I agree with most of this, however I think the pressure is actually bigger than you think. That doesn't necessarily mean it's coming directly from those in question, it could be coming from spineless cretins who only are concerned about furthering themselves.
Maybe it's a bit of both, some people fail to want to integrate and actually want to take over in one way or another, whilst others want to pretend the issue is bigger than it is so avoid dealing with it for the sake of their own jobs and career.
Fact is, I have no doubt some people involved in this were genuinely scared and some were deliberately hiding the truth. All should be accountable though, because I bet those poor little girls couldn't care less about religion or culture or skin colour right now. They deserve better than this and nothing else matters more right now than stopping this sort of disgusting thing regardless who carries it out.
However big the pressure was, the institutions charged with protecting kids, social services...the police etc should be beyond that. They should not fear bearing the brunt of abrasive community members and a couple of Guardian op-ed writers if they can provide evidence of wrong doing regardless of who is committing them.
I do feel like this "we didn't do this because of PC culture" and "community cohesion" excuse is being used partially as a convenient crutch by a lot of clearly incompetent and negligent bunch of people. There are definitely governance issues (related to school curriculum), building of night clubs within or near conservative communities, combating racist parties that get a more widespread political pressure from within a lot of south asian communities in areas in which they are prevalent.
There probably was a lot of it in Rotherham, but we need stronger institutions to be above this. The Mail, the Sun are spinning this as a result of PC culture, it isn't. PC culture from leftists fights against "rape culture" more than anything. Look at the reactions of the communities,
I'm not sure what exactly the police there were thinking. Look at the reaction of pakistani, islamic institutions after the report came out. All are appalled. These rapists should have been reported, tried and faced prosecution. And it would have happened without the city burning down. The vast majority of the types of guys that are in gangs cause trouble in mosques, community gatherings and make our streets less safe. Within the south london community in Tooting, Wimbledon we had quite a bit of problem with them (and still do). Myself and a bunch of students from a university I went to here formed Student Action for refugees (STAR) which helped pakistani (but mainly) somali kids from impoverished households with homework etc after school. A lot of work was also done with Merton council and police force to tackle problems of gangs within the area. Like I said there are many who would oppose these kind of overtures but I can safely say if anyone from my community was charged with probable cause for rape, I certainly think it would be a hard sell to get organised community action on their behalf.
I do hope considering the scale of this, we can identify more attackers who commited these terrible crimes and the police can see for themself that the exposure of this hasn't resulted in some terrible blight that has engulfed the Pakistani communities but instead outrage (with admittedly a bit of defensiveness) and the vast vast majority would support getting sex-trafficking, woman-raping thugs off our streets regardless of the fact that we have similar levels of melanin.
Just another thing to add to many here. A lot of the kids involved in gangs here have a completely different culture, subculture and mentality to Pakistani kids, and teenagers. The vast majority of them (second of third generation) have never even been there. Pakistani Muslims in Britain tend to be more socially conservative and religious than those in Pakistan. To say there misogyny is being imported from Pakistan is inaccurate, lazy and orientalist. Pakistan certainly has a lot of issues (with misogyny, religious extremism) but the issues of Pakistani muslims are separate and unique.
I have been thinking a lot about what you said about being scared to say some of the stuff you have said around people and the tone and manner in which you have spoken in here should be encouraged. It is exactly the sort of frank (but respectful) dialogue we need. A lot of our population consumes talking points on a daily basis and we have to be flexible in reconsidering some of them, face reality (even if it uncomfortable) and reevaluate some of our axiomatic beliefs with these sort of touchy issues, what this abuse shows is that not doing so clearly has had and might still disastrous consequences.