Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It's surprising how more than a year later there is still confusion about those numbers, even on Reddit they are debating it.

Some Ukrainian media have specifically used the word "killed" in English translation but no one surely buys that those are KIA numbers.

Most likely they are total casualties.

Given the tactics Russia have used in this war and how little they seem to care about human life, I don't think those numbers are far fetched at all.

The interviews, photos, videos seem to back that up. Russia have been sending their men in to waste ammo.
That's 100% Bucha nowdays?!

That's the picture most of Ukrainian twitter accounts post under #bucha, so I trust them to be true.

Ukraine is still advancing on Bakhmut's flanks it seems. But the city itself is hanging by a thread. We could really see a retreat in the coming days. Wagner obliterates the last buildings under Ukrainian control.

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That's the picture most of Ukrainian twitter accounts post under #bucha, so I trust them to be true.

Ukraine is still advancing on Bakhmut's flanks it seems. But the city itself is hanging by a thread. We could really see a retreat in the coming days. Wagner obliterates the last buildings under Ukrainian control.

I'm amazed.
Bucha, 1 year apart....


I thought about posting this a few days back but couldn't verify if it was real.
So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?
So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?
As for the tracking , well its high powered radar , its not difficult to pinpoint with the right equipment.
As for the tracking , well its high powered radar , its not difficult to pinpoint with the right equipment.
Yes but all of them have radars but it seems that (or is it a coincidence?) patriots are somehow easier to pinpoint.
So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?
Probably because of its high value: there are just a few of them in action, they can block Russia's best rockets, and they could put in Russian TV for weeks how great Russian missiles are and how they destroyed Patriot.
Yes but all of them have radars but it seems that (or is it a coincidence?) patriots are somehow easier to pinpoint.
Apparently, Russians have had years to scope for the Patriot signals in Poland, I guess they’ve become good at it. Also, as others have said the system is emitting very powerful signals.
So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?

Due to the high speed of ballistic missiles the response time when intercepting them is much shorter compared to cruise missiles and jets, this means that systems like Patriot and SAMP/T needs to have their radars turned on all the time.
Short and medium range systems like NASAMS and IRIS-T that are intended for slower targets have more time to react and usually keep their radars off until a target is about to enter their area of protection.
The Patriot radar is also very strong which means it puts out a massive electromagnetic signature that should be easier to locate compared to weaker radars.
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So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?
It is a valuable weapon, as others have stated.

But I believe there is more. Destroying high-value American weapon systems would provide them with some good propaganda. There were a lot of people on Twitter talking about how bad it was and how it shot down more friendly planes than enemy planes though.
Bucha, 1 year apart....


Bucha might be reconstructed and might be impressive but this picture is not true. The bottom picture is from before the war and you can see it clearly on the 4 trees in the left. you can see that there is one destroyed completely and one that is almost gone. You can reconstruct buildings, asphalt and other infrastructures, but not trees this size (you can, but don't see the point)
Bucha might be reconstructed and might be impressive but this picture is not true. The bottom picture is from before the war and you can see it clearly on the 4 trees in the left. you can see that there is one destroyed completely and one that is almost gone. You can reconstruct buildings, asphalt and other infrastructures, but not trees this size (you can, but don't see the point)

Disagree sans further evidence. In all honesty it looks like the first picture was just taken from slightly further up the road. That and focal length are the reason why there is no discernible dip in the road in the first picture while there is in the second.

If I'm right then the two trees on the left hand side in the first image are at best the 3rd and 4th trees on the left hand side in the second. The planted trees in the second then make up the big gap where the trees were destroyed in the first. In fact it might well be that every tree you can see in the first image was destroyed and replaced. I'd contend it has to be this way because otherwise there would be no gap large enough in the first picture for the trees to be planted in in the second.

Edit: It's not perfect but I've made a handy visual for where I think the photo was taken:


To conclude: Bucha is reconstructed and it is impressive and this picture is absolutely true (I think)!
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Bucha might be reconstructed and might be impressive but this picture is not true. The bottom picture is from before the war and you can see it clearly on the 4 trees in the left. you can see that there is one destroyed completely and one that is almost gone. You can reconstruct buildings, asphalt and other infrastructures, but not trees this size (you can, but don't see the point)

