Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN


When I hear pundits fawning over City, putting aside my obvious bias as a United fan, I find it completely mind boggling! Don't they know why City have been able to do this and where that money has come from?!
That's one hundred per cent correct.
The British government and the liberal media are fully complicit and proactive participants in the sportswashing of UAE human rights abuses and slaughter of innocents in Yemen which is ongoing witj continued airstrikes right now.
The so called leftist newspapers like the Guardian not only cheer leading the barbaric regime of the UAE in their fawning of City but they also censor any mention of the owner's of City in comments btl.
Whilst it is absolutely spot-on to freeze Abramovic's assets and to strip Chelsea of their ill gotten investment it will always smack of self preservatory interest if the British govt continue to allow the barbaric regime of the UAE to dominate our football competition by pumping in billions of unearned money, by cooking the books and trashing our fair play rules.
One oligarch thankfully booted out.
Now let's go after Mansour.
We all knew this money was obtained through dodgy means 20 years ago.

Of course. Nobody can claim not to have known who this man was or where his money came from - it is well-documented.

Something like this was always possible/inevitable one day.
One of the sanction conditions...

They can pay "reasonable" costs of travel to and from fixtures but not exceeding £20,000 per game per team.

No private/luxury plane journeys then?

Shame not lower .. be funny to see team travelling north on National Express bus.
Take the national express when your clubs in a mess it’ll make us smile.
I don't know why anyone would feel sorry for them really, we all knew something like this could happen eventually because of who their owner is and they've ignored that fact quite happily for decades, obviously the circumstances are horrific though.
Yeah, he's masked the clear risks with the success he's brought and people have forgot how he got his money in the first place. Chickens well and truly come home to roost.
Yea they literally have x in the bank and nothing else coming in to fund everything including wages.

Points deductions start coming in if wages can't be paid.

Wonder what they have in the bank

This is the important part, Chelsea’s financials without RA are weak at best for a club their size.
It’s wishful thinking that they’ll find a buyer quickly, presumably the Government will be overseeing any potential bids which will delay things.
Chelsea sponsor Three have said they are now reviewing their position.

Bit late
Yeah, he's masked the clear risks with the success he's brought and people have forgot how he got his money in the first place. Chickens well and truly come home to roost.
They didn’t forget. They didn’t care. The success of their favorite club was more important to them, than any kind of morals.
Chelsea sponsor Three have said they are now reviewing their position.

Bit late

They are now giving money to a business whose sole owner has had his assets frozen. Some fairly urgent reviewing of their position is certainly required!
It was a stupid minority and even TT and major Chelsea reporters and many supporters called them out. Stop with the dumb generalisations.
This, very disappointing to see something as serious as war being used to score points with football supporters.
How far removed from the illegal wars are we talking here? Don't they literally give money to the US government via campaign donations etc?
Listen fella United fans would be only too happy for govt intervention to rid the club of the leeches but that's never going to happen.
The Glasers ownership og United is a dirty little vampiric leeching capitalist enterprise but it is simply not sportswashing.
Even if Glasers donate money to the US govt that is no parallel whatsoever with the sportswashing projects of the butcher Abramovic and the barbaric UAE's sportswashing programmes at Chelsea and City.
The US certainly has blood on its hands just like the UK but it does not own one of our football clubs.
You have been a great poster here by the way, one of the only Chelsea fans who understands that Abramovic's blood money should never have been allowed investment in British football

Don't spoil your good posting by descending to bitter but ultimately meaningless whatboutery.
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There is zero excuse for the signing of Romans name during the Ukraine moment. In poor taste to “sing” it at all right now really, even if you still feel gratitude to the man. It just conflates the issue; which is really the point we began with: How are the two related at all?
Boris Johnson said we can’t abide anyone who has supported Putins invasion of Ukraine. That seems obviously the right thing to do. BUT if there is information they have that shows Ronan did that … then show it to us. Authorities have been VERY specific about how other Russians, ones that own active Russian industries, are involved at every level. ALL I ever see about Roman is “he’s rich and he’s Russian.” Which, at this point, probably enough I guess? Considering how high profile Roman is some details at least of how he “supports” the invasion seems warranted to me.
I hope the thing about Candy leading a group is true. I would prefer that over any American group.
Could their champion's league status for next year be affected?

