Amorim is an absolute supreme narcissist. He does not care about Manchester united. He didn't care about Sporting. What he cares the most is being in the spotlight - whether positively or negatively. He wanted to join us mid-season: not because he wanted to manage us, but because he wanted to be the sole focus of attention in the most popular league in the world.
He is destruction. And because he loves himself unconditionally, he will never change, he will take never responsibility. After the Ipswich match, he told the sport pundits that "no more press conferences after this one - I've done more in my first week of England than my whole time with sporting." This was just deflection from his true intention: to be a complete media whore.
He might bring some success, but my oh my, he doesn't give a damn about the club or the players. Those rumours of him flying over to west ham last season during midseason are true - he'll do anything to be the focus of attention. He'll say anything, do anything (even be sacked) to make sure his name is the headlines.