Gaming Resident Evil 2 (PC, all good consoles & Xbox) - £8.74 on PS Store

I keep screwing up my Claire B play through. I was trying to just take out most of the early zombies to give myself a bit of breathing room later on which was leaving me very little ammo, so I need a new strategy. I'm struggling to aim with the Quickdraw too, I may need to make some bullets and use Chris's gun alongside it, but that may be another bad decision and tremendous waste of ammo. I'm not sure why it's all suddenly gone so wrong for me, I may actually start over.

The only rooms I would clear would be the library (Can be a pain if there's multiple zombies around you along with Mr. X when you have to use the jack and move the bookcases), and the corridor outside the safety deposit room. Between that and boarding up some windows you shouldn't really have too much of a problem.

Also, the combat knife is really quite powered, and there's enough of them around in the game so once you knocked a zombie down hack it's legs off and then they shouldn't cause you too much problem.
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Urghh, Mr X punched me straight into the arms of a zombie who then finished me off :mad:

The 4th survivor is pretty intense. A massive feeling of joy when you make it to the finish line with barely any health or ammo left.

I've only tried it once so far. Going to mop up the three other trophies I need on the main campaign then do 4th Survivor.
He's very well done and scared the shit out of me until I figured out how he really works. Even then there was still a bit of dread. I'm hoping him and the family from 7 are just warm ups and trying some things out before they unleash the full horror of Nemesis chasing you for an entire game.

Honestly I have palpatations just thinking about that. Mr. X is bad enough and the only thing he does is walk quite fast. Nemesis can run and carries a fecking rocket launcher.
Also for some reason you can't record gameplay in 4K or with HDR enabled on this game, so I had to play in regular 1080p. Assuming it's an error on Capcom's part which they will fix.
When you compare it with the original, it's such a faithful and brilliant achievement.

That said, not really enjoying it and think I had a better time with 7. Maybe I need to give it more time.

This was my fight against G3. Aiming was a bit off but you can see how effective the submachine gun is.

Impressive. Was that on hard mode?

I had to look up where my one missing piece for the lore trophy was and I’m missing a single raccoon trophy. Still got lots to do for the platinum.
Impressive. Was that on hard mode?

I had to look up where my one missing piece for the lore trophy was and I’m missing a single raccoon trophy. Still got lots to do for the platinum.

Hardcore yeah, was a surprisingly easy fight.

I've just got the lore trophy to get, finishing the game.withiut using the item box (which I've nearly done) and then I need to complete fourth Survivor.
Fourth Survivor is intense. Had a good run and got very lucky right near the end as a plant zombie grabbed me, thankfully I had one grenade left otherwise it would have been game over.
The only rooms I would clear would be the library (Can be a pain if there's multiple zombies around you along with Mr. X when you have to use the jack and move the bookcases), and the corridor outside the safety deposit room. Between that and boarding up some windows you shouldn't really have too much of a problem.

Also, the combat knife is really quite powered, and there's enough of them around in the game so once you knocked a zombie down hack it's legs off and then they shouldn't cause you too much problem.
Yeah, I'm going to start over. I dunno what I was at trying to clear our the east office. I'll take out the west corridor, library and maybe the upstairs east corridor along with the main hall if I'm feeling shooty. I can probably lure everything in the west corridor/dark room area into one grenade blast if I'm lucky. The thought of them being there while Mr X is around unnerved me.
Finally Platinumed it, took me ages to find the last file I'd missed and it turned out to be Claire's note right next to the tram on the second playthrough.

I could go back and try and get an S on Hardcore with Leon and Claire for the infinite Rocket Launcher and Infinite Minigun, but I don't think I have it in me :lol:

May give 7 a go, only ever got so far as the first boss.
Finally Platinumed it, took me ages to find the last file I'd missed and it turned out to be Claire's note right next to the tram on the second playthrough.

I could go back and try and get an S on Hardcore with Leon and Claire for the infinite Rocket Launcher and Infinite Minigun, but I don't think I have it in me :lol:

May give 7 a go, only ever got so far as the first boss.
I liked 7 for the most part, it's essentially the first game all over again with an added Mr X-ness to it. It doesn't feel like it should be a numbered entry though and I didn't care for the ending or the confirmation of the ending in the DLC. Felt weird.
The orphanage has given me chills after reading about Subject 628.

So Subject 628 was the kid in Tom's Diary who was his friend who had been "adopted" but came back asking for help with his face melting, and was then recaptured. Later, when Tom was "adopted" he was thrown into a room with his mutated friend (628) who attacked him and killed/infected him as part of a simple Umbrella experiment, and the scientist notes are so blasé about the whole thing

:( feck this game
So I decided to play this on hardcore before I got upgrades, did Claire A in 9 hours, now on Leon B and honestly feck the section where you play as Ada, 9 bullets, 10 bullet sink zombies and Tyrant while having to use a magical electricity tool. Just feck off.

Great game though.
Sewers is the worst part of the game. I think the lab is quite cool though.
I didn't mind the sewers. The Ada bit was the only bit I didn't like.