If we can't pay the player's wages because of the sanctions and we get a points deduction because we couldn't pay the players wages, then yeah it's a possibility.
There is zero excuse for the signing of Romans name during the Ukraine moment. In poor taste to “sing” it at all right now really, even if you still feel gratitude to the man. It just conflates the issue; which is really the point we began with: How are the two related at all?
Boris Johnson said we can’t abide anyone who has supported Putins invasion of Ukraine. That seems obviously the right thing to do. BUT if there is information they have that shows Ronan did that … then show it to us. Authorities have been VERY specific about how other Russians, ones that own active Russian industries, are involved at every level. ALL I ever see about Roman is “he’s rich and he’s Russian.” Which, at this point, probably enough I guess? Considering how high profile Roman is some details at least of how he “supports” the invasion seems warranted to me.
I hope the thing about Candy leading a group is true. I would prefer that over any American group.

Well Roman is now a majority shareholder in Evraz, the steel company who’s supplying it to the military for the tanks and vehicles, he transferred his shares directly to himself from an offshore company 8 days before the Ukraine invasion. For the government that’s absolutely black and white in terms of being directly involved with the Ukraine war.
Could their champion's league status for next year be affected?

If the club isn't sold in the interim, they'd have some problems potentially.

They wouldn't be able to sell any tickets for next season (including season tickets). Can't buy or sell any players. Can't renew any contracts. Sponsors likely to run for the hills (I would assume that the club's sole owner having his assets frozen would be grounds for sponsors breaking their contracts with Chelsea).
That will never happen, they are buying oil from them. They are « friends ». Europe forgot about moral long time ago. I don’t think they will start to think about it now. Now is about sanctioning the ones who threaten Europe.
Yes, but I haven’t seen anything about Roman directly supporting the invasion… whereas the crown prince is ACTIVELY taking meetings with Putin and refused two calls from the US President. The Prince IS supporting the invasion. But since he’s not ethnically Russian … that’s ok?
Standards for football clubs clearly is what the person you responded to was talking about though. He pointed out that the uk government allowed ''mass murderers'' to takeover newcastle which implies that he does believe sanctions should be imposed on Saudi Arabia. It's not whataboutism to question why other countries aren't also being sanctioned for gross wrongdoing as they should be. There are clearly some double standards going on here.

That's just muddled thinking. The UK Government doesn't set standards for football club ownership, and the FA doesn't impose sanctions on Russia. People can't keep track of causes and effects and who exactly is doing what exactly, and have an emotional need for the world to make sense as a whole.
Could their champion's league status for next year be affected?

Does UEFA have a stipulation regarding fan attendance figures for a club to take part of the competition?

Right now only season ticket holders can attend games - no away fans, day-trippers, etc. What happens next season if this is still in place, especially if season-ticket holders can't attend games? Does this mean they play in an empty season? Can their fans still attend away games where tickets are sold by the home team?
one thing is for sure, Chelsea will not be part of any European Super League in the near future, if that plan does eventuate
Yes, but I haven’t seen anything about Roman directly supporting the invasion… whereas the crown prince is ACTIVELY taking meetings with Putin and refused two calls from the US President. The Prince IS supporting the invasion. But since he’s not ethnically Russian … that’s ok?
I mean @cyberman just told you how, and if you read up on this last few pages it pretty clear how he has been involved...but that's fine you keep push this narrative :)
That doesn't make sense. There isn't a stadium in Earls Court to play in. He'd have to build a stadium to move the club into temporarily to then redevelop a stadium. Sounds barmy.

I have a little understanding of the London property market and their are a few things you need to consider here:

1) The whole EC project has been run disastrously. So much so that the council are in the process of taking it back via a CPO. This is because Capco (the oweners) haven't been able to make it financially viable to build another residential flat mega project on the land owing to how many are already in and around the area. For instance go to Battersea, Nine Elms and Ealing to see how empty they are; this is also beforeyou go to places like Croydon. The international investors have already dried up also.

2) The problem for the council, is that they don't have the upfront costs to do this. They need an anchor tenant and/or a developer to help them out with funding and making the site viable (this is where Candy will come in.)

3) If Candy can get hold of Chelsea and agree with the CPO to switch their lease of the pitch from SB to EC (big asks admittedly; although possible) then he could partner with the council to direct funding to the project through his own companies.

4) At that point, the EC project could start to progress with it reverting, principally, back to a leisure and entertainment site but this time with a stadium. Rest of the site will then be used as a mixture of commercial/residential (although with a good dose of affordable housing to keep the council happy.) That way, Chelsea get to stay at SB whilst building their new ground. Think Arsenal/Leicester rather than Spurs as the sites are far enough apart.

5) Candy can then develop the SB site once Chelsea move into the EC site. A much more desirable site, more akin to the Chelsea Barracks and No.1 Hyde Park which he is already a developer of.

