Apparently some christian teens think up the gary is alright as it's not really losing their virginity.
God bless them.
Apparently some christian teens think up the gary is alright as it's not really losing their virginity.
Apparently some christian teens think up the gary is alright as it's not really losing their virginity.
Affirmative. My first shag in Oz.
Was Oz a nice fella?
Love stuff like that. Evolution's amazing but can be a bit thick.If you ever have a discussion with someone who doesn't believe in evolution a great topic to bring up is the laryngeal nerve.
When us mammals were a blob of whatever we were (scientific term here*), the nerve took its shortest route which happened to loop around what became the aortic arch. As we evolved the nerve extended in a remarkable example of unintelligent design.
And even more ridiculous in the giraffe, what was God thinking!
Love stuff like that. Evolution's amazing but can be a bit thick.
"And don't tell me God works in mysterious ways," Yossarian continued. … "There's nothing mysterious about it, He's not working at all. He's playing. Or else He's forgotten all about us. That's the kind of God you people talk about, a country bumpkin, a clumsy, bungling, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed. Good God, how much reverence can you have for a Supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of Creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of His when He robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did He ever create pain?"
"Pain?" Lieutenant Scheisskopf's wife pounced upon the word victoriously. "Pain is a useful symptom. Pain is a warning to us of bodily dangers."
"And who created the dangers?" Yossarian demanded ... "Why couldn't He have used a doorbell instead to notify us?"
My personal favourite is the chromosome 2 fusionThe easiest is always the appendix.
Or if you are in no mood to debate, you can quote Yossarian
Love stuff like that. Evolution's amazing but can be a bit thick.
The easiest is always the appendix.
Or if you are in no mood to debate, you can quote Yossarian
Love stuff like that. Evolution's amazing but can be a bit thick.
You correctly gauged my bio knowledge thereAt the other end of the spectrum is how optimised the genetic code is for error prevention as compared to a random code.
I'm not sure about your bio knowledge so this is really basic:
DNA codes very directly for RNA; 3 RNA bases ("letters") code for 1 unit of a protein (amino acid). The genetic code refers to the 3-letter sequences of RNA corresponding to each amino acid.
RNA - protein coding is not direct and involves an intermediate adapter. The binding of the 3rd letter to the adapter is "loose" and the wrong adapter may bind to the RNA triplet. So errors can happen.
The way the code is, the effect of this 3rd letter looseness is minimised - the "wrong" adapter will correspond to an amino acid that is chemically similar to the correct one. So basically there will be errors in translation but their effect in the final protein will be minimised because of the code.
You correctly gauged my bio knowledge there
So the RNA evolved a kind of fail-safe that means however badly it messes up, the effect is minimal?
'Oh you disbelievers! If you use MasterCard or bitcoins, you are doing sin and you shall burn on hell for eternity.'Yep, MasterCard and bit coin are mentioned in Matthew 4:12.
I wouldn't say i'm religious but I think things may be more complex than we just have this human life and we die and then that's it forever. What does make me think though is all of the evil and corruption in the world, I don't think that is all purely down to human nature, when you look at all of the symbolism in music and the strange ceremonies and secret societies etc that many of the elite are involved in and the destruction, war and evil that is everywhere. Also from speaking with Christians and knowing a little about what is said in the bible, does it not seem like a huge coincidence that we are moving towards a cashless society where if you do not have some sort of electronic chip, be it your credit card or a chip possibly planted in your body (mark of the beast) then you will be unable to eat, work or trade or do anything. That is the way we are headed and it is very subtle so few notice it. You may say i'm reading into things to much but the way this world is headed in many ways matches up with prophecy so I do wonder.
That is the least coherent post on the Caf since The King though statues were drinking milk.
I wouldn't say i'm religious but I think things may be more complex than we just have this human life and we die and then that's it forever. What does make me think though is all of the evil and corruption in the world, I don't think that is all purely down to human nature, when you look at all of the symbolism in music and the strange ceremonies and secret societies etc that many of the elite are involved in and the destruction, war and evil that is everywhere. Also from speaking with Christians and knowing a little about what is said in the bible, does it not seem like a huge coincidence that we are moving towards a cashless society where if you do not have some sort of electronic chip, be it your credit card or a chip possibly planted in your body (mark of the beast) then you will be unable to eat, work or trade or do anything. That is the way we are headed and it is very subtle so few notice it. You may say i'm reading into things to much but the way this world is headed in many ways matches up with prophecy so I do wonder.
