I can help you with Hinduism there lambs. According to the Hindu scriptures, like the Greek Gods, the Hindu gods were hardly a basis for moral rights. We regularly see them committing adultery, deception, fraud, and even rape. I remember reading somewhere in Nietzsche that the Greeks constructed their Gods as extremes of humans who enjoyed life and everything that comes with it at the fullest without repentance because their own lives were limited by their abilities and their morals. It is the exact same with Hindu Gods. The Hindus don't celebrate their Gods so they could be "Saved" as Herman would say. Each God is a God of certain natural element. There are Gods of rain, love, lust, wealth, you get the drift. So they are celebrated so they could bestow their mercy and goodwill upon us. The Heaven in Hinduism is a heaven where Gods indulge, full of excess, it is no place of moral superiority as such. It has fairies dancing, overflowing food, and all that. If you go on to a Hindu and say, hey your certain God committed so many horrors (which they will have), what do you have to say to that? He will probably reply, I have never said my God is the epitome of goodness. I am not sure if death and afterlife in Heaven is a part of Hindu mandate.
Regarding your second question, can we find God ourselves. That is a bit complicated. Both in Hinduism and Buddhism. For Hindus and Buddhists, our existence in this world is a major cause of distress. They believe in reincarnation, and believe that no matter how many times we die, we will come back to live again. This cycle of life is called as "Karmic Chakra". Salvation resides in freeing oneself from this cycle. It is the realization that body is perishable and subject to earthly "Moha" or temptations and salvation is just acceptance of soul as supreme and rejections of all worldly temptations. Therefore, in these religions, anyone can achieve salvation, Hindu/Buddhist, agnostic, atheist, anyone.
If you notice, both these religions at their heart have principles of humanity, self-realization and knowledge expansion. They are not incompatible with our ways of lives and are open to interpretation. Of course there are people who interpret the scriptures literally and that has posed numerous problems here including that of untouchability which lets say is equivalent to slavery or racism, but the second paragraph is the jist of both religions.