue to begin with, what's the point for such an article that only helps Russian propaganda? As you said, it's behind a paywall and we can only read the headline. But I'm very skeptical about it, if NYT doesn't release the information who investigated how in this matter.
It's on the same level for me as those "anonymous officials" if we don't get more info.
We don't get to pick and chose and ignore or dismiss news we don't like.
I know this is the war thread but I am wondering what's up with UKR suing Poland and a couple other countries for some agricultural stuff? I am not exactly familiar with that.

I was a bit surprised that it got to that point among them after they, especially Poland, have been thru in this war.
I know this is the war thread but I am wondering what's up with UKR suing Poland and a couple other countries for some agricultural stuff? I am not exactly familiar with that.

I was a bit surprised that it got to that point among them after they, especially Poland, have been thru in this war.
Are you sure it's Urkaine the country suing or some Ukrainian company?
Are you sure it's Urkaine the country suing or some Ukrainian company?
I am not exactly sure. The likes of Reuters and Politico stated that Ukraine plans to sue them.

Not sure if it's a good thing if true. But I am wondering if those countries are really fecking UKR over to be sued by it. Nonetheless, Poland has been one of its biggest allies in this war.

BBC link below:
Ukraine is making swift progress on reforms needed to one day become a member of the EU, the president of the European Commission has said.

Ursula von der Leyen said she was “amazed” that Kyiv was able to overhaul laws in areas like corruption and money laundering while fighting the Russian invaders.