I'm not playing this before bed again, I nearly had a fecking heart attack. Getting chased around by Mr X, he caught me once and very nearly killed me, I managed to limp away. I could hear the footsteps behind me the whole time. Then what I thought was safety, before having the absolute shite scared out of me by god damn Sherry!

That noise when Mr X spots you, it makes the bumhole quiver in fear. They knew what they were doing with that.
This game makes me realise what a problem I have with hoarding in gaming. Final boss for Leon's first run and I have 30 shotgun bullets, 22 mag ammo, 500 flamethrower fuel and 4 first aid sprays.

"Hmm, might need them for later..."
I got the S rank on Standard for both Claire and Leon but my time was almost exactly 3 hours on each session. I spend way too much time killing zombies instead of just dodging them or shooting them once in the head and running. It's too much fun when they're on the floor and you decide to shoot them again just to make sure they're really dead. I don't think i'm going to do well on the hardest difficulty :nervous:
I got the S rank on Standard for both Claire and Leon but my time was almost exactly 3 hours on each session. I spend way too much time killing zombies instead of just dodging them or shooting them once in the head and running. It's too much fun when they're on the floor and you decide to shoot them again just to make sure they're really dead. I don't think i'm going to do well on the hardest difficulty :nervous:

On my Leon scenario B, soon as I got the shotgun I keep putting the zombies down and then shotgunning their head to piece from about 6 inches away. Fave part of the game.
Started 7. Jack needs to feck off and die.

Its a brilliant game, are you on hard mode. Two hardest parts on that are the start house vs Mia and Jack. Gets really easy after that.
Its a brilliant game, are you on hard mode. Two hardest parts on that are the start house vs Mia and Jack. Gets really easy after that.

Just normal at the minute, madhouse gets unlocked after I've completed it.

I've just come across the first set of proper enemies in the game. Some weird enemy which lunges at you. Died on them last night as I was trying to be too conservative with my ammo. Enjoying it though, will boot it up again later or tomorrow.
I don't know if I can emphasise this enough, but I hate lickers. I detest those absolute pricks. Getting in my god damn way when I'm running from Mr X and they are too quick to run from, they always get a slice in and do stupid amounts of damage. They grind my fecking gears.

I'm back in RPD now, Mr X is back on the loose and I don't even like playing it when he's around despite how well done it is. :lol:. It's just too bloody unsettling. I dunno how I'm going to manage Nemesis. They nailed the panic inducing tension. I just want to fight or shoot when something comes at me like that, but it being pointless just makes it super unsettling. Well played, Capcom. You absolute bastards.

Bang on 2 hours and trying to get the part from the clock tower, definitely not getting an S but I've not really been rushing either.
I finally finished Claire B. It was actually better than Leon A. The whole section before the sewers was much better done. I was less of a hoarder with ammo and ended up down to my pistol against Birkin.

It's annoying how the two scenario stories don't really match up. Overall though it was an excellent game and I'll get stuck into the other two scenarios and The 4th Survivor mode at some point.
Just got two more trophies to go before the platinum. It's rumoured that the sales and positive critical reception means that Capcom will almost certainly remake RE3 :). Although probably my least favourite of the original trilogy, it has the potential to be the scariest.
Mr.X makes me a nervous wreck as it is. Fecking Nemisis with his rocket launcher and growling "STAAARS!" while chasing you will make me piss myself.
He had me so on edge that even when I went back to the RPD to get the upgrade for the SMG and he couldn't possibly be there I was in constant fear of that big thumping foot step. The bit where you have to freeze the stuff in the lab I kept waiting for him to come stomping past the window too. He's scary even when he isn't there. Nemesis would be nerve shredding if he was loose all the time.
Finished Leon A. Don’t think I have it in me to do any others tbh. Took me 7 hours and stress levels were through the roof, especially the Mr X sequences towards the end.

Great game and feels a lot longer than it is. Don’t know how people can get through it so quickly - I’m struggling to remember a lot of the police station already and would imagine I’d take a fair few hours on it if I tried again.
Finished Leon A. Don’t think I have it in me to do any others tbh. Took me 7 hours and stress levels were through the roof, especially the Mr X sequences towards the end.

Great game and feels a lot longer than it is. Don’t know how people can get through it so quickly - I’m struggling to remember a lot of the police station already and would imagine I’d take a fair few hours on it if I tried again.

You can do the police station in 10 minutes!

1. Grab spade key from 2nd floor
2. Go grab bolt cutters
3. Use bolt cutters to get detonator
4. Grab battery from stars office
5. Grab the medallion from the room at the end of the corridor where the stars office is located.
6. Detonate C4 on 3F and grab the medallion
7. Run back to the main hall, grab the third medallion

It is actually a really short game. I've seen speed runs of about 56 minutes.

But I agree with you TBF, Mr. X following you around is really feckin stressful. Particularly so on my first playthrough as I activated him way too early. Subsequent playthroughs where you know what you need to do aren't as bad before you have to activate him aren't as bad.
Got the platinum trophy in true Resident Evil style by literally limping to the finish line after the last boss (Leon A Hardcore). A great remake.