Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

He added that, while we don’t know how Russia’s war of aggression will end, “what we do know is that when it ends it is extremely important that we are able to prevent history from repeating itself.”


This bit was interesting....

".....he had invited to the Summit the leaders of NATO’s partners in the Indo-Pacific region – Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea – because the challenges we face are global".

If NATO continues on, it will probably continue to forge closer ties with other democratic nations around the world.
This bit was interesting....

".....he had invited to the Summit the leaders of NATO’s partners in the Indo-Pacific region – Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea – because the challenges we face are global".

If NATO continues on, it will probably continue to forge closer ties with other democratic nations around the world.

Not global. China. and those countries will be key
After UK, France is also going to train pilots. Better late than never. I think we see F-16s later this year.

Looks like Russia tried to send a bunch of Kinzhal missles at the Patriot battery or batteries near Kyiv. Current score: Patriot Missiles 7 - Kinzhal 0.

This is going to be one of the unintended consequences of Russia’s invasion that emphasise what an atrocious decision it was. Ukraine has depended on the Russian arms industry for a couple of hundred years. And Russia has used that as leverage. Once Ukraine transfers to Western heavy armour and planes there’s no turning back.
Can anyone tell me, or link to an article, about much difference this is expected to make?
In short:
The radar and weapons of the F-16 are far more advanced than those of the MiG-29, which allows its pilots to shoot enemy missiles, aircraft or ground targets with a much greater range and better precision.
Here you have a detailed comparison:
This is going to be one of the unintended consequences of Russia’s invasion that emphasise what an atrocious decision it was. Ukraine has depended on the Russian arms industry for a couple of hundred years. And Russia has used that as leverage. Once Ukraine transfers to Western heavy armour and planes there’s no turning back.
Not to mention that Russian military hardware is suffering blow after blow to it's reputation. With the exception of some missiles/avionics/anti-aircraft systems, it's going to be hard for Russia to sell hardware to major players in the future unless some corruption is involved.

Only a self-described "Socialist" can be this fecking moronic. I have no idea what it is about these kinds of people, but they just can't kick the "Russia was the home of Communism and is anti-west, so they must have some legitimacy" BS.

A fascist regime invades a neighbour and the "Socialist" is decrying the defence of said neighbour. Mind-boggling stuff.

Nothing scarier in the fight against Fascism than a "Socialist" that examines modern history and calls the anti-imperial defence of a nation a 'warmonger".
In short:
The radar and weapons of the F-16 are far better than of the MiG-29, which allows its pilots to shoot enemy missiles, aircraft or ground targets with a much greater range and better precision.
The big difference is integration within the ground and air based radar information system. Since I doubt Ukr will get Awacs for themselves , it could probably be directly (and unofficially) integrated within the nato system. Which would be a game changer.
Only a self-described "Socialist" can be this fecking moronic. I have no idea what it is about these kinds of people, but they just can't kick the "Russia was the home of Communism and is anti-west, so they must have some legitimacy" BS.

A fascist regime invades a neighbour and the "Socialist" is decrying the defence of said neighbour. Mind-boggling stuff.

Nothing scarier in the fight against Fascism than a "Socialist" that examines modern history and calls the anti-imperial defence of a nation a 'warmonger".

Is it just done on purpose to discredited anything "socialist" I wonder? Like "stop oil" groups acting like complete lunatics, "anti-fascist" groups acting like violent mobs, etc.
Is it just done on purpose to discredited anything "socialist" I wonder? Like "stop oil" groups acting like complete lunatics, "anti-fascist" groups acting like violent mobs, etc.

Unfortunately when we reach for the "dumbass" analysis it's usually a cheap shot, so we look for deeper meaning. I think they are dumb as a bag of hammers. Their analysis of modern history is pathetic and liberalism has played into their dumb takes for close to a generation now with the stupid shit it has done. So when they see an actual fascist flexing their imperial breaks their peanut brains. Probably even worse considering it's Russia, so they are even more mind-fecked.

I despair for the socialist thinkers/theorists that have to sit back and watch, as people like this get to push themselves as the faces of "anti-imperialism / Anti-war"
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Only a self-described "Socialist" can be this fecking moronic. I have no idea what it is about these kinds of people, but they just can't kick the "Russia was the home of Communism and is anti-west, so they must have some legitimacy" BS.

A fascist regime invades a neighbour and the "Socialist" is decrying the defence of said neighbour. Mind-boggling stuff.

Nothing scarier in the fight against Fascism than a "Socialist" that examines modern history and calls the anti-imperial defence of a nation a 'warmonger".
Craig Williamson is a well known nut and will buy any conspiracy flavoured nonsense doing the rounds. Odd that so many of the extreme left and extreme right seem to be susceptible to this weirdness.

Looks like Russia tried to send a bunch of Kinzhal missles at the Patriot battery or batteries near Kyiv. Current score: Patriot Missiles 7 - Kinzhal 0.

The main question is if Russian hyper-missiles are really shit, or Patriot really has the ability of shooting down proper hyper-missiles (which as far as I know, should be harder to defend than ICBM/SLBM)? I guess no one really knows, and Pentagon is feasting in this data.
The main question is if Russian hyper-missiles are really shit, or Patriot really has the ability of shooting down proper hyper-missiles (which as far as I know, should be harder to defend than ICBM/SLBM)? I guess no one really knows, and Pentagon is feasting in this data.
Yes. Or rather, hyper-shit.
The main question is if Russian hyper-missiles are really shit, or Patriot really has the ability of shooting down proper hyper-missiles (which as far as I know, should be harder to defend than ICBM/SLBM)? I guess no one really knows, and Pentagon is feasting in this data.
You are mistaken because a proper ICBM has more than twice the speed of a Kinzhal
I'm actually shocked the Patriots could do this. It was just a few years ago that some guy at Foreign Policy wrote an article questioning whether Patriots actually did shoot down all those Iraqi SCUDS in the 90s.

Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing must be high fiving each other this week.
I'm actually shocked the Patriots could do this. It was just a few years ago that some guy at Foreign Policy wrote an article questioning whether Patriots actually did shoot down all those Iraqi SCUDS in the 90s.

Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing must be high fiving each other this week.
Its really not certain what they are against. I think its extremely plausible that the Russians,as they always do, have dramatically overstated the capabilities of their system.
Its really not certain what they are against. I think its extremely plausible that the Russians,as they always do, have dramatically overstated the capabilities of their system.

They obviously have, but at the end of the day, a hypersonic is a hypersonic - unless of course Putin has been lying and his missiles can't actually achieve hypersonic speed, which is Mach 5 to Mach 10.
They obviously have, but at the end of the day, a hypersonic is a hypersonic - unless of course Putin has been lying and his missiles can't actually achieve hypersonic speed, which is Mach 5 to Mach 10.
Or rather, this particular missile. Also we don't know at what part of the flight profile the intercept happened. Maybe its before it reached its terminal velocity.
Or rather, this particular missile. Also we don't know at what part of the flight profile the intercept happened. Maybe its before it reached its terminal velocity.

That's possible, but its also possible the US has developed technologies to mitigate inbound hypersonics, which would in a way render them useless to superior air defenses.