Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Looks like the southern offensive has stalled, barely any movement in the last week.

Was hoping for more, the Tokmak front was the one area with significant progress, but good news is hard to come by these days.

If they don't get much further in the next month, mud season arrives, and then Russia have time to build new fortifications and minefields, sigh....

Russia has thrown literally everything they have available to defend that front. I take it as a positive the fact Ukraine has been able to hold this bulge, exposed as they are, despite Russia's attempts to flank and counter.

When we talk about stalled offensives, tactics, what must be done and so on, it's easy to forget about the people on the ground, who walk through hell each day.
Russian television is slowly preparing its people for NK slaves workers (for more than are already there). Kim gets rich, Putin gets labor and weapons. A win-win situation for them, just not for the slaves workers.
Russian television is slowly preparing its people for NK slaves workers (for more than are already there). Kim gets rich, Putin gets labor and weapons. A win-win situation for them, just not for the slaves workers.

Allow me to cynically ask: Isn't it possible, that their working and living conditions might be better in Russia then in NK, and therefore even the workers profit?
Allow me to cynically ask: Isn't it possible, that their working and living conditions might be better in Russia then in NK, and therefore even the workers profit?

I'll be surprised if Kim allows common workers to leave NK and see what the rest of the world looks like. His control is based on everybody there thinking NK is the best country on earth.
I'll be surprised if Kim allows common workers to leave NK and see what the rest of the world looks like. His control is based on everybody there thinking NK is the best country on earth.
They've been sending them for years now, so it's not really a new thing. And they're still pretty isolated in their labor camps abroad.

I'll be surprised if Kim allows common workers to leave NK and see what the rest of the world looks like. His control is based on everybody there thinking NK is the best country on earth.
It gives him a lot of money and can be used for propaganda purposes too. Not sure if other countries had that happen, but it was reported a few years ago that there were companies in Poland employing North Korean workers.
Allow me to cynically ask: Isn't it possible, that their working and living conditions might be better in Russia then in NK, and therefore even the workers profit?

I don't think their condition will improve. They will feed them exactly the amount they need to work and they most certainly won't live in human conditions, because every ruble spent on them would mean less profit for Kim and Putin. I know they experience it already in NK, but they live at home with their families at the very least. Here, they will experience the same miserable life, just in a foreign country.
They've been sending them for years now, so it's not really a new thing. And they're still pretty isolated in their labor camps abroad.

Had no idea. I suppose it's from one labour camp to another.
Let's hope for a last goodbye, although I still doubt his illness is life threatening. (Yes, I know he uploaded a video recently walking in the rain, but who knows when it was filmed.)
I'm sure the armchair Caf experts will shut down a retired US Army Colonel with actual combat experience and a Bronze Star medal... but even if 50% of what he says is true, this is alarming:

It is Tucker Carlson so everything he says should be taken with a pitch of salt. Actually no, everything he says should be taken as the total opposite.

You can always find the crazy/corrupted high-ranking officer to speak your propaganda. Remember, Flynn had 3 stars. The US has a shitload of high-ranking officers. I think there are around 900 active generals/admirals, and probably as many retired. Colonel is below the 1-star general so probably are thousands of them. Finding one who speaks Russian propaganda is hardly a problem.

Don't think those change a lot to be fair.
Would assume that ukrainians going head on into cities is the last thing they would want to do, with attrition due to urban combat being a factor, and the fact, that there are only ruins left after.
I reckon the other heavily fortified settlement - Ocheratuvate would be next main target, then push south into small settlements there and try to get the road leading into Tokmak under drone/short range arty range and make russian life untenable, kind of make it like Kherson.
It is Tucker Carlson so everything he says should be taken with a pitch of salt. Actually no, everything he says should be taken as the total opposite.

You can always find the crazy/corrupted high-ranking officer to speak your propaganda. Remember, Flynn had 3 stars. The US has a shitload of high-ranking officers. I think there are around 900 active generals/admirals, and probably as many retired. Colonel is below the 1-star general so probably are thousands of them. Finding one who speaks Russian propaganda is hardly a problem.
Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

This is so incredibly sad.
Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

Nationalism is the root of all evil. Well, a lot of evil anyway.
Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

It's beyond pathetic.

If you can't float it out, you need much more time to get the drydock cleaned and repaired. This not only destroyed the two ships/submarines, it also massively reduces Russian maintenance capacities. Which will be a problem if Ukraine successfully continues to damage more ships (which they obviously try do to). It multiplies the effect that damaging ships has (just imagine something being damaged in a way that require 2-3 weeks repair until being operational again, but needing to wait 3 months before repair because the drydock isn't available)
Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

He seems happy and can no longer respond to a call for arms
Imagine having so little self respect and love, that you still behave like this after ruining your miserable life for Putin, who lives in a 2 billion dollar palace full of western luxury goods and enjoys his imperialistic dream at the same time. Fecking zombies.

It's the same mental illness that pervades all MAGAs.

The U.S probably has no reason to play down the number though.

I would think if the Russians had over 400k in UKR, they would probably go in the offensive instead of just sitting in the trenches for months. I would also think it would be difficult to recruit that amount of people into the war especially they have lost about 300k soilders already.