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Alexei Navalny: Russian prosecutors seek 20-year term

July 20, 2023

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is already serving sentences totaling more than 11 years on charges that he says are politically motivated. Now, prosecutors want to add 20 years on charges of "extremism."

Navalny slams invasion of Ukraine

During the closed-door hearing on Thursday, Navalny condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

His aides passed on the Kremlin critic's statement to the outside world.

Navalny said that Russia is "floundering in a pool of either mud or blood, with broken bones, with a poor and robbed population, and around it lie tens of thousands of people killed in the most stupid and senseless war of the 21st century."

The Kremlin denies persecuting Navalny, and claims his case is a matter for the courts to decide.

It was clear from day 1 of his imprisonment, that he will never be released as long as Putin is in power. They will always find new ways to add more and more years. The question is who dies first, Navalny or Putin.
It was clear from day 1 of his imprisonment, that he will never be released as long as Putin is in power. They will always find new ways to add more and more years. The question is who dies first, Navalny or Putin.

I still can't understand why he went back. Same with Kara-Murza.
They didn't dare kill Mandela in prison, Vlad the tea brewer has no such scruples.
In know, just tongue in cheek

Also Mandela was what allowed south africa to move on after the appartheid. Navalny seems to me another power hungry russian asshole as per his declarations about crimea anexation in 2014
In know, just tongue in cheek

Also Mandela was what allowed south africa to move on after the appartheid. Navalny seems to me another power hungry russian asshole as per his declarations about crimea anexation in 2014
Makes you wonder are there any other types of assohol..erm politicians there.
Just pure evil, they don't even pretend anymore. I can't believe that the west still has scruples to deliver the most powerful weapons aside nukes.
Grim reading...

“The situation is very hard. The Russians were given too much time to get prepared for the widely announced Ukrainian counteroffensive. It was clear to them that one of the directions of the Ukrainian strike, if not the main one, would be Zaporizhzhia,” a combat medic said. He requested Kyiv Post not make his name public.

He added: "And they prepared very well… Every square inch is mined. They plant mines on approaches to their positions and blow them when they retreat.

“Nobody expected the whole terrain to be mined, so we’ve been banging our heads against the minefields, moving at a snail's pace,” he added. "We really lose very many sappers. They always go ahead of the troops.”
The counterattack has no surprise factor, obviously. I was a bit confused as to why they didn't try the Svatove axis instead. Or follow up to the south after they recaptured Kherson. But then again, many people, including myself, thought Bekhmut was the sh*t, at least until January or so.

Mine fields the size of Florida are just too big to cross within a few months and will definitely give the Russians time to prepare for whatever comes next. Give you some perspective on getting to Crimea stuff.

It is also weird to read that the UA didn't expect that the RA would be mining a lot there. It is probably true, considering how they tried to break through with the armor columns earlier. If they knew about the mines and still did it, then it was a bit moronic, and I can't say the reaction to that was harsh. Now, it is like morons from twitters were proven right with tanks being useless without the air support stuff.
The counterattack has no surprise factor, obviously. I was a bit confused as to why they didn't try the Svatove axis instead. Or follow up to the south after they recaptured Kherson. But then again, many people, including myself, thought Bekhmut was the sh*t, at least until January or so.

Mine fields the size of Florida are just too big to cross within a few months and will definitely give the Russians time to prepare for whatever comes next. Give you some perspective on getting to Crimea stuff.

It is also weird to read that the UA didn't expect that the RA would be mining a lot there. It is probably true, considering how they tried to break through with the armor columns earlier. If they knew about the mines and still did it, then it was a bit moronic, and I can't say the reaction to that was harsh. Now, it is like morons from twitters were proven right with tanks being useless without the air support stuff.
I wonder how much Ukraine wargamed the counter-offensive with their Western partners. They wargamed the Kharkiv & Kherson offensives, so they must have wargamed the shit out of this one.
I wonder how much Ukraine wargamed the counter-offensive with their Western partners. They wargamed the Kharkiv & Kherson offensives, so they must have wargamed the shit out of this one.
I am not sure, really. On the one hand, the US said it gave the UA all the intelligence. On the other hand, the UA generals don't share the battle plans with anyone, not even Zelensky, or so I heard. I can't say it's not right. They should be kept as secret as possible. But then there are issues with how the UA army is still like a Soviet army; I am guessing that means its (in)capability is probably more or less the same as that of the RA.

