Gaming Resident Evil 2 (PC, all good consoles & Xbox) - £8.74 on PS Store

Tyrant is by far the most irritating and scary thing in this game. If they remake RE3 with Nemesis doing this kind of thing it could genuinely be the scariest game ever. In the originals you were compensated if you took Tyrant and Nemesis on by them dropping ammo and upgrades but its just futile here.

I'm midway through Claire B and just finished that irritating Sherry segment for the trophy :mad:
Attempting a speed run on Claire A, it's taken me 51 minutes to get back to the police station and into the library with the jack. Proving to be a bit of a nightmare to complete the puzzle though as the room is filled with zombies and I've got the Tyrant in there aswell. I'd made a save just outside as I knew it would be a bit troublesome.

Easy way would be to blitz them all but I don't want to deplete my ammo.
I got the platinum for zero and RE1 but this one could be a nightmare. Not sure if I have the will.
Looking at the trophy list nothing seems overly difficult? Rankings are only done based on time completion.

I dunno, I think nightmare mode could be a real pain, especially with the bosses and Tyrant. I’m hoping to get an infinite ammo gun so I can do the minimalist trophy.

Is there no penalty for using first aid sprays this time? Almost every RE game I’ve played takes a grade off your ranking for using them. I was expecting a trophy to pop after I refrained from using one on Claire A.
I dunno, I think nightmare mode could be a real pain, especially with the bosses and Tyrant. I’m hoping to get an infinite ammo gun so I can do the minimalist trophy.

Is there no penalty for using first aid sprays this time? Almost every RE game I’ve played takes a grade off your ranking for using them. I was expecting a trophy to pop after I refrained from using one on Claire A.

Do you mean hardcore mode?

If you complete standard mode with an S you get the handgun with infinite ammo which will be helpful for hardcore mode.

You're rank is done purely on time. I think for an S+ you have to save 3 or fewer times. It is unusual as they usually do punish you somewhat for using a First aid spray .
Do you mean hardcore mode?

If you complete standard mode with an S you get the handgun with infinite ammo which will be helpful for hardcore mode.

You're rank is done purely on time. I think for an S+ you have to save 3 or fewer times. It is unusual as they usually do punish you somewhat for using a First aid spray .

Yes, that was it- hardcore mode. I've done the Ada and Sherry segments with the trophies but I've not seen the true ending yet. I'm at the lab with Claire (B). Will probably finish it later.
Finished Claire A. 2:10:33, S+ :cool:

Impressive. I’ve completed the game 3 times (Claire A and B, Leon A) and I still don’t feel ready for hardcore mode or an s rank standard. It’s not that I’m not enjoying it, it’s more that I don’t seem to be improving a lot. I’m just way too cautious. Gonna try 4th survivor later :nervous:
Had to start a new game after completely messing up my first effort with Leon. Wasted all my god damn ammo and by the time I was in the parking garage I was empty.

Finding Claire’s playthrough much easier.

feck the Tyrant, bastard would not leave the Library when I needed to be there.
I can only play this game for very short bursts at a time. I'm talking like 10 minutes...

Volumetric lighting can make a huge difference in how scary a game can be.
I have to go back through the corridor with broken windows and now regret not picking up that third wooden board I come across :(
Attempting Claire A on hardcore. Just got to Chief Irons' office. Lickers are a nightmare I tell you.

I died and then left my PS4 on and did some other stuff for a while. Came back, clicked load game but I didn't realise it carried the timer on over, so now my timer is 3 hours 25 minutes :lol:
Anything miss-able in the infirmary other than the spade key? Got the spade key then had to 'nope' the feck out of there before I had a chance to open the rest of the doors.
You activate him in the corridor where the STARS office is located, so just avoid that corridor until you've done everything else.

Thought i'd explored most of what I could before I went underground and this didn't happen for me. Did I miss something? Just got back into the police station from the underground.
Thought i'd explored most of what I could before I went underground and this didn't happen for me. Did I miss something? Just got back into the police station from the underground.

That only applies to scenario B, if it's scenario A you're playing through he will be with you soon!
Tyrant is a fecking ball-ache combined with corridors filled with lickers :nervous:
The police station part is possibly the best section in any RE game ever. Absolutely perfect but goes downhill quite steeply in the sewers.

I’m an ammo hoarder and it feels like there’s too much backtracking through infested areas, especially them things in the water where you just can’t run past and then there are at times 4/5 in a row. I just can’t recklessly shoot 20 shells in a few minutes, it makes me sweat thinking about doing it . It’s also quite boring and overlong. I’m sure on multiple play throughs, I’ll know how much ammo I’ll need to save and how to get through it quickly but I didn’t enjoy it particularly.
The police station part is possibly the best section in any RE game ever. Absolutely perfect but goes downhill quite steeply in the sewers.