I've noticed you with some strange statements in the past about all media lie and this one is no better. Just watch the video Simbo posted a few posts above yours. It shows Bucha a couple of months ago and you can there already see how fast they were working on that famous russian armor cemetery road. Bucha was one of the most horrific sites of this war and the focus of Russia's genocide. Of course Ukraine focuses on rebuilding that region as fast as possible to not only try to heal those wounds, but also show Russians their terrorism will not prevail and Ukraine will build everything up again, no matter how much they destoy it.
No one said that Ukraine will rebuild everything in one year. But that particular site? Yes, it can and was achieved apparently. Dozens of Ukrainian reporters tweeted that picture with hundreds of thousands of followers. I've yet to see a proof that it's a fake picture before the war. I'd suggest you scale down a bit with your accusation of a fake if you can't prove it and no, those trees are not a proof.
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I've noticed you with some strange statements in the past about all media lie and this one is no better. Just watch the video Simbo posted a few posts above yours. It shows Bucha a couple of months ago and you can there already see how fast they were working on that famous russian armor cemetery road. Bucha was one of the most horrific sites of this war and the focus of Russia's genocide. Of course Ukraine focuses on rebuilding that region as fast as possible to not only try to heal those wounds, but also show Russians their terrorism will not prevail and Ukraine will build everything up again, no matter how much they destoy it.
No one said that Ukraine will rebuild everything in one year. But that particular site? Yes, it can and was achieved apparently. Dozens of Ukrainian reporters tweeted that picture with hundreds of thousands of followers. I've yet to see a proof that it's a fake picture before the war. I'd suggest you scale down a bit with your accusation of a fake if you can't prove it and no, those trees are not a proof.

Thanks for noticing me.

Regarding my post quotes I remit you to the start. "Bucha might be reconstructed and might be impressive but this picture is not true..."

With that sentence I don't discredit Bucha and Ukraine reconstruction nor the video that you mentioned, just the picture that are exposed as the same place. But as per @Ekkie Thump might not be from the same place

And yes, I am very wary on anything that appears in internet, specially of the ones that favours my interests. Is in my interest that Ukraine wins the war and recovers pre 2014 borders and Russia loses and pays reparations. Aldo Ukraine to recover as fast as possible but fake pictures and data makes no favours to the cause

Then you have 2 approches, yours that is accusing me of something that is untrue and based on you "notice me" that is based on me rebating you a post in the past and being bitter about it or do like @Ekkie Thump and propose and alternative explanation that I conclude that he might be right and is a matter of perspective and nullify my premise that the picture was from the same place that is what it was complete based on. If they were from the same place it would not make sense to plant big trees and small. but it it is from another place as is a perfect explanation from @Ekkie Thump then my argument is incorrect

And again, I didn't criticize the war and reconstruction efforts. I criticized the picture that in my opinion is timeline fake but @Ekkie Thump propose a perfectly plausible explanation. And of course I will not stop and you will not stop me to say what I think is wrong or right (being me wrong or right). You can debate and counter argument or you can ignore me if you don't like it
According to Ukraine spy chief Budanov, about 370,000 Russian troops still in Ukraine.

The Russian army’s potential for advancing is completely depleted, but it still has a significant defensive potential. They’ve erected a multi-tier defense system. Still, this isn’t the same Russian army that could have been expected to conduct substantial offensive operations.

All in all, the Russian military grouping in Ukraine is 370,000 troops strong. Of these, more than 20,000 are National Guard servicemen. Another 7,000 serve in paramilitary groups.
"Europe OKs plan to tally cost of Moscow’s war in Ukraine with eye toward future reparations."

REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) — More than 40 nations agreed Wednesday to set up a system to tally the damage Russia has inflicted on Ukraine in the hope of getting reparations, adding to the international legal challenges the Kremlin is facing.

The register of damages, which will allow Ukrainian victims of war to catalog the harm they have suffered, found a plethora of support among the 46-nation Council of Europe summit in Iceland. Participants also discussed the details of a potential future tribunal where Russia would face charges for waging war.

“This Reykjavik summit shows clearly that Putin has failed with his calculations – he wanted to divide Europe and has achieved the opposite,” said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “We stand closer together in Europe than ever before.”
After 348 destroyed HIMARS, Russia started to destroy Patriot systems
So it's the 2nd time patriot system was directly targeted in like a week. I don't remember seeing anything like this with any other system. Why is that? Is it somehow easier to track compared to other systems, or is it something to do with the squad operating it? Like, someone is posting too much shite on social media, or some rat?

It's practically a symbol of the US military and Putin is an idiot.

Even if they'd hit it, it'd be worth sucking up 6 Kinzhals. Not like its Ukraine's only air defence, only just come online, and would be soon replaced.
Kadyrov seems to make a bombastic comment every few weeks then disappear.

He needs to feed his tiktok followers every now and then. Then he can continue shopping for western luxury products in peace.