Originally posted by Neil Thomson:
This was reported by other reds on other forums too - so its not bollocks, it was reported. You should perhaps check your facts. Second point, don't shoot the messenger - its not Ruddy's story, its a Sky reporters story.
Nigel, Ruddy is not a leeds fan, take time to get to know the reds here before you start slinging such heinous accusations around.

I know he isn't just having a dig thats all.
Anyway its upto the club to place an offer, Rio has played this hand, are we going to move the team forward and match it.
How many players have we put offers in for over the last years who are only interested in the Money. Rio has made it clear it is us he is interested in, he cannot make it any clearer can he! we need players like this it's the type of player RK was talking about last session a real do or Die United player, not just a Money man!