Religion, what's the point?

This is the religion thread and one of the themes that is making unprovable claims is problematic. Your claim is that reading inversely correlates to a propensity to be asinine. Back it up.
This is not actually really a religion thread as I've come to realise, thanks to a few of you. And there is no such thing as a provable claim. But then you didn't know that.
This is not actually really a religion thread as I've come to realise, thanks to a few of you. And there is no such thing as a provable claim. But then you didn't know that.
2+2=4. Ok the present your claim in such a way as it may be falsifiable.
For edification purposes, consider this thread the RAWK of such.

There's another religion thread in which a serious discussion about religion occurs, just like there are similar threads for a broader discussion of Liverpool football.
My comment stands, but is now directed at the typical puerility of Parker and Stone. Whom I have always disliked for their racism anyway.

Have to admit i had to google the meaning of "puerility", and you're wrong, lots of adult people do enjoy their shows.
Stone and Parker are also clearly intelligent guys, since you mentioned intelligence earlier. Childish? sure, but still very smart.

Also, pornography is much more fun than reading.
For edification purposes, consider this thread the RAWK of such.

There's another religion thread in which a serious discussion about religion occurs, just like there are similar threads for a broader discussion of Liverpool football.
Ah, thanks
Wow. How fortunate that someone else bothered to learn to read and write in order to record what he supposedly said so you could know that.
Well, most of that knowledge would have been memorised, which, how for most of humanity, knowledge was stored.

I assume you've heard of the Iliad and the Odessey? Or the Mahabharata? Or druids or shamen or folk tales?
I'm not sure whether the ten commandments are written in order of priority, but it alwats struck me as a bit insecure that God didnt lead with thou shall not kill. Seems like the most important one.
I'm not sure whether the ten commandments are written in order of priority, but it alwats struck me as a bit insecure that God didnt lead with thou shall not kill. Seems like the most important one.
Would’ve been awful weird if he did, considering he’d just wiped out all the firstborn sons of Egypt in their sleep.
I'm not sure whether the ten commandments are written in order of priority, but it alwats struck me as a bit insecure that God didnt lead with thou shall not kill. Seems like the most important one.
Because you are assuming the intention to be the betterment of humankind. But if the primary intention is submission, then it makes sense. The people that wrote the texts had, as most people with control, the priority of getting and then keeping power. Just another example of the "holy" texts being not just written by humans, but nasty power hungry humans. Most of religion in terms of do and do not, is an exploration of the mind of a narcissistic dictator. I actually love religion because it gives a direct and honest view of what a psychopathic control freak wants. You know how to spot them.

I suppose that's what some faiths/religions have isn't it? Maybe a muslim from Pakistan would say why not? It's what we have. Christians must be mad not to want that.
Surprised it took so long.

If only the two respected the culture blah blah blah.

Somehow some will claim it's not all about religion in that country.