Yep, MasterCard and bit coin are mentioned in Matthew 4:12.
@Wibble is the beast? I knew it, I knew it.That's exactly what someone with an electronic chip planted in their body would say.
@Wibble is the beast? I knew it, I knew it.
Word about what? Read what book? Why on earth should I get upset. Your posts aren't making much sense so I'm off to bed. Whilst I'm gone try not to get even more worked up just because I wasn't taught by bible bashers trying to ram Leviticus and such down my throat. We don't tend to be so fanatical over here. Religion's more laid back and we are encouraged to think for ourselves.
I'm sorry that pointing out what the Bible actually says puts you off talking about your religion.I recite the Nicene's Creed and the Apostle's Creed every week. I understand that Father, Son and the Spirit are the three components of Trinity. But 'God' as per Bible has always been clear without any ambiguity that it is the Father.
I don't really want to take this debate any further. I don't agree that Christianity as a religion preaches to hate LGBT community. I've been to churches in England, India and the US and have not seen this preached. There is always this idealogue at every place who goes to the extreme, but in the main, I've been only taught about love and how essential it is to listen to other people. It is true that I haven't been to a church in the bible belt states in US. I'm not that different to many of you here, I get angry when I see creationists block the teaching of evolution in school curriculum, and when people declare dinosaurs are a hoax or the earth is 6000 years old as much as the atheist and agnostic here at RedCafe. I understand that there are multiple problems with religion and there will always be on going issues on how the religion is interpreted by many different people, but not every church preaches gay bashing. That is my only point.
I'm limiting my post to just churches because I know very little about Islam as a religion.
I'm sorry that pointing out what the Bible actually says puts you off talking about your religion.
I am also sorry for pointing out the difference between actual Christianity as defined by its Holy Scripture and "Christianity" as defined by 21st century preachers.
The fact, however, remains. Just because it isn't preached in your church doesn't mean it isn't in the book that Christianity claims is the Holy Word of God.
You're not refuting me, you're refuting John Chapter 1...You said Jesus is God. I refute that and I tell you that 'God' never refers to Jesus in Bible, yet you continue to insist it's the truth because you know it for sure. What can I say?Alright you win.
Agreed, sir.The bible was written by a bunch of guys that didn't know where the sun went at night. The bible makes scientific claims, morality claims and governing claims and it's amazing to me that folks still think it's a book worth using as a guiding force.
I was really proud of some government officials (including the mayor of Charlotte, NC and Denver, CO) for ignoring the national day of prayer in favor of a national day of reason.
Quite frankly, I wish they'd let me do as my college did and actually teach the religious texts in school so that some of the misunderstandings and ignored parts can be brought to light for some people.Remember @MarylandMUFan, all these problems we're experiencing in the US is because we've taken god out of schools!
Quite frankly, I wish they'd let me do as my college did and actually teach the religious texts in school so that some of the misunderstandings and ignored parts can be brought to light for some people.
Might do us some good!
I would love to teach a "world religions" class. It is my favorite unit to teach in World History... and yes, I give each religion covered (all the "Big 5") the same treatment. I am impartial.Not sure what level you're teaching at but if it's within the K-12 range you'd have angry parents for daring to give examples and calling to light various passages.
Also, I'm all for Christianity being taught in US schools - if they teach other religions with the same fervor, without personal bias, and giving equal amounts of time.
@Red DefenceI tell you that 'God' never refers to Jesus in Bible
Don't talk about that God. Apparently churches in England don't.Just keep religion out of politics. That's all I ask for. Yeah, I find it illogical that people will believe a prayer was answered when finding a job, getting a car, whatever. But the flip side is never applied logically when death and destruction occur.
Each time I see some "god is great" or "god blessed me" post on FB, I just want to post that image of the starving child with the vulture nearby. What a loving god!
Brilliantly expressed and I wish this could be educated into everybody who prescribes to any religion.Concept of God is OK as long as you just believe and don't claim to act on his behalf.
Organised religion is shit.