I’m an ammo hoarder and it feels like there’s too much backtracking through infested areas, especially them things in the water where you just can’t run past and then there are at times 4/5 in a row. I just can’t recklessly shoot 20 shells in a few minutes, it makes me sweat thinking about doing it . It’s also quite boring and overlong. I’m sure on multiple play throughs, I’ll know how much ammo I’ll need to save and how to get through it quickly but I didn’t enjoy it particularly.
I managed to run past the vast majority of those things. I think I killed about 3 of them in total.

The early parts in the mansion in RE are still the best part of the series for me. They were just perfectly creepy.

I started the Claire B scenario this morning. I'm going to have to go back to a previous save as I managed to feck things up in the very first room. Used all my ammo trying to get used to aiming that damn gun. I like the power, but it feels so awkward.
I wish Mr X would feck off.

On Leon Scenario A at least, you can do most of the station without triggering him, then only having him chasing you for a short section of the game. My problem was I left the corridors crawling with zombies and lickers, so the running in and out of rooms to grab things tactic left me running into impossible situations many times, especially as he hears gunshots and turns up seconds later. Best tactic is to clear out the main routes and then it all becomes quite trivial.
I managed to run past the vast majority of those things. I think I killed about 3 of them in total.

The early parts in the mansion in RE are still the best part of the series for me. They were just perfectly creepy.

I started the Claire B scenario this morning. I'm going to have to go back to a previous save as I managed to feck things up in the very first room. Used all my ammo trying to get used to aiming that damn gun. I like the power, but it feels so awkward.

The original RE, with shocking voice acting etc was such a pivotal moment in my gaming life that it will likely always hold the top spot but this probably runs it a close second.

I’m at the end now with about 40 magnum rounds, 40 odd shotgun shells, a flame thrower with 400 fuel and loads of gunpowder. I’ve done my usual and hoarded far too much. Won’t make that mistake again.
The original RE, with shocking voice acting etc was such a pivotal moment in my gaming life that it will likely always hold the top spot but this probably runs it a close second.

I’m at the end now with about 40 magnum rounds, 40 odd shotgun shells, a flame thrower with 400 fuel and loads of gunpowder. I’ve done my usual and hoarded far too much. Won’t make that mistake again.
:lol: I made similar if not quite as extreme mistakes. I had 250 flamer fuel, 32 magnum rounds, 102 pistol rounds, 1 shotgun round and a bunch of grenades.
On Leon Scenario A at least, you can do most of the station without triggering him, then only having him chasing you for a short section of the game. My problem was I left the corridors crawling with zombies and lickers, so the running in and out of rooms to grab things tactic left me running into impossible situations many times, especially as he hears gunshots and turns up seconds later. Best tactic is to clear out the main routes and then it all becomes quite trivial.

I think I cleared as much as I could to be fair. I couldn't imagine doing much more of the station with this shit.

I know people love the Mr X stuff but i'm hating having to run around like a madman when previously i'd approach everything with such caution.
I’m glad Mr X is given more presence in the remake. I think he only appeared in the B scenarios in the original. He evokes more dread and fear with those footsteps than Birkins body horror aspect.

Many times I was in an area with more than one licker or multiple zombies, praying Mr X wasn’t going to walk in from somewhere and wreck my shit.

Even the most purist Resident Evil fan who wants tank controls and fixed cameras has to concede that Mr X is done much better in the remake.
Right, managed to get to the sewer. Hopefully the last of Mr X. I was in so much control before he turned up.
I’m glad Mr X is given more presence in the remake. I think he only appeared in the B scenarios in the original. He evokes more dread and fear with those footsteps than Birkins body horror aspect.

Many times I was in an area with more than one licker or multiple zombies, praying Mr X wasn’t going to walk in from somewhere and wreck my shit.

Even the most purist Resident Evil fan who wants tank controls and fixed cameras has to concede that Mr X is done much better in the remake.
He's very well done and scared the shit out of me until I figured out how he really works. Even then there was still a bit of dread. I'm hoping him and the family from 7 are just warm ups and trying some things out before they unleash the full horror of Nemesis chasing you for an entire game.
Urghh, Mr X punched me straight into the arms of a zombie who then finished me off :mad:

The 4th survivor is pretty intense. A massive feeling of joy when you make it to the finish line with barely any health or ammo left.
I keep screwing up my Claire B play through. I was trying to just take out most of the early zombies to give myself a bit of breathing room later on which was leaving me very little ammo, so I need a new strategy. I'm struggling to aim with the Quickdraw too, I may need to make some bullets and use Chris's gun alongside it, but that may be another bad decision and tremendous waste of ammo. I'm not sure why it's all suddenly gone so wrong for me, I may actually start over.
:lol: I made similar if not quite as extreme mistakes. I had 250 flamer fuel, 32 magnum rounds, 102 pistol rounds, 1 shotgun round and a bunch of grenades.
I've just finished Leon scenario A and that last boss i faced with a bout 90 handgun rounds, 8 shotgun, 1 grenade, 5 mag and about 120 units on the flamethrower. as long as you can move fast and are accurate enough i didn't find it too tricky. Compared to the final boss in res evil 0 for example it was a bloody cakewalk