Everybody needs to remember Candy is a very influential Tory donor. He can get things agreed much more easily than other developers because of his connections within Government. Additionally, if he is able to get this through he solves Chelsea's stadium problems with a much reduced cost of developing (EC is already cleared and ready to be developed and doesn't have the same permits/requirements as SB; digging down/building walkways out over train lines/only having one exit (as EC has multiple.)

As I am writing this, I am more and more convinced that Candy will become the owner as he has the political influence in the UK to get the developments/negotiate a good deal at EC, while this sanctioning of RA also plays into his hands.
Saw this on Reddit

Well Roman is now a majority shareholder in Evraz, the steel company who’s supplying it to the military for the tanks and vehicles, he transferred his shares directly to himself from an offshore company 8 days before the Ukraine invasion. For the government that’s absolutely black and white in terms of being directly involved with the Ukraine war.

Honestly think there’s a few Chelsea fans on here who need to address a few of their previous posts now

Most definitely.
Forgive my Whataboutism.

The Uk government takes action on this, but let the mass murderers take over Newcastle. If you're going to make a stand against something then make a stand.

Basically you’re worried about going down right? I get ya.

oh there will no doubt be some of the most expensive lawyers money can buy looking into it as we speak

How will the club afford them? :nervous:
Not very kind of the government to pull this stuff on Chelsea's birthday.


Chelsea FC “No really. You shouldn’t have “

Yeah I think as long as the sale doesnt give Roman a single penny they can go ahead.

Pretty much. So he isn’t going to sell and walk away with zero is he?

He’ll now need to stay until this is resolved..

He's not been sanctioned because they chat on Whatsapp mate.

“Hey Vlad! Just sorted the new gaz line out. Steal works in Mariupol going well, Rubles galore LOLZ! Speak soon. Tommy T says hi “

well he isnt getting anywhere near 3bn. 1.5 absolute max and even thatd be lucky. All the wealthy billionaires who were interested, but not at the 3bn mark, will now rub their hands. Providing the dispensation is given, which i suspect it will be given that RA wont receive a penny of the fee, then i would suspect a sale to be quick and fast tracked perhaps.

Very much doubt it. Why will he even sell now when he’ll get nothing at all?!

What’s the incentive?

Saw this on Reddit

Well Roman is now a majority shareholder in Evraz, the steel company who’s supplying it to the military for the tanks and vehicles, he transferred his shares directly to himself from an offshore company 8 days before the Ukraine invasion. For the government that’s absolutely black and white in terms of being directly involved with the Ukraine war.

Honestly think there’s a few Chelsea fans on here who need to address a few of their previous posts now

Not all of them but yes. They need tagging.

Wonder how the ShedEnd is.....

Half empty and restrictions on who can sign in?

This is the important part, Chelsea’s financials without RA are weak at best for a club their size.
It’s wishful thinking that they’ll find a buyer quickly, presumably the Government will be overseeing any potential bids which will delay things.

Yeah agreed. This is such a mess for the club and if I’m honest think it’ll get worse before it gets better.
Unfair? :lol:

He parachuted with billions of ill-gotten gains and funded their successes for the past 20 years. They were a nothing club before that.
The Saudis were just allowed to buy Newcastle, and presumably will be funding them, and they've been bombing civilians in Yemen for years. It can certainly be seen as unfair that Roman gets punished for his association to an evil regime, while an actual evil regime is allowed to do whatever.
The Saudi’s are pals with Putin too, right? :wenger:
Saw this on Reddit

Well Roman is now a majority shareholder in Evraz, the steel company who’s supplying it to the military for the tanks and vehicles, he transferred his shares directly to himself from an offshore company 8 days before the Ukraine invasion. For the government that’s absolutely black and white in terms of being directly involved with the Ukraine war.

Honestly think there’s a few Chelsea fans on here who need to address a few of their previous posts now
Most definitely.
I said a few days ago that before this would all be over, a few Chelsea fans on here would likely feel stupid (and a few other posters who love to take a contrarian stance for the sake of it). I didn't even think he'd be sanctioned, because of his connections, but it seems the links they have on his involvement are stronger than I would have imagined.

There is also 0 chance these sanctions don't hold up in court, as some have (naively) alluded to. There is no way the Government pushes through these sanctions without their case being rock solid.

As for those who seem to be intent on simplying it - these sanctions are not targeting a Russian national because he's Russian or shares memes with Putin. Stop reducing it to that. It's insulting to what's actually going on in Ukraine right now.
To the people urging sympathy for those who work at Chelsea:

Everyone connected with Chelsea - players, staff, supporters - is a mob wife. To a man (and woman) they all knew what they were getting on board with.

Get that there'll be some sad cases (lower-paid staff who've worked for the club for years and will now lose their jobs) but in the vast majority of cases, they signed up to this.