Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN

Basically you’re worried about going down right? I get ya.

How will the club afford them? :nervous:


Chelsea FC “No really. You shouldn’t have “

Pretty much. So he isn’t going to sell and walk away with zero is he?

He’ll now need to stay until this is resolved..

“Hey Vlad! Just sorted the new gaz line out. Steal works in Mariupol going well, Rubles galore LOLZ! Speak soon. Tommy T says hi “

Very much doubt it. Why will he even sell now when he’ll get nothing at all?!

What’s the incentive?

Not all of them but yes. They need tagging.

Half empty and restrictions on who can sign in?

Yeah agreed. This is such a mess for the club and if I’m honest think it’ll get worse before it gets better.
No holding you back there with all those replies, did you just drink a can of fizzy pop?
Yes, but I haven’t seen anything about Roman directly supporting the invasion… whereas the crown prince is ACTIVELY taking meetings with Putin and refused two calls from the US President. The Prince IS supporting the invasion. But since he’s not ethnically Russian … that’s ok?
I am not saying that’s ok mate. I would love all this owners corrupting the game to leave personally but no governments had problems with Russia before they invaded an European country, they won’t start to sanction every one now and they can’t anyway as Europe don’t have oil or gas. They are sanctioning as they can and Abramovich has ties with Putin, like it or not, even if he doesn’t support the war personally.
He talked about the proceeds of the sale going straight to Ukraine, didn't he?

That was presumably his way of getting out from under the club unscathed (ie he won't benefit directly from the sale).
Not at all. He talked about the money going to the 'victims' which could very well mean that it all goes to Russians and/or any territories that Russia claims from Ukraine when the dust settles. Weasel words.
The Saudis were just allowed to buy Newcastle, and presumably will be funding them, and they've been bombing civilians in Yemen for years. It can certainly be seen as unfair that Roman gets punished for his association to an evil regime, while an actual evil regime is allowed to do whatever.
Ideally neither of them should be allowed to own a club. This is better than nothing.
To the people urging sympathy for those who work at Chelsea:

Everyone connected with Chelsea - players, staff, supporters - is a mob wife. To a man (and woman) they all knew what they were getting on board with.

Get that there'll be some sad cases (lower-paid staff who've worked for the club for years and will now lose their jobs) but in the vast majority of cases, they signed up to this.
Are the British government technically the current owners of Chelsea?

I hope the PL has run them through the fit and proper owners tests.
They left the sale in place and the buyers are undeterred. All this means is Roman cannot profit from the sale.
That's just muddled thinking. The UK Government doesn't set standards for football club ownership, and the FA doesn't impose sanctions on Russia. People can't keep track of causes and effects and who exactly is doing what exactly, and have an emotional need for the world to make sense as a whole.

In my view british football clubs are cultural institutions and should be protected, the government shouldn't be allowing people like this to buy our clubs in the first place. They are imposing sanctions on russian businessmen as part of an overall moral stand against russia while ignoring wrong doing elsewhere.
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To the people urging sympathy for those who work at Chelsea:

Everyone connected with Chelsea - players, staff, supporters - is a mob wife. To a man (and woman) they all knew what they were getting on board with.

Get that there'll be some sad cases (lower-paid staff who've worked for the club for years and will now lose their jobs) but in the vast majority of cases, they signed up to this.

Terrible analogy. There was a Chelsea before Abramovich... Now there might not be one through no fault of the fans.
They left the sale in place and the buyers are undeterred. All this means is Roman cannot profit from the sale.

Who gets the money for the sale in these circumstances? I can't see that it would be Chelsea who get it - because then the buyer would just be getting the money straight back, and they only let the Glazers do that it seems.

Will the British government just hoover it up?
Chelsea could have 15 points deducted, they'd still finish in top 4 before us or Spurs.
He talked about the proceeds of the sale going straight to Ukraine, didn't he?

That was presumably his way of getting out from under the club unscathed (ie he won't benefit directly from the sale).

Wasn't that just profits?
Are there people on here complaining about what Is fair ?

yesterday a maternity and children hospital got bombed. That’s pretty fecking unfair !!

And if abramovichs steel company really supplies the Russian military then losing Chelsea should be the least of concerns
Sorry but this whole Russian thing is starting to become a farce. Call against wars but this treatment for anything that has the Russian nationality on it is becoming ridiculous. We haven't seen this happen to many other invading countries. Nothing happened to USA or Israel when they did such things.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
Sorry but this whole Russian thing is starting to become a farce. Call against wars but this treatment for anything that has the Russian nationality on it is becoming ridiculous. We haven't seen this happen to many other invading countries. Nothing happened to USA or Israel when they did such things.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
I do feel for some russian friends online saying they've been kicked off etsy, their aunt used to make all her money selling shit on there, booted off it and account frozen, stuff like that. People unable to withdraw their wages too. I feel for them. It's shit the least provocative response in terms of another world war seems to be punishing the citizens in the hope the head falls but it beats nukes flying I guess
So the club gets sanctioned, then further punished because the club couldn't survive the sanctions? Seems fair.

It's as fair as having to compete with Chelsea who is fed with money by someone like Abramovich.
Unfair? :lol:

He parachuted with billions of ill-gotten gains and funded their successes for the past 20 years. They were a nothing club before that.

City and Newcastle as well right?
The team and the fans are being punished for something they have no control over. If it was about the ill-gotten gains that would have been fair.

That being said, I hope Chelsea are relegated next year and have towork their way up to the top like every non state sponsored club
Sorry but this whole Russian thing is starting to become a farce. Call against wars but this treatment for anything that has the Russian nationality on it is becoming ridiculous. We haven't seen this happen to many other invading countries. Nothing happened to USA or Israel when they did such things.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

You missed the whole link between RA and destabilising the Ukraine..
Listen fella United fans would be only too happy for govt intervention to rid the club of the leeches but that's never going to happen.
The Glasers ownership og Inited is a dirty little vampire leeching capitalist enterprise but it is simply not sportswashing.
Even if Glasers donate money to the US govt that is no parallel whatsoever with the sportswashing projects of the butcher Abramovic and the barbaric UAE's sportswashing programmes at Chelsea and City.
The US cetsinmy has blood on its hands justvlikr the UK buy it does not own one of our football clubs.
You have been a great poster here by the way one of the only Chelsea fans who understands that Abramovic's blood money shoukd never have been allowed investment in British football

Don't spoil your good posting by descending to bitter but ultimately meaningless whatboutery.

I didn't bring it up. Others were already discussing it and I asked a question.
Sorry but this whole Russian thing is starting to become a farce. Call against wars but this treatment for anything that has the Russian nationality on it is becoming ridiculous. We haven't seen this happen to many other invading countries. Nothing happened to USA or Israel when they did such things.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

I agree, but it's one thing sanctioning random people just because they are Russian, and another thing to sanction them because they are criminals and oligarchs supporting a dictator. I m all in for the second one.
Yea that's what I've said.

If he's getting sanctioned all across Europe losing billions everywhere I'm not sure he'll just lie down and hand Chelsea over.

It's hard to predict what will happen because this is pretty fecking unprecedented. I'd hope he just walks away and allows the club to survive this shitstorm relatively unscathed.
Sorry but this whole Russian thing is starting to become a farce. Call against wars but this treatment for anything that has the Russian nationality on it is becoming ridiculous. We haven't seen this happen to many other invading countries. Nothing happened to USA or Israel when they did such things.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

How many clubs do the USA or Israel own?