Religion, what's the point?

I had a female friend circa 2004-2006 that really opened me up to being agnostic (and since then I have gone atheist) but she bore a son a couple years back, got a job for some church, and has gone full blown religious now.

So what is it that a child can make a person believe in fairytales and myths?

Or did this person never truly consider herself agnostic?

Perhaps a brainwashing by a husband or other influences.
I would love to sub an R.E class.

I'm going to put it on my Bucket list.

I had to a few times last year and two of the subjects of the lessosn were a) anti-abortion and b) anti-euthanasia. Feck me those were long 50 minute periods.

A Pakistani couple accused of killing their 15-year-old daughter by pouring acid on her carried out the attack because she sullied the family's honour by looking at a boy, the couple said in an interview broadcast Monday by the BBC.

The girl's death underlines the problem of so-called "honour killings" in Pakistan where women are often killed for marrying or having relationships not approved by their families or because they are perceived to have somehow dishonoured their family.

The girl's parents, Mohammad Zafar and his wife Zaheen, recounted the Oct. 29 incident from jail. The father said the girl had turned to look at a boy who drove by on a motorcycle, and he told her it was wrong.

"She said 'I didn't do it on purpose. I won't look again.' By then I had already thrown the acid. It was her destiny to die this way," the girl's mother told the British broadcaster.
So what would in regular society pass as a benign moment that signals a fluttering in a girl who's on her way to becoming a woman, instead becomes the act that condemns her to a gruesome death. And it's her destiny...

You need something like a religious mindset to even justify shit like that to yourself... Absolutely disgusting and god-awful :(

edit: That was partially my thought, Mr M. They need stricter rules for the acid counter at the Paki ASDA.
Why is that question in any way relevant to anything? Is anyone suggesting that every single religious person commits such acts?
Why is that question in any way relevant to anything? Is anyone suggesting that every single religious person commits such acts?

It just seems to be one of the go-to posts on here from certain sections of the anti-religion brigade. An article of some sort with some form of honour killing or whatever, just to point out that religious people are raving looneys.

Honestly, this place is a farce when religion is brought up. Rabid atheists are just as hard to listen to as rabid believers.

I'm not even religious, but I respect the right for people to hold their views, both for and against religion. Very few come across particularly well when this subject is broached though.
I respect people's right to believe what they want. I also expect them to respect my right to call bullshit because their rubbish effects me and the society I live in and I really don't like it.

I also don't see why pointing out the bad things caused by religion is a problem. Not pointing out problems is how all of the child abuse disgraces happened. Most people religious or otherwise are essentially decent but I still don't want their (to me) insane views influencing the operation of the society that I live in especially not in any official way.
Yes, but people who do maim or kill their kids tend to do it in the name of religion/witchcraft/random spiritual bollocks.

Bollocks, bollocks and more bollocks I'm afraid.

Yes, people who would claim to be religious but also by agnostics and atheists. Usually by the mentally ill, sociopaths, psychopaths and the ignorant. All colours - all creeds, all walks of life.

Edit. Here you go, tell me which ones were spiritual mumbo jumbo voodoo abuse and killing:-
Bollocks, bollocks and more bollocks I'm afraid.

Yes, people who would claim to be religious but also by agnostics and atheists. Usually by the mentally ill, sociopaths, psychopaths and the ignorant. All colours - all creeds, all walks of life.

Edit. Here you go, tell me which ones were spiritual mumbo jumbo voodoo abuse and killing:-

I'm sorry, but it's simply not possible to deny that religion tends to be a very big reason for many of these cultural unsavoury practices. No one has ever denied that atheists, agnostics, Buddhists and followers of Zoroaster also do bad things. But in many countries, religions is intimately connected to opposition to things like abortion, equal rights for women, homosexuality, stem-cell research, etc. This accusation is made often, and is really more or less a straw-man.

Nor am I even saying that these things are inherent to religion. In fact, the problem is the opposite. These (well, stem-cell research rather more indirectly) were the prevailing opinions in the historical cultures that the religions began in and expanded out of.
I'm sorry, but it's simply not possible to deny that religion tends to be a very big reason for many of these cultural unsavoury practices. No one has ever denied that atheists, agnostics, Buddhists and followers of Zoroaster also do bad things. But in many countries, religions is intimately connected to opposition to things like abortion, equal rights for women, homosexuality, stem-cell research, etc. This accusation is made often, and is really more or less a straw-man.

Nor am I even saying that these things are inherent to religion. In fact, the problem is the opposite. These (well, stem-cell research rather more indirectly) were the prevailing opinions in the historical cultures that the religions began in and expanded out of.

Not the point that was being made I'm afraid.
In answer to the thread title, 100-150 years time an even then I'm, being optimistic.
Actually, you made a point that wasn't being discussed. It began with an incident in Pakistan. No one was talking about secular old England.

I answered a point that had been discussed by eric le roi. I thank you.
Yes, but he was responding to The Neviller, who had made an unnecessary point in response to said article from Pakistan. Context is important, or we're all just saying things.

Yes, but he made a sweeping generalisation with no qualifications so I answered his point in the context that it stood.
Well the discussion started with an article I posted, so I feel very comfortable saying that :)

Well I feel that you really must take this up with The Neviller and eric le roi who branched off into "all religion, religion, witchcraft and random spiritual bollocks" if I might quote them. After all, if the intention was to contain the discussion to an incident in Pakistan surely they would have said so and highlighted the predominant religion.

I don't think you should take it so hard when discussion branches off, after all the thread title is "When will people realise that ALL religion is just complete bollocks", so not really your thread to say what gets discussed on it, eh? ;)
Well, you were the one who told me off after I tried to add to the broader discussion, so I'd rather suggest you took your own advise.

Well I think you are mistaken. I'm sorry you felt the need to take umbrage at myself entering the discussion and adding my own thoughts to a post made by another poster entirely. If I'd known you were so proprietary about a thread once you'd entered it, well of course I'd have thought twice. And still posted, because as I've said, my own contribution was relevant to the material quoted.

Laughing my nuts off.
Are you sure you're not a teenager? My point is that I was just doing what you said you were doing; adding to the discussion. After which you told me off, without adding any actual reply. You seem to have bizarrely assumed the exact position you are "laughing your nuts off" over at me.
Are you sure you're not a teenager? My point is that I was just doing what you said you were doing; adding to the discussion. After which you told me off, without adding any actual reply. You seem to have bizarrely assumed the exact position you are "laughing your nuts off" over at me.

You're bringing my maturity into question when you've gone off on one because you feel I "told you off"?

I'll leave it to you niMic, this is so obviously your playground..