As for the Kharkiv and Kherson offensives, everyone was surprised, so I doubt it was the effect of the war games they might have played. It had more to do with the Russians being extremely shit. And I mentioned this before: on the Kherson front, when they got a rare chance to break through the Northern side, they stopped after a couple of villages. A few experts apparently thought that they should have pushed on to get closer to the city, which MIGHT have dealt a better blow to the RA and recaptured the city earlier. I get that they want to save lives, but then they wasted a ton of manpower and time on Beckmut (IMO), which they failed to hold on anyway. So at times, their decisions seem questionable (in hindsight).
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It is also weird to read that the UA didn't expect that the RA would be mining a lot there. It is probably true, considering how they tried to break through with the armor columns earlier. If they knew about the mines and still did it, then it was a bit moronic, and I can't say the reaction to that was harsh. Now, it is like morons from twitters were proven right with tanks being useless without the air support stuff.
Yes that must be why they where using minebreachers at the front of the column, they didn't know about the minefield.
Yes that must be why they where using minebreachers at the front of the column, they didn't know about the minefield.
Again, given what I read in the quote, I suppose that he claimed that they had not anticipated the ground to be covered in mines to that extend. How many minebreachers would you have to drive through if that were the case in order to get a good amount of area breakout? Whatever they had was obviously insufficient. They would have anticipated that the RA would have pounded them on the field, too. They underestimated the number of mines there since they obviously believed they could breach it very fast?

Really, this is just some reading comprehension on my part and observations from what had happened. That event was clearly not well thought-out and had to switch to some small squad fights from pretty much on the very first days of the offensive which lost any momentum they thought they would have. And it kind of went back to the question of why they could not start it way earlier since it would have been useless to wait for the tanks anyway?

Everything really pointed out that they didn't have a suitable plan for this operation in the first place for two reasons: not having good enough information, which would be surprising, and just really being sh*t at planning it. But they seem to take the narrative that it was because they didn't have air support, which is partly true, but don't start this until then.
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They probably hit a secret bio lab, where Ukraine is trying to clone Hitler, disguised as a cathedral. But I'm sure, the west will condemn it.

According to Orc tv its Ukrainians fault cause they continue to put AA artillery in residential part of towns and cities....
Russian milbloggers are repoting on more strikes in Crimea this morning. An ammunition depot and a repair base was allegedly hit with Storm Shadow cruise missiles.
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Russian milbloggers are repoting on more strikes in Crimea this morning. An ammunition depot and a repair base was allegedly hit with Storm Shadow cruise missiles.
Genuine question - I get the Russian's have likely oversold their capabilities across the board but how are they unable to take down storm shadow missiles? Is this just not detecting them or not being able to?
Genuine question - I get the Russian's have likely oversold their capabilities across the board but how are they unable to take down storm shadow missiles? Is this just not detecting them or not being able to?

It appears they have some kind of EW defense. Here's a clip of a Pantsir-S1 interceptor missile locking and just fecking off at a right angle at the last second.

Genuine question - I get the Russian's have likely oversold their capabilities across the board but how are they unable to take down storm shadow missiles? Is this just not detecting them or not being able to?
Probably a combination of multiple factors.

Storm Shadows have a pretty short range (250-300km) compared to a lot of other cruise missiles and even if this is highlighted as a limiting factor it also means that the Russian air defense crews have a much shorter response time.
For example the KH-101 cruise missile which is the most common Russian missile has a range of over 2500km, this gives the Ukrainian air defenses much more time to track and response to the missiles.

Other things that could play a part is better built in counter meassures in the missiles and the potential use of decoys and jammers. There where photos earlier this summer of an ADM-160 MALD decoy missile that had supposedly been shot down by Russia during a Storm Shadow attack. Flight altitude is another important factor, we don't really know exactly how close to the ground any of these missiles are able to cruise even if one missile is able to fly 5-10m lower it would make a huge impact of how hard it would be to track it with a radar. Then there is of course the big question mark about the capabilities of Russian air defenses against western equipment. One thing we know from Syria is that the Russian air defense equipment there where not able to do much against the Israeli air force or US Tomahawk missiles.
The counterattack has no surprise factor, obviously. I was a bit confused as to why they didn't try the Svatove axis instead. Or follow up to the south after they recaptured Kherson. But then again, many people, including myself, thought Bekhmut was the sh*t, at least until January or so.

Mine fields the size of Florida are just too big to cross within a few months and will definitely give the Russians time to prepare for whatever comes next. Give you some perspective on getting to Crimea stuff.

It is also weird to read that the UA didn't expect that the RA would be mining a lot there. It is probably true, considering how they tried to break through with the armor columns earlier. If they knew about the mines and still did it, then it was a bit moronic, and I can't say the reaction to that was harsh. Now, it is like morons from twitters were proven right with tanks being useless without the air support stuff.

Of course they knew there's mines everywhere, of course they've planned accordingly. Perhaps they may have over-estimated their ability to clear and move through them under fire, but then they would have committed significant forces if that was the case, which they haven't, anywhere. They do lack experience with some of the mine clearing equipment, the MICLICs and leopard breachers, I suppose you only get that and test your capabilities by throwing some units into the fire.

Even then, you write as if "the counter-offensive" has failed. Understandable with the state of the worlds media. I'm not at that point personally, I think its barely begun.