Renato Sanches joins Bayern

2500+ posts of discussion about the player in question can hardly be described as 'showing no interest'.

Haven't seen any tantrums either, unless "discussing the fact that Bayern signed him over United" can be called a tantrum?

Overall a terrible description.
He'll get better coaching, be around better players and probably be better nurtured and introduced into the team there than he would here.

If he becomes a star in a few years time there, a lot of people here will frown and say look what we missed out on, but I have doubts he would turn out to be the same player under our conditions as he will under theirs.

Bayern will work on his technique something rotten; he's got a bigger chance of maximising his potential there, I think.

We need players who are ready to go as soon as the season kicks off and I'm still not convinced this kid is ready for that kind of pressure or weight on his shoulders. At Bayern, he's just another good midfielder; the conditions for organic growth are about the best in the world for him there.

For the purported fee, you should be getting the best midfielders in the world. No matter what fans think, scouts of the top clubs seem to be convinced this lad will become that, so I am curious to see how he turns out.
Sanches is a raw talent and I'm not sure if Ancelotti is the right manager for his development. We'll see.
Woke up to see the Hummels and Sanches headline this morning. Wasn't really upset, but surprised. I haven't been following either all that closely and I had no idea Hummels was considering a return to Bayern.
Look we got lucky with Martial, but do we need an 18 year old CM right now? 18 year old to waltz into our premier league midfield and start bossing it/controlling the game. Bayern have enough midfielders to allow him to develop. At us he will need to be ready now. Better off going for Gundogan

I agree with your point but Gundogan has just fecked up his knee.
All that tells me is that you need treatment for multiple personality disorder.

Heh heh, nah seriously Analysing the way the transfer went you seemed to had a full rage stage when Rojo incensed you with his behaviour of refusing to train, then come around a bit because you had to accept reality and went full on "he will make it despite having a few weaknesses that need ironing out" after a drunken session of jerking off hearing that you were getting Nani on loan as part of the deal.

Posts like this are unnecessary.
Not really bothered at all.

Even his youtube videos I've watched that shows Young players showcasing their talent weren't anything special.
He'll get better coaching, be around better players and probably be better nurtured and introduced into the team there than he would here.

If he becomes a star in a few years time there, a lot of people here will frown and say look what we missed out on, but I have doubts he would turn out to be the same player under our conditions as he will under theirs.

Bayern will work on his technique something rotten; he's got a bigger chance of maximising his potential there, I think.

We need players who are ready to go as soon as the season kicks off and I'm still not convinced this kid is ready for that kind of pressure or weight on his shoulders. At Bayern, he's just another good midfielder; the conditions for organic growth are about the best in the world for him there.

For the purported fee, you should be getting the best midfielders in the world. No matter what fans think, scouts of the top clubs seem to be convinced this lad will become that, so I am curious to see how he turns out.

Great post.

Although i'm upset we lost out on him (if we were indeed ever in for him) his growth at Bayern will be almost expected, whereas we have different expectations and pressure due to our recent decline.

Nonetheless, Bayern continue to be the team to emulate & aspire towards.
LOL at Bayern throwing insane money for unproven 18 year old!
Moral support for utd fans.
He'll get better coaching, be around better players and probably be better nurtured and introduced into the team there than he would here.

If he becomes a star in a few years time there, a lot of people here will frown and say look what we missed out on, but I have doubts he would turn out to be the same player under our conditions as he will under theirs.

Bayern will work on his technique something rotten; he's got a bigger chance of maximising his potential there, I think.

We need players who are ready to go as soon as the season kicks off and I'm still not convinced this kid is ready for that kind of pressure or weight on his shoulders. At Bayern, he's just another good midfielder; the conditions for organic growth are about the best in the world for him there.

For the purported fee, you should be getting the best midfielders in the world. No matter what fans think, scouts of the top clubs seem to be convinced this lad will become that, so I am curious to see how he turns out.

Completely agree with this post. Besides United scouts Benfica, Porto and Sporting, perhaps they decided it was too much of a gamble. United also scouted Carvalho plenty of times and then didn't put up a bid. Also it might have been just a small interest that the media turns into a big circus, just like in the supposed Gaitán deal.
2500+ posts of discussion about the player in question can hardly be described as 'showing no interest'.
To be fair, a big chunk of that thread was people saying they aren't sure or complaining about the price... Obviously there was some interest and with some people they want new transfers whoever it is, but it definitely wasn't a very eager transfer on here so to speak. Most were hesitant.
I dont blame woody for not paying 80 million for an 18 year old mid.

Not bothered at all. Bayern can make these gambles considering that they have also the likes of Martinez, Thiago and Vidal in midfield. If the transfer doesn't work, they will lose 35m euros, but the results won't get affected. However if we bought him for a lot of money and the transfer doesn't work, then we would have lost money in addition to having to play Fellaini in midfield.

I don't want us to sign young players for a shitload of money, unless they are pretty much stars in the making, like Martial. Sanches can go either way, and isn't an attacker in the first place to command that much money. The beneficial thing on signing young players is that they cost cheap, but if you have to pay 35m (+45m in add ons), then it isn't a very shrewd business IMO.

Also, not all big money transfers from Portuguese League work, and as efficient as Bayern are, not each transfer they make works well. Still think that Bayern have made a very risky signing, which could go either way. I would much prefer if we go for a more safe transfer, considering that we need to improve the squad immediately, not 5 years down the line.

If we'd agreed to pay that kind of money everyone would be slaughtering Woodward for "overpaying yet again".

Agree with all of this. No doubt he's already a good player and potentially we've missed out on a great player, but I can't help thinking we did the sensible thing here. Though seeing Bayern sign him makes me think he's definitely going to be great.
But.. but.. Woody is building scouting network to tap tallents deep to the village of Timbuktu.

Who cares about some obvious tallents available around.
Ah here it is. Abola (newspaper affiliated with Benfica) with the report:

"Jan-Christian Dreesen, vice-presidente executivo do Bayern revelou que dos possíveis bónus estão as nomeações de Renato Sanches para a melhor equipa e melhor jogador da FIFA"


"Jan-Christian Dreesen, Bayern executive Vice Presdident revealed that among the possible addon objective bonus are Renato Sanches nominations for FIFA best player in the world and Fifa team of the year".

Some objectives will be hard to achieve but who knows. No one expected a skinny kid from Madeira with a heart condition to win the Ballon Dor 3 times or whatever times he won.
Well that's understandable isn't it. They have the better team, are more likely to win in the near future and have a talented manager.

We can match them money wise, but on the field we are a pale shadow at present. :(
Have we extended Carrick's contract yet. That is the next great news I'm a expecting...along with van Gaal staying and then our summer long pursuit of Neymar etc with Eds famous delusions of grandeur in full effect. As for Sanches I'm actually gutted thought he looked a real talent to have alongside the likes of Martial and Shaw to take us forward. Ah well shit happens.
Don't see the issue really, teams miss out on players. Just hope it's down to us not being interested with his price tag and it isn't down to something else, like us being unsure about the next manager.

Impressive from Bayern though, we could learn a lot form them.
Gotze, Benatia,Toni Kroos, Javi Martinez, Neymar, Alexis Sanchez, Verratti
Some of those names were linked with Bayern interest or not linked yet could of made fine additions to their side and went elsewhere
Picking Bayern makes sense (right now) - there isn't any uncertainty about their manager, are the best team in Germany and will be playing in the Champions League and are already one of the favourites for next its season edition. They're also better than us right now, so I can see why he's chosen them.
I've never seen him play nor read any of his transfer thread but I'm fecking outraged and our club are an embarrassment.
I doubt we were even in for Sanches - we get used in the media every year by players/agents/clubs to drive up prices and push deals through. Get used to it.

If we werent even in for him, why have we had scouts at all of Benfica's matches? OMG maybe we're getting that Gaitan fellow! :lol:

This was probably Mendes giving us the finger for fecking Mourinho around for so long.
Honestly, I don't think this has anything to do with Woodward making a hash of things. It seems as though the player simply chose Bayern over United. Fair enough. There are plenty of reasons why he would want to. They're a perennial domestic champion (positioned to dominate for years to come) and Champions League contender. They're a big, global club with a great stadium and good fans. Sanches would have witnessed it first hand in the Champions League. He'll be surrounded by elite coaches and world class players, and can learn and develop with much less pressure than he would with us. He's only 18, after all. He's undoubtedly been offered a huge wage relative to what he's earning now. If he fancies at some point in the future, time is obviously on his side.

From Bayern's perspective, I'm sure they've been scouting him quite extensively. I don't believe for a moment that they would spend that kind of money having only scouted him twice. That's utter nonsense. He's one of the most highly touted youngsters in Europe. All big clubs will have watched him quite a lot. Even if only scouting Benfica in preparation for their Champions League matches, Bayern would have watched him more than twice. The head-to-head games undoubtedly cemented their interest. When they saw what the price would be, they didn't hesitate - they just got the deal done.

While we may have offered more in wages, at present, we're simply not as attractive an option as Bayern. We have a underachieving Manager who, more often than not, seems completely senile. That game has passed him by, in my opinion. We are struggling to secure a Champions League spot, and are not guaranteed to play in the competition year after year. There is uncertainty about who will succeed Van Gaal. We play an incredibly slow, uninspired and boring brand of football. Many players have regressed under Van Gaal. The pressure in England would be massive. In short, we simply don't offer the stability and reliability that Bayern does. Moreover, if Woodward has been dithering, Sanches will have been impressed by the desire Bayern showed to get the deal done.

It's too bad, as Sanches looks to be an amazing young talent. He's the style of player that we could desperately use. That said, he's not the only fish in the sea. It won't happen, but I'd rather pay the entire amount up front (base fee plus bonuses) and bring Pogba back. There are other options. Hopefully we have some other targets in mind.
Got to say Bayern seems to be overtaking Real as the ultimate destination for a lot of our long-term :drool: targets. Vidal, Hummels, and now Sandwich to name but three in the last couple of seasons!

I hope that the board are watching how it's done properly - get your targets signed early for "real" value. DON'T haggle over one or two (ultimately irrelevant) million, leave it too late, miss out and pay well over the odds for sub-standard wallflowers to appease the masses!

We have the money to pay much better wages that Bayern can't match even if they're getting a tad closer in what they can offer in transfer fees so one would have to say that the one positive to come out of all this is that the vile, greedy-agent trend must be finally being tempered with a smidgen of reality! It is, after all, far better for all concerned to earn a bit less commission from a client on slightly lower wages for 5 full and successful trophy laden seasons and he still to be marketable after that, than to cash in for a big signing-on fee and one to three year cut of huge weekly wages with United to then have your client become soiled goods.

In terms of the players we can currently attract I agree with LvG that we might have to think about adjusting our expectations*… but there again he is being paid handsomely to fix the problem and I've seen no progress … so he can feck off too!
*and anyone that doesn't want Manchester United on their CV needs their fecking head checked!
It might end up being a good signing for Bayern but don't they already have Thiago, Alonso (probably the one to start being involved less) vidal, Martinez (pretty sure hes been a centre back though) and young lads like Kimmich,Holbjeg is he called?
they're not exactly desperate for this type of player. Honestly I'd rather see us bring through Timmy Mensah and Goss than splash god knows how much on him when we need to strenghen our rw,striker, possibly centre back and maybe even a right back.
Edit: Don't they have Rode aswell? Or is he a bit pants.
Hummels and Sanches, Bayern doesn't feck around. Fee is crazy though, of course those bonuses won't be easy to achieve and like Martial I doubt they will pay 80 million but still a damn high fee. While I couldn't care less about Martial's fee after his season, I don't think we should do deals like that every year, so yeah I am not that unhappy that we missed out on him.
Sounds like Bayern were happy for us to do the talking and haggling and pricking about. Once we had some price agreed they come in and match it knowing it will be accepted and that the player wants them. Clever
I don't know enough about Sanches to evaluate this move to Bayern.

What I do know is waking up to news of Bayern signing two top targets in one day, before the season has even ended, reminds me how far we have to go. Their club is an efficient machine with a plan for next season already realized and acted upon - and they are "transitioning" to a new manager this year. Their upper management sets an example that we could learn a lot from. No excuses, no dithering.
Congratulations to Bayern but this is no time for United to sign players for the future so I'm not particularly bothered. I'd much rather see the football gods be kinder to us on the injury front that have us load up on more teenagers.

Bring Kante and Greizmann to Old Trafford and Bayern can have anyone